
Şimdi gösteriyor: Nikaragua - Posta pulları (1862 - 2021) - 15 pullar.

1907 Coat of Arms - Imprint Bottom "Waterlow & Sons, Ltd"

Mayıs WM: Hiçbiri Gravür: "Waterlow & Sons, Ltd" Perforasyon: 14 & 15

[Coat of Arms - Imprint Bottom "Waterlow & Sons, Ltd", tip AL] [Coat of Arms - Imprint Bottom "Waterlow & Sons, Ltd", tip AL3] [Coat of Arms - Imprint Bottom "Waterlow & Sons, Ltd", tip AL5]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
233 AL 1C - 0,54 0,27 - USD  Info
234 AL1 2C - 0,54 0,27 - USD  Info
235 AL2 4C - 1,63 0,27 - USD  Info
236 AL3 10C - 2,18 0,27 - USD  Info
237 AL4 15C - 4,36 0,82 - USD  Info
238 AL5 20C - 6,54 0,82 - USD  Info
239 AL6 50C - 8,72 4,36 - USD  Info
233‑239 - 24,51 7,08 - USD 
[Coat of Arms Stamps of 1907 Stamps Surcharged Downwards, tip AL7] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1907 Stamps Surcharged Downwards, tip AL9] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1907 Stamps Surcharged Downwards, tip AL10]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
240 AL7 10/2C - 1,09 0,54 - USD  Info
241 AL8 10/4C - - 5,45 - USD  Info
242 AL9 10/20C - 2,72 1,09 - USD  Info
243 AL10 10/50C - 1,63 0,54 - USD  Info
244 AL11 15/1C - 32,68 3,27 - USD  Info
240‑244 - 38,12 10,89 - USD 
1907 Coat of Arms Stamps of 1907 Surcharged Upwards

Ekim WM: Hiçbiri Perforasyon: 14 & 15

[Coat of Arms Stamps of 1907 Surcharged Upwards, tip AL12] [Coat of Arms Stamps of 1907 Surcharged Upwards, tip AL13]
No. Tip D Yeniye yakın durumda Kullanılmamış Kullanılmış Mektup/FDC
245 AL12 10/2C - 13,07 6,54 - USD  Info
246 AL13 10/4C - 2,18 0,82 - USD  Info
247 AL14 10/20C - - 65,37 - USD  Info
245‑247 - 15,25 72,73 - USD 







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