Nova Britanija

Sedaj prikazano: Nova Britanija - Poštne znamke (1914 - 1915) - 32 znamke.

[German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip A] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip A1] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip A2] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip A3] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip A4] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip A6] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip A7] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip A8] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip A9] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip A10] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip B] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip B1] [German New Guinea Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip B2]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
1 A 1/3d/Pfg - 36,47 46,89 - USD  Info
2 A1 1/5d/Pfg - 14,59 22,92 - USD  Info
3 A2 2/10d/Pfg - 22,92 31,26 - USD  Info
4 A3 2/20d/Pfg - 26,05 36,47 - USD  Info
5 A4 2½/10d/Pfg - 78,15 140 - USD  Info
6 A5 2½/20d/Pfg - 93,78 140 - USD  Info
7 A6 3/25d/Pfg - 93,78 104 - USD  Info
8 A7 3/30d/Pfg - 78,15 93,78 - USD  Info
9 A8 4/40d/Pfg - 93,78 114 - USD  Info
10 A9 5/50d/Pfg - 114 156 - USD  Info
11 A10 8//80d/Pfg - 781 937 - USD  Info
12 B 1/1s/Mk - 1.250 2.292 - USD  Info
13 B1 2/2s/Mk - 1.354 2.292 - USD  Info
14 B2 3/3s/Mk - 1.458 1.875 - USD  Info
15 B3 5/5s/Mk - 7.815 7.815 - USD  Info
1‑15 - 13.312 16.100 - USD 
[German Marshall Islands Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip C] [German Marshall Islands Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip C1] [German Marshall Islands Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip C2] [German Marshall Islands Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip C3] [German Marshall Islands Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip C4] [German Marshall Islands Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip C5] [German Marshall Islands Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip C6] [German Marshall Islands Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip C7] [German Marshall Islands Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip C8] [German Marshall Islands Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip D] [German Marshall Islands Stamps of 1901 Surcharged and Overprinted "G.R.I." - Georgius Rex Imperator, tip D1]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
16 C 1/3d/Pfg - 36,47 62,52 - USD  Info
17 C1 1/5d/Pfg - 52,10 62,52 - USD  Info
18 C2 2/10d/Pfg - 15,63 20,84 - USD  Info
19 C3 2/20d/Pfg - 18,76 26,05 - USD  Info
20 C4 3/25d/Pfg - 260 416 - USD  Info
21 C5 3/30d/Pfg - 338 416 - USD  Info
22 C6 4/40d/Pfg - 93,78 140 - USD  Info
23 C7 5/50d/Pfg - 145 197 - USD  Info
24 C8 8/80d/Pfg - 468 573 - USD  Info
25 D 1/1s/Mk - 1.563 2.605 - USD  Info
26 D1 2/2s/Mk - 1.146 1.667 - USD  Info
27 D2 3/3s/Mk - 2.813 4.168 - USD  Info
28 D3 5/5s/Mk - 6.773 7.815 - USD  Info
16‑28 - 13.726 18.172 - USD 
1915 Stamps of 1914 Surcharged

WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 14½

Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
29 E 1/2/10d/Pfg - - 12.504 - USD  Info
30 E1 1/2/20d/Pfg - - 12.504 - USD  Info
29‑30 - - 25.008 - USD 
1915 Stamps of 1914 Surcharged

WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 14½

[Stamps of 1914 Surcharged, tip F] [Stamps of 1914 Surcharged, tip F1]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
31 F 1/2/10d/Pfg - 151 208 - USD  Info
32 F1 1/2/20d/Pfg - 2.813 2.292 - USD  Info
31‑32 - 2.964 2.500 - USD 


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