Antigua şi Barbuda

Prezentat acum: Antigua şi Barbuda - Timbre poştale (1981 - 2021) - 1 timbre.

[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington, Tip AO] [The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington, Tip AP] [The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington, Tip AQ] [The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington, Tip AR] [The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington, Tip AS] [The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington, Tip AT]
Nr. Tip D Condiţie perfectă Neștampilat Ștampilat Scrisoare / FDC
34 AO 10C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
35 AP 25C 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
36 AQ 45C 1,07 - 0,54 - USD  Info
37 AR 60C 1,07 - 0,54 - USD  Info
38 AS 1$ 1,07 - 0,81 - USD  Info
39 AT 3$ 2,15 - 2,68 - USD  Info


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