Originally founded in 1953, the club initially met at the Pink Palace for many years. The meeting place moved to the Raleigh branch of the public library, then to a new location at the White Station Library and today at the McWherter Senior Center in Memphis..
The membership of the club is drawn from the greater Memphis Metropolitan area with members from Mississippi and Arkansas joining their Tennessee neighbors. Membership currently stands at over 45 and is made up of all age groups.
The club supports many activities throughout the year, including public school and educational projects, exhibits at local libraries and assisting with the local Scouting Merit Badge program.
We meet monthly on the first Thursday of the month, and have a philatelic program, an auction of stamps and other items and sometimes a short business meeting. Details on time and location may be found on the "Calendar of Events" page.
Annually MSCS presents MEMPHEX, the Memphis Philatelic Exhibition. The exhibition runs on a Saturday and Sunday, featuring judged stamp exhibits and several dealers selling stamps. MEMPHEX 2014 is scheduled for September 27 & 28. Please see the calendar of events for more information or visit our blog at: http://memphisstamps.blogspot.com
Join out social Internet Meetup Group at: http://www.meetup.com/Memphis-Stamp-Collectors-Society/events/qkzmmcyscbdb/