Sedaj prikazano: Belize - Poštne znamke (1973 - 2021) - 83 znamke.

[International Stamp Exhibition "WIPA" - Vienna, Austria, tip GF1] [International Stamp Exhibition "WIPA" - Vienna, Austria, tip GI1]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
245 GF1 1/1.50$ 5,25 - 1,58 - USD  Info
246 GI1 2/4$ 8,40 - 2,63 - USD  Info
245‑246 13,65 - 4,21 - USD 
[International Stamp Exhibition "WIPA" - Vienna, Austria, tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
247 GH2 2/10$ - - - - USD  Info
247 26,26 - 6,30 - USD 
[The 75th Anniversary of Rotary International, tip GJ] [The 75th Anniversary of Rotary International, tip GK] [The 75th Anniversary of Rotary International, tip GL] [The 75th Anniversary of Rotary International, tip GM] [The 75th Anniversary of Rotary International, tip GN] [The 75th Anniversary of Rotary International, tip GO] [The 75th Anniversary of Rotary International, tip GP]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
248 GJ 25C 1,58 - 0,26 - USD  Info
249 GK 50C 2,10 - 0,26 - USD  Info
250 GL 1$ 2,63 - 0,79 - USD  Info
251 GM 1.50$ 4,20 - 1,05 - USD  Info
252 GN 2$ 5,25 - 1,58 - USD  Info
253 GO 3$ 5,25 - 2,10 - USD  Info
254 GP 5$ 6,30 - 4,20 - USD  Info
248‑254 27,31 - 10,24 - USD 
[The 75th Anniversary of Rotary International, tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
255 GN1 5$ - - - - USD  Info
256 GL1 10$ - - - - USD  Info
255‑256 31,51 - - - USD 
255‑256 - - - - USD 
[The 75th Anniversary of Rotary International, tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
257 GK1 10$ - - - - USD  Info
257 26,26 - - - USD 
1981 Royal Wedding

16. julij WM: Nič Perforacija: 13¾ x 14

[Royal Wedding, tip GQ] [Royal Wedding, tip GR] [Royal Wedding, tip GS]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
258 GQ 50C 0,53 - 0,53 - USD  Info
259 GR 1$ 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
260 GS 1.50$ 1,58 - 1,58 - USD  Info
258‑260 2,90 - 2,90 - USD 
1981 Royal Wedding

16. julij WM: Nič Perforacija: 13¾ x 14

[Royal Wedding, tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
261 GS1 3$ - - - - USD  Info
262 GQ1 3$ - - - - USD  Info
263 GR1 3$ - - - - USD  Info
261‑263 5,25 - 5,25 - USD 
261‑263 - - - - USD 
1981 Royal Wedding

16. julij WM: Nič Perforacija: 13¾

[Royal Wedding, tip GQ2] [Royal Wedding, tip GR2] [Royal Wedding, tip GS2]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
264 GQ2 50C 0,53 - 0,26 - USD  Info
265 GR2 1$ 0,79 - 0,53 - USD  Info
266 GS2 1.50$ 1,58 - 0,53 - USD  Info
264‑266 2,90 - 1,32 - USD 
1981 History of the Olympics

14. september WM: Nič Perforacija: 14

[History of the Olympics, tip GT] [History of the Olympics, tip GU] [History of the Olympics, tip GV] [History of the Olympics, tip GW] [History of the Olympics, tip GX] [History of the Olympics, tip GY]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
267 GT 85C 2,10 - 0,53 - USD  Info
268 GU 1$ 6,30 - 0,53 - USD  Info
269 GV 1.50$ 3,15 - 0,53 - USD  Info
270 GW 2$ 4,20 - 0,53 - USD  Info
271 GX 3$ 5,25 - 0,53 - USD  Info
272 GY 5$ 6,30 - 0,79 - USD  Info
267‑272 27,30 - 3,44 - USD 
1981 History of the Olympics

14. september WM: Nič Perforacija: 14

[History of the Olympics, tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
273 GX1 5$ - - - - USD  Info
274 GY1 10$ - - - - USD  Info
273‑274 42,01 - 4,20 - USD 
273‑274 - - - - USD 
1981 History of the Olympics

14. september WM: Nič Perforacija: 14

[History of the Olympics, tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
275 GW1 15$ - - - - USD  Info
275 42,01 - 5,25 - USD 
1981 History of the Olympics

14. september WM: Nič Perforacija: 14

[History of the Olympics, tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
276 GW2 15$ - - - - USD  Info
275 84,02 - 10,50 - USD 
1981 No. 164 Surcharged

WM: Nič Perforacija: 14

[No. 164 Surcharged, tip EB1]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
277 EB1 10/15C 8,40 - 4,20 - USD  Info
277A EB2 10/15C 52,52 - 31,51 - USD  Info
[No. 248-254 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip GJ1] [No. 248-254 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip GK2] [No. 248-254 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip GL2] [No. 248-254 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip GM1] [No. 248-254 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip GN2] [No. 248-254 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip GO1] [No. 248-254 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip GP1]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
278 GJ1 25C 3,15 - 0,53 - USD  Info
279 GK2 50C 4,20 - 0,79 - USD  Info
280 GL2 1$ 5,25 - 1,58 - USD  Info
281 GM1 1.50$ 6,30 - 2,10 - USD  Info
282 GN2 2$ 3,15 - 2,10 - USD  Info
283 GO1 3$ 8,40 - 3,15 - USD  Info
284 GP1 5$ 10,50 - 4,20 - USD  Info
278‑284 40,95 - 14,45 - USD 
[No. 255-256 Overprinted "INDEPENDENCE - 21 SEPT 1981", tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
285 GN3 5$ - - - - USD  Info
286 GL3 10$ - - - - USD  Info
285‑286 21,01 - 15,75 - USD 
285‑286 - - - - USD 
1981 No. 257 Overprinted "INDEPENDENCE - 21 SEPT 1981"

