US Asia Philatelics
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General info Information  

About Us

This is a bit of information on my self as I am new to the world of Internet sales. My name is Richard Clever from San Jose, California. Many of you possibly know me from receiving my new issue service and the various stamp shows I do mostly in California, Oregon, Washington and Nevada. 

I have been in the retail stamp business for the past 30 years. I went into the great business full time about 10 years ago. I specialize in China and Japan. I also do a lot of business in virtually all of the Asian countries. I have an extended stock from the very early issues to new issues released late in 2002. I also have a specialized stock of Ireland.

In all sales I do send out the best quality stamp or cover I have in stock at the time of sale. If there any question on the quality of identification, anything may be returned with in 10 days of receiving for a full refund.

I attend about 35 show each year and most of them are from the mid part of the states to the west coast. At the shows I do carry a vast array of stock, both mint, used, full sets and broken sets on the early issues. In China, and Ireland I do stock First Day Covers as well a commercial covers. In some of the countries I can also supply postal stationery as issued.

I also have been supplying new issues for China, Peoples Republic of China, Japan, Macao, Hong Kong, Singapore and Ireland for about 20 years. This is the type of service that will keep your collection to date. A standing order account receives material prior to my retail stock. There is a discount for you having a standing order account with me. If this service is something that you may be interested in, I would send you more information at your request.

Members of: APS, NSAD, China Stamp Society, International Society for Japanese Philately, China Stamp Society London, Indo-China Philatelists, Thai Society, Irish Philatelic Society.

Richard E. Clever
Asia Philatelics
P.O. Box 730993
San Jose, CA 95173
Phone: 408-238-0893
Fax: 408-238-2539
Email :