Visar nu: Iran - Postfrimärken (1868 - 2024) - 59 frimärken.
12. januari WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Flowers, Typ DCZ]](
21. januari WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Mabas Festival, Typ DDA]](
27. januari WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Paralympics 1992 - Barcelona, Spain, Typ DDD]](
31. januari WM: Inga Perforering: 13 x 13¼
![[Planning Day, Typ DDB]](
31. januari WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Cultural Heritage, Typ DDF]](
8. februari WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13
![[World Day of the Oppressed, Typ DDG]](
11. februari WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[The 14th Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, Typ DDL]](
13. februari WM: Inga Perforering: 13 x 13¼
![[The 1st Islamic Countries Women Sports Games, Typ DDQ]](
16. februari WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Congress to Commemorate Sheikh Morteza Ansari, 1800-1864, Typ DDR]](
mars WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Flowers, Typ DEA]](
6. mars WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Day of the Tree, Typ DDS]](
11. mars WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[New Year - Flowers, Typ DDX]](
14. mars WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Jerusalem Day, Typ DDT]](
25. mars WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Fetr Festival - End of the Ramadan, Typ DDY]](
1. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[The 14th Anniversary of the Islamic Republic, Typ DDZ]](
17. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13 x 13¼
![[The 1000th Anniversary of the Birth of Abu Abdullah Sheikh Mofeed, Typ DEB]](
21. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Flowers, Typ DEC]](
21. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[The 13th Conference of Asian and Pacific Labour Ministers - Tehran, Typ DED]](
29. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Flowers, Typ DEE]](
17. maj WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[International Congress for the Promotion of Science and Technology in the Islamic World, Typ DEF]](
18. maj WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[International Museum Day, Typ DEG]](
1. juni WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[World Child Day, Typ DEI]](
4. juni WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13
![[The 4th Anniversary of the Death of Ajatollah Khomeini, 1900-1989, Typ DEH]](
10. juni WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[World Crafts Day, Typ DEJ]](
10. juli WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Flowers, Typ DEK]](
11. juli WM: Inga Perforering: 13 x 13¼
![[World Population Day, Typ DEL]](
22. juli WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[National Students Games - Tehran, Typ DEM]](
![[National Students Games - Tehran, Typ DEN]](
![[National Students Games - Tehran, Typ DEO]](
31. juli WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Flowers, Typ DEP]](
11. augusti WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Flowers, Typ DEQ]](
11. september WM: Inga Perforering: 13 x 13¼
![[The 9th International Youth Film Festival - Isfahan, Typ DER]](
9. oktober WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13
![[World Post Day, Typ DES]](
5. november WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[The 3rd International Biennial of Children's Book Illustrators - Tehran, Typ DEY]](
7. november WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Flowers, Typ DET]](
![[Flowers, Typ DEU]](
16. november WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13
![[Khaje Nassireddin Tussy, 1201-1274, Typ DEZ]](
2. december WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Week of Basij, Typ DFA]](
![[Week of Basij, Typ DFB]](
22. december WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13
![[Ajatollah Golpayegani, Typ DFC]](
27. december WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13
![[Solidarity with the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Typ DFF]](