Şimdi gösteriyor: İtalya - Posta pulları (1970 - 1979) - 379 pullar.
6. Şubat WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: R. Prünster Gravür: I.P.S. Officina carte valori
![[World Alpine Ski Championships, tip AFG]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFG-s.jpg)
![[World Alpine Ski Championships, tip AFH]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFH-s.jpg)
6. Nisan WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: E. Golyahovsk Gravür: I.P.S. Officina carte valori Perforasyon: 14 x 13½
![[The 450th Anniversary of the Death of Raphael, tip AFI]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFI-s.jpg)
![[The 450th Anniversary of the Death of Raphael, tip AFJ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFJ-s.jpg)
2. Mayıs WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: S. Salaroli, Piludu Gravür: I.P.S. Officina carte valori Perforasyon: 14 x 13½
![[The 50th Anniversary of the 1st Flight from Rome to Tokyo, tip AFK]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFK-s.jpg)
![[The 50th Anniversary of the 1st Flight from Rome to Tokyo, tip AFK1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFK1-s.jpg)
4. Mayıs WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: L. Le Brocquy Gravür: I.P.S. Officina carte valori Perforasyon: 14
![[EUROPA Stamps, tip AFL]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFL-s.jpg)
![[EUROPA Stamps, tip AFL1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFL1-s.jpg)
30. Mayıs WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 100 Tasarım: V. Nicastro Gravür: V. Nicastro Perforasyon: 14 x 13½
![[The 600th Anniversary of the Birth of Narni, tip AFM]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFM-s.jpg)
26. Ağustos WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: S. Dabavich Gravür: I.P.S. Officina carte valori Perforasyon: 14
![[World University Games - Turin, Italy, tip AFN]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFN-s.jpg)
![[World University Games - Turin, Italy, tip AFO]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFO-s.jpg)
31. Ağustos WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: E. Golyahovsk Gravür: I.P.S. Officina carte valori Perforasyon: 14
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Maria Montessori, tip AFP]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFP-s.jpg)
19. Eylül WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 25 Gravür: I.P.S. Officina carte valori Perforasyon: 14
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Union of the Roman States with Italy, tip AFQ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFQ-s.jpg)
26. Eylül WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 40 Tasarım: V. Nicastro Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14 x 13½
![[The 400th Anniversary of the Death of Tatti, tip AFR]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFR-s.jpg)
15. Ekim WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 40 Tasarım: E. Golyahovsk Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14 x 14½
![[The 100th Anniversary of Garibaldi's Participation in the Franco-Prussian War during Battle of Dijon, tip AFS]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFS-s.jpg)
![[The 100th Anniversary of Garibaldi's Participation in the Franco-Prussian War during Battle of Dijon, tip AFS1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFS1-s.jpg)
24. Ekim WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 13 x 14
![[The 25th Anniversary of the United Nations, tip AFT]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFT-s.jpg)
![[The 25th Anniversary of the United Nations, tip AFT1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFT1-s.jpg)
12. Kasım WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 40 Tasarım: L. Andenna Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14
![[The 65th Anniversary of Rotary International, tip AFU]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFU-s.jpg)
![[The 65th Anniversary of Rotary International, tip AFU1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFU1-s.jpg)
24. Kasım WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 40 Tasarım: S. Teglia Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14
![[The Completion of the Automatic Trunk Telephone Dialing System, tip AFV]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFV-s.jpg)
![[The Completion of the Automatic Trunk Telephone Dialing System, tip AFV1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFV1-s.jpg)
28. Kasım WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 40 Tasarım: E. Vangelli Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14½ x 14
![[European Conservation Year, tip AFW]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFW-s.jpg)
![[European Conservation Year, tip AFW1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFW1-s.jpg)
6. Aralık WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: E .Donnini Gravür: E. Donnini Perforasyon: 14
![[Stamp Day, tip AFX]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFX-s.jpg)
12. Aralık WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: E. Golyahovsk Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14
![[Christmas Stamps, tip AFY]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFY-s.jpg)
![[Christmas Stamps, tip AFZ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AFZ-s.jpg)
17. Aralık WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 40 Tasarım: E. e S. Consolazione Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Mercadante, tip AGA]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGA-s.jpg)
20. Mart WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: E. Golyahovsk Gravür: I.P.S. Officina carte valori Perforasyon: 14
![[The 400th Anniversary of the Death of Cellini, tip AGB]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGB-s.jpg)
8. Nisan WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 40 Tasarım: T. Mele Gravür: T. Mele Perforasyon: 14
![[Saint Peter Temple in Monterio, Italy, tip AGC]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGC-s.jpg)
28. Nisan WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: E. Donnini Gravür: I.P.S. Officina carte valori Perforasyon: 14 x 13½
![[The 20th Anniversary of European Coal and Steel Community, tip AGD]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGD-s.jpg)
![[The 20th Anniversary of European Coal and Steel Community, tip AGD1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGD1-s.jpg)
3. Mayıs WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 40 Tasarım: H. Haftidason Gravür: I.P.S. Officina carte valori Perforasyon: 14
![[EUROPA Stamps, tip AGE]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGE-s.jpg)
![[EUROPA Stamps, tip AGE1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGE1-s.jpg)
12. Haziran WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 100 Tasarım: 凹版 Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14 x 13½
![[The 25th Anniversary of the Italian Republic, tip AGF]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGF-s.jpg)
![[The 25th Anniversary of the Italian Republic, tip AGF1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGF1-s.jpg)
16. Haziran WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: A. Frühauf Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14 x 13½
![[Canoe Slalom World Championships, Merano, tip AGG]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGG-s.jpg)
![[Canoe Slalom World Championships, Merano, tip AGH]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGH-s.jpg)
26. Haziran WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: A. Perone Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14 x 13½
![[Youth Games, tip AGI]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGI-s.jpg)
![[Youth Games, tip AGJ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGJ-s.jpg)
16. Eylül WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: E. Ciocca, T. Mele, L. Landenna Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14 x 13½
![[The 25th Anniversary of ALITALIA, tip AGK]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGK-s.jpg)
![[The 25th Anniversary of ALITALIA, tip AGL]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGL-s.jpg)
![[The 25th Anniversary of ALITALIA, tip AGM]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGM-s.jpg)
28. Eylül WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 40 Tasarım: V. Nicastro Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 13½ x 14
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Deledda, tip AGN]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGN-s.jpg)
27. Ekim WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: Hg pubblicità marketing Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 13½ x 14
![[Postal Savings Bank, tip AGO]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGO-s.jpg)
![[Postal Savings Bank, tip AGO1]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGO1-s.jpg)
15. Kasım WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: R. Garrasi Gravür: I.P.S. Officina carte valori Perforasyon: 14
![[Airmail, tip PX8]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/PX8-s.jpg)
15. Kasım WM: 4 Sheetboyutu: 100 Tasarım: V. Grassi Gravür: i.p.s. officina carte valori, Roma Perforasyon: 14
![[Italia - Syracusean Coin, New Values, tip TO43]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/TO43-s.jpg)
26. Kasım WM: Hiçbiri Sheetboyutu: 50 Tasarım: E. Tomei Gravür: I.P.S. Roma Perforasyon: 14 x 13½
![[The 25th Anniversary of UNICEF, tip AGP]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGP-s.jpg)
![[The 25th Anniversary of UNICEF, tip AGQ]](https://www.stampworld.com/media/catalogue/Italy/Postage-stamps/AGQ-s.jpg)