
Сейчаc отображается Ньюфаундленд - Почтовые марки (1857 - 1947) - 1 марки.

[The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип EL] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип EM] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип EN] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип EO] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип EP] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип EQ] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип ER] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип ES] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип ET] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип EU] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип EV] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип EW] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип EX] [The 350th Anniversary of the Annexation of Newfoundland to England, тип EY]
Тип Д Состояние: Новая Неиспользованная Б/у Письмо / КПД
208 EL 1C - 1,07 1,61 - USD  Info
209 EM 2C - 1,61 0,81 - USD  Info
210 EN 3C - 2,69 1,61 - USD  Info
211 EO 4C - 1,61 0,81 - USD  Info
212 EP 5C - 2,69 1,07 - USD  Info
213 EQ 7C - 16,11 214 - USD  Info
214 ER 8C - 10,74 21,49 - USD  Info
214a ER1 8C - 429 - - USD  Info
215 ES 9C - 10,74 16,11 - USD  Info
216 ET 10C - 8,59 12,89 - USD  Info
217 EU 14C - 21,49 42,97 - USD  Info
218 EV 15C - 12,89 26,86 - USD  Info
219 EW 20C - 16,11 26,86 - USD  Info
220 EX 24C - 16,11 32,23 - USD  Info
221 EY 32C - 16,11 64,46 - USD  Info


С года

До года




