Sedaj prikazano: Singapur - Poštne znamke (1960 - 1969) - 63 znamke.

[The 1st Anniversary of Autonomy, tip Y] [The 1st Anniversary of Autonomy, tip Y1]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
49 Y 4C 2,08 - 0,78 - USD  Info
50 Y1 10C 3,13 - 1,04 - USD  Info
49‑50 5,21 - 1,82 - USD 
[The 2nd Anniversary of Autonomy, tip Z] [The 2nd Anniversary of Autonomy, tip Z1]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
51 Z 4C 1,04 - 1,04 - USD  Info
52 Z1 10C 1,56 - 0,26 - USD  Info
51‑52 2,60 - 1,30 - USD 
1962 Animals and Flowers

WM: 2 Perforacija: 12½ - 14½

[Animals and Flowers, tip AA] [Animals and Flowers, tip AB] [Animals and Flowers, tip AC] [Animals and Flowers, tip AD] [Animals and Flowers, tip AE] [Animals and Flowers, tip AF] [Animals and Flowers, tip AG] [Animals and Flowers, tip AH]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
53 AA 1C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
54 AB 2C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
55 AC 4C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
56 AD 5C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
57 AE 6C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
58 AF 8C 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
59 AG 10C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
60 AH 12C 0,78 - 0,78 - USD  Info
53‑60 3,12 - 3,12 - USD 
1962 Animals and Flowers

WM: 2 Perforacija: 12½ - 14½

[Animals and Flowers, tip AI] [Animals and Flowers, tip AJ] [Animals and Flowers, tip AK] [Animals and Flowers, tip AL] [Animals and Flowers, tip AM] [Animals and Flowers, tip AN] [Animals and Flowers, tip AO] [Animals and Flowers, tip AP]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
61 AI 15C 1,04 - 0,26 - USD  Info
62 AJ 20C 0,52 - 0,26 - USD  Info
63 AK 25C 0,78 - 0,26 - USD  Info
64 AL 30C 1,04 - 0,26 - USD  Info
65 AM 50C 1,56 - 0,26 - USD  Info
66 AN 1$ 15,63 - 0,78 - USD  Info
67 AO 2$ 15,63 - 1,56 - USD  Info
68 AP 5$ 41,68 - 5,21 - USD  Info
61‑68 77,88 - 8,85 - USD 
1962 The 3rd Anniversary of Autonomy

3. junij WM: Nič Perforacija: 11¾

[The 3rd Anniversary of Autonomy, tip AQ] [The 3rd Anniversary of Autonomy, tip AQ1]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
69 AQ 4C 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
70 AQ1 10C 1,56 - 0,78 - USD  Info
69‑70 3,12 - 2,34 - USD 
[The 4th Anniversary of Autonomy, tip AR] [The 4th Anniversary of Autonomy, tip AR1]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
71 AR 4C 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
72 AR1 10C 2,08 - 0,26 - USD  Info
71‑72 2,60 - 0,78 - USD 
[South East Asia Cultural Festival, tip AS]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
73 AS 5C 0,78 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1966 National Day

9. avgust WM: Nič Perforacija: 12½ x 13

[National Day, tip AT] [National Day, tip AT1] [National Day, tip AT2]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
74 AT 15C 0,78 - 0,26 - USD  Info
75 AT1 20C 1,04 - 0,78 - USD  Info
76 AT2 30C 2,08 - 0,78 - USD  Info
74‑76 3,90 - 1,82 - USD 
1967 National Day

9. avgust WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 14½

[National Day, tip AU] [National Day, tip AV] [National Day, tip AW]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
77 AU 6C 0,78 - 0,26 - USD  Info
78 AV 15C 1,04 - 0,26 - USD  Info
79 AW 50C 1,56 - 1,56 - USD  Info
77‑79 3,38 - 2,08 - USD 
1967 The 2nd Afro-Asian Housing Congress

7. oktober WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 13½

[The 2nd Afro-Asian Housing Congress, tip AX] [The 2nd Afro-Asian Housing Congress, tip AX1] [The 2nd Afro-Asian Housing Congress, tip AX2]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
80 AX 10C 0,52 - 0,26 - USD  Info
81 AX1 25C 1,04 - 0,78 - USD  Info
82 AX2 50C 1,56 - 1,04 - USD  Info
80‑82 3,12 - 2,08 - USD 
1968 National Day

9. avgust WM: Nič Perforacija: 13½ x 14½

[National Day, tip AY] [National Day, tip AZ] [National Day, tip BA]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
83 AY 6C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
84 AZ 15C 0,52 - 0,26 - USD  Info
85 BA 50C 1,56 - 1,04 - USD  Info
83‑85 2,34 - 1,56 - USD 
[Classic Folk Dances and Mask Dances, tip BB] [Classic Folk Dances and Mask Dances, tip BC] [Classic Folk Dances and Mask Dances, tip BD] [Classic Folk Dances and Mask Dances, tip BE] [Classic Folk Dances and Mask Dances, tip BF] [Classic Folk Dances and Mask Dances, tip BG] [Classic Folk Dances and Mask Dances, tip BH] [Classic Folk Dances and Mask Dances, tip BI] [Classic Folk Dances and Mask Dances, tip BJ] [Classic Folk Dances and Mask Dances, tip BK]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
86 BB 5C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
87 BC 6C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
88 BD 10C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
89 BE 15C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
90 BF 20C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
91 BG 25C 0,52 - 0,26 - USD  Info
92 BH 30C 0,78 - 0,26 - USD  Info
93 BI 50C 1,04 - 0,26 - USD  Info
94 BJ 75C 2,08 - 0,26 - USD  Info
95 BK 1$ 2,08 - 0,52 - USD  Info
86‑95 7,80 - 2,86 - USD 
[The 25th Plenary Session of the U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, tip BL] [The 25th Plenary Session of the U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, tip BL1] [The 25th Plenary Session of the U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, tip BL2]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
96 BL 15C 0,52 - 0,26 - USD  Info
97 BL1 30C 1,56 - 1,04 - USD  Info
98 BL2 75C 2,60 - 2,08 - USD  Info
96‑98 4,68 - 3,38 - USD 


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