Sedaj prikazano: Nizozemski Antili - Poštne znamke (1960 - 1969) - 109 znamke.
12. januar WM: Nič Perforacija: 13½
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Msgr. Martinus J. Newindt, tip BO]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Msgr. Martinus J. Newindt, tip BO1]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Msgr. Martinus J. Newindt, tip BO2]](
29. april WM: Nič Perforacija: 12½ x 13
![[Labour Day, tip BP]](
24. avgust WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 13½
![[Charity, tip BQ]](
![[Charity, tip BR]](
![[Charity, tip BS]](
24. julij WM: Nič Perforacija: 13½
![[Child Care, tip BT]](
![[Child Care, tip BU]](
![[Child Care, tip BV]](
![[Child Care, tip BW]](
16. november WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 13½
![[The 185th Anniversary of First Salute by a Foreign Power to the US Flag, tip BX]](
31. januar WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 12¾
![[Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard, tip BY]](
![[Queen Juliana and Prince Bernhard, tip BY1]](
14. marec WM: Nič Perforacija: 12½ x 13½
![[Culture, tip ]](
2. maj WM: Nič Perforacija: 13 x 14½
![[International Chess Tournament, tip CD]](
![[International Chess Tournament, tip CD1]](
![[International Chess Tournament, tip CD2]](
21. marec WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 13
![[Freedom from Hunger, tip CE]](
17. april WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 13½
![[The 4th Caribbean Conference for Menthal Health, tip CF]](
![[The 4th Caribbean Conference for Menthal Health, tip CG]](
1. julij WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 13
![[The 100th Anniversary of Abolition of Slavery, tip CH]](
31. avgust WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 13
![[Opening of Hotel Bonaire, tip CI]](
23. oktober WM: Nič Perforacija: 14½ x 13
![[Child Care, tip CJ]](
![[Child Care, tip CK]](
![[Child Care, tip CL]](
![[Child Care, tip CM]](
![[Child Care, tip CN]](
21. november WM: Nič Perforacija: 13½ x 14
![[The 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the Kingdom of Netherlands, tip CO]](
10. december WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 13
![[Opening of Chemical Factories on Aruba, tip CP]](
22. junij WM: Nič Perforacija: 11 x 11½
![[The 35th Anniversary of the First Regular Curacao Airmail service, tip CQ]](
![[The 35th Anniversary of the First Regular Curacao Airmail service, tip CR]](
21. oktober WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 13
![[Child Care - Flowers, tip CS]](
![[Child Care - Flowers, tip CT]](
![[Child Care - Flowers, tip CU]](
![[Child Care - Flowers, tip CV]](
30. november WM: Nič Perforacija: 11 x 11½
![[The 5th Meeting of the Caribbean Council, tip CW]](
14. december WM: Nič Perforacija: 11¾ x 11
![[The 10th Anniversary of the Charter of the Kingdom of Netherlands, tip CX]](
22. februar WM: Nič Perforacija: 13 x 14
![[Royal Visit, tip CY]](
17. maj WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 13½
![[The 100th Anniversary of International Telecommunication Union, tip CZ]](
22. junij WM: Nič Perforacija: 13½ x 14
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Oil Industry in Curacao, tip DA]](
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Oil Industry in Curacao, tip DB]](
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Oil Industry in Curacao, tip DC]](
25. avgust WM: Nič Perforacija: 14 x 13
![[Nature and Culture, tip DD]](
![[Nature and Culture, tip DE]](
![[Nature and Culture, tip DF]](
![[Nature and Culture, tip DG]](
![[Nature and Culture, tip DH]](
![[Nature and Culture, tip DI]](