21. september WM: Nič Perforacija: 14

[No. 257 Overprinted "INDEPENDENCE - 21 SEPT 1981", tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
287 GK3 10$ - - - - USD  Info
287 15,75 - 12,60 - USD 
[No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip DV1] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip DW1] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip DX1] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip DY1] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip DZ1] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip EA1] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip EB3] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip EC1] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip ED1] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip EE1] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip EF1] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip EG1] [No. 158-174 Overprinted "Independence - 21 September 1981", tip EH1]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
288 DV1 1C 1,58 - 0,26 - USD  Info
289 DW1 2C 1,58 - 0,26 - USD  Info
290 DX1 3C 1,58 - 0,26 - USD  Info
291 DY1 4C 1,58 - 0,26 - USD  Info
292 DZ1 5C 2,10 - 0,26 - USD  Info
293 EA1 10C 2,63 - 0,26 - USD  Info
294 EB3 15C 3,15 - 0,26 - USD  Info
295 EC1 20C 4,20 - 0,26 - USD  Info
296 ED1 25C 4,20 - 0,26 - USD  Info
297 EE1 35C 5,25 - 0,53 - USD  Info
298 EF1 45C 6,30 - 0,53 - USD  Info
299 EG1 50C 8,40 - 0,53 - USD  Info
300 EH1 85C 8,40 - 1,05 - USD  Info
301 EJ1 2$ 15,75 - 3,15 - USD  Info
302 EK1 5$ 21,01 - 8,40 - USD  Info
303 EL1 10$ 31,51 - 12,60 - USD  Info
288‑303 119 - 29,13 - USD 
[No. 175-176 Overprinted "Independence - 21 Sept 1981", tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
304 EM1 85C - - - - USD  Info
305 EN1 5$ - - - - USD  Info
304‑305 26,26 - 12,60 - USD 
304‑305 - - - - USD 
[No. 177-178 Overprinted "INDEPENDENCE - 21 Sept 1981", tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
306 EO1 2$ - - - - USD  Info
307 EP1 10$ - - - - USD  Info
306‑307 31,51 - 15,75 - USD 
306‑307 - - - - USD 
[International Stamp Exhibition ESPAMER 81 - Buenos Aires, Argentina, tip GM2]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
308 GM2 1/1.50$ 12,60 - 3,15 - USD  Info
[International Stamp Exhibition ESPAMER 81 - Buenos Aires, Argentina, tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
309 GN4 1/5$ - - - - USD  Info
310 GL4 1/10$ - - - - USD  Info
309‑310 26,26 - 6,30 - USD 
309‑310 - - - - USD 
[International Stamp Exhibition Philatelia 81 - Frankfurt, Germany, tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
311 EM2 1/85$/C - - - - USD  Info
312 EN2 1/5$ - - - - USD  Info
311‑312 15,75 - - - USD 
311‑312 - - - - USD 
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
313 EO2 1/2$ - - - - USD  Info
314 EP2 1/10$ - - - - USD  Info
313‑314 15,75 - - - USD 
313‑314 - - - - USD 
1981 Independence Commemoration

18. december WM: Nič Perforacija: 14

[Independence Commemoration, tip GZ] [Independence Commemoration, tip HA] [Independence Commemoration, tip HB] [Independence Commemoration, tip HC]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
315 GZ 50C 15,75 - 1,05 - USD  Info
316 HA 85C 4,20 - 1,05 - USD  Info
317 HB 1$ 4,20 - 1,05 - USD  Info
318 HC 2$ 15,75 - 5,25 - USD  Info
315‑318 39,90 - 8,40 - USD 
1981 Football World Cup - Spain

28. december WM: Nič Perforacija: 14

[Football World Cup - Spain, tip HD] [Football World Cup - Spain, tip HE] [Football World Cup - Spain, tip HF] [Football World Cup - Spain, tip HG] [Football World Cup - Spain, tip HH] [Football World Cup - Spain, tip HI]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
319 HD 10C 2,10 - 0,26 - USD  Info
320 HE 25C 3,15 - 0,26 - USD  Info
321 HF 50C 4,20 - 0,53 - USD  Info
322 HG 1$ 6,30 - 0,53 - USD  Info
323 HH 1.50$ 8,40 - 1,05 - USD  Info
324 HI 2$ 8,40 - 1,58 - USD  Info
319‑324 32,55 - 4,21 - USD 
1981 Football World Cup - Spain 1982

28. december WM: Nič Perforacija: 14½

[Football World Cup - Spain 1982, tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
325 HJ 2$ - - - - USD  Info
325 15,75 - 3,15 - USD 
1981 Football World Cup - Spain 1982

28. december WM: Nič Perforacija: 14½

[Football World Cup - Spain 1982, tip ]
Št. Tip D čiste čiste s falcom žigosane Pismo/FDC
326 HK 3$ - - - - USD  Info
326 26,26 - 2,63 - USD 


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