Borneu Norte

A mostrar agora: Borneu Norte - Selos Postais (1883 - 1963) - 2 selos.

[Coat of Arms - See also No. 35-38, type J] [Coat of Arms - See also No. 35-38, type K] [Coat of Arms - See also No. 35-38, type L] [Coat of Arms - See also No. 35-38, type M] [Coat of Arms - See also No. 35-38, type M1]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
22 J 25C - 214 16,10 - USD  Info
23 K 50C - 322 16,10 - USD  Info
24 L 1$ - 322 16,10 - USD  Info
25 M 2$ - 429 21,47 - USD  Info
25a M1 2$ - 429 21,47 - USD  Info
[No. 22-25 from New Plates - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, type J1] [No. 22-25 from New Plates - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, type K1] [No. 22-25 from New Plates - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, type L1] [No. 22-25 from New Plates - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, type M2]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
35 J1 25C 0,81 64,40 107 - USD  Info
36 K1 50C 0,81 107 187 - USD  Info
37 L1 1$ 0,81 32,20 161 - USD  Info
38 M2 2$ 1,07 187 268 - USD  Info


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