
A mostrar agora: Vitória - Selos de receita (1870 - 1901) - 50 selos.

[Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type A] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type B] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type C] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type D] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type E] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type F] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type G] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type G1] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type H] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type I] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type J] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type K] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP - STATUTE", type L]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1 A ½(P)/P - 62,52 62,52 - USD  Info
2 B 1P - 41,68 31,26 - USD  Info
3 C 3P - 625 312 - USD  Info
4 D 4P - 521 208 - USD  Info
5 E 6P - 62,52 20,84 - USD  Info
6 F 1Sh - 83,36 26,05 - USD  Info
7 G 2Sh - 104 83,36 - USD  Info
8 G1 2Sh - 104 83,36 - USD  Info
9 H 2´6Sh´P - 312 130 - USD  Info
10 I 5Sh - 260 83,36 - USD  Info
11 J 10Sh - 1.042 208 - USD  Info
12 K - 625 182 - USD  Info
13 L - 3.647 833 - USD  Info
1‑13 - 7.491 2.266 - USD 
[Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type M] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type N] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type O] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type P] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type Q] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type R] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type S] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type T] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type U] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type V] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type W] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type X] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type Y] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type Z] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AA] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AB] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AC] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AD] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AE] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AF] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AH] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AI] [Revenue Stamps - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AK]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
14 M 1P - 52,10 20,84 - USD  Info
15 N 1P - 20,84 4,17 - USD  Info
16 O 6P - 83,36 12,50 - USD  Info
17 P 1Sh - 83,36 6,25 - USD  Info
18 Q 18P - 182 31,26 - USD  Info
19 R 2Sh - 182 26,05 - USD  Info
20 S 2´6Sh´P - 104 15,63 - USD  Info
21 T 3Sh - 416 41,68 - USD  Info
22 U 4Sh - 104 20,84 - USD  Info
23 V 5Sh - 62,52 8,34 - USD  Info
24 W 6Sh - 156 41,68 - USD  Info
25 X 10Sh - 182 31,26 - USD  Info
26 Y 15Sh - 833 104 - USD  Info
27 Z - 416 62,52 - USD  Info
28 AA 25Sh - 1.250 130 - USD  Info
29 AB 30Sh - 1.042 104 - USD  Info
30 AC 35Sh - 5.210 - - USD  Info
31 AD - 1.042 104 - USD  Info
32 AE 45Sh - 3.126 130 - USD  Info
33 AF - - 416 - USD  Info
34 AG - - 625 - USD  Info
35 AH - - 625 - USD  Info
36 AI - - 833 - USD  Info
37 AJ - - 833 - USD  Info
38 AK 10£ - 2.605 130 - USD  Info
14‑38 - 17.156 4.360 - USD 
[Revenue Stamps of 1880-1884 in New Colors - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AM] [Revenue Stamps of 1880-1884 in New Colors - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AN] [Revenue Stamps of 1880-1884 in New Colors - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AO] [Revenue Stamps of 1880-1884 in New Colors - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AP]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
39 AL 1Sh - 130 31,26 - USD  Info
40 AM 3Sh - 83,36 26,05 - USD  Info
41 AN 5Sh - 104 26,05 - USD  Info
42 AO 10Sh - 182 31,26 - USD  Info
43 AP 15Sh - 833 104 - USD  Info
39‑43 - 1.333 218 - USD 
[Queen Victoria in New Design, type AQ] [Queen Victoria in New Design, type AQ3] [Queen Victoria in New Design, type AQ4]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
44 AQ - 1.563 130 - USD  Info
45 AQ1 - 2.084 182 - USD  Info
46 AQ2 - 2.084 182 - USD  Info
47 AQ3 - 2.605 208 - USD  Info
48 AQ4 - 3.126 208 - USD  Info
44‑48 - 11.462 911 - USD 
[Postage Stamps of 1885 & 1890 in New Colors - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AR] [Postage Stamps of 1885 & 1890 in New Colors - Inscription "STAMP DUTY", type AS]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
49 AR 1P - 6,25 5,21 - USD  Info
50 AS 3P - 31,26 12,50 - USD  Info
49‑50 - 37,51 17,71 - USD 


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