Somalilandia Italiana

A mostrar agora: Somalilandia Italiana - Selos postais devidos (1906 - 1915) - 22 selos.

[Figure of Value - Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "Somalia Italiana - Meridionale", type A] [Figure of Value - Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "Somalia Italiana - Meridionale", type A1] [Figure of Value - Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "Somalia Italiana - Meridionale", type A2] [Figure of Value - Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "Somalia Italiana - Meridionale", type A3] [Figure of Value - Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "Somalia Italiana - Meridionale", type A4] [Figure of Value - Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "Somalia Italiana - Meridionale", type A5] [Figure of Value - Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "Somalia Italiana - Meridionale", type A6] [Figure of Value - Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "Somalia Italiana - Meridionale", type A7] [Figure of Value - Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "Somalia Italiana - Meridionale", type A8] [Figure of Value - Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "Somalia Italiana - Meridionale", type A9] [Figure of Value - Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted "Somalia Italiana - Meridionale", type A10]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1 A 5C - 5,21 15,63 - USD  Info
2 A1 10C - 31,26 31,26 - USD  Info
3 A2 20C - 31,26 31,26 - USD  Info
4 A3 30C - 26,05 31,26 - USD  Info
5 A4 40C - 182 41,68 - USD  Info
6 A5 50C - 52,10 41,68 - USD  Info
7 A6 60C - 52,10 52,10 - USD  Info
8 A7 1L - 1.042 260 - USD  Info
9 A8 2L - 833 260 - USD  Info
10 A9 5L - 833 260 - USD  Info
11 A10 10L - 156 260 - USD  Info
1‑11 - 3.245 1.286 - USD 
[Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted, type B] [Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted, type B1] [Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted, type B2] [Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted, type B3] [Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted, type B4] [Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted, type B5] [Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted, type B6] [Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted, type B7] [Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted, type B8] [Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted, type B9] [Italian Postage Due Stamps Overprinted, type B10]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
12 B 5C - 8,34 10,42 - USD  Info
13 B1 10C - 8,34 10,42 - USD  Info
14 B2 20C - 15,63 15,63 - USD  Info
15 B3 30C - 26,05 26,05 - USD  Info
16 B4 40C - 26,05 26,05 - USD  Info
17 B5 50C - 26,05 31,26 - USD  Info
18 B6 60C - 31,26 41,68 - USD  Info
19 B7 1L - 130 62,52 - USD  Info
20 B8 2L - 130 182 - USD  Info
21 B9 5L - 182 182 - USD  Info
22 B10 10L - 31,26 62,52 - USD  Info
12‑22 - 615 651 - USD 


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