Hungria (page 26/132)

A mostrar agora: Hungria - Selos Postais (1871 - 2025) - 6600 selos.

[The 5th Anniversary of Liberation of Hungary, type AIZ] [The 5th Anniversary of Liberation of Hungary, type AIZ1] [The 5th Anniversary of Liberation of Hungary, type AIZ2] [The 5th Anniversary of Liberation of Hungary, type AIZ3]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1114 AIZ 40f 1,05 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1115 AIZ1 60f 0,79 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1116 AIZ2 1Ft 0,79 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1117 AIZ3 2Ft 1,05 - 0,79 - USD  Info
1114‑1117 3,68 - 1,83 - USD 
1950 The Candidates Chess Tournament

19. Abril WM: 12 Perfuração: 12 x 12½

[The Candidates Chess Tournament, type AJD] [The Candidates Chess Tournament, type AJE] [The Candidates Chess Tournament, type AJF]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1118 AJD 60f 2,10 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1119 AJE 1Ft 4,19 - 1,05 - USD  Info
1120 AJF 1.60Ft 6,29 - 2,10 - USD  Info
1118‑1120 12,58 - 3,67 - USD 
1950 The 60th Labour Day

1. Maio WM: 12 Perfuração: 12 x 12½

[The 60th Labour Day, type AJG] [The 60th Labour Day, type AJH] [The 60th Labour Day, type AJG1]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1121 AJG 40f 2,10 - 0,79 - USD  Info
1122 AJH 60f 1,05 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1123 AJG1 1Ft 1,57 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1121‑1123 4,72 - 1,57 - USD 
[Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions, Budapest, type AJJ] [Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions, Budapest, type AJK] [Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions, Budapest, type AJL]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1124 AJJ 40f 1,57 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1125 AJK 60f 0,79 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1126 AJL 1Ft 1,57 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1124‑1126 3,93 - 1,56 - USD 
1950 International Childrens' Day

4. Junho WM: 12 Perfuração: 12 x 12½

[International Childrens' Day, type AJM] [International Childrens' Day, type AJN] [International Childrens' Day, type AJO] [International Childrens' Day, type AJP] [International Childrens' Day, type AJQ]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1127 AJM 20f 1,57 - 1,57 - USD  Info
1128 AJN 30f 0,79 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1129 AJO 40f 0,79 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1130 AJP 60f 0,79 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1131 AJQ 1.70Ft 1,57 - 0,79 - USD  Info
1127‑1131 5,51 - 3,14 - USD 
[The First Congress of the Working Youth Association, type AJR] [The First Congress of the Working Youth Association, type AJS] [The First Congress of the Working Youth Association, type AJT] [The First Congress of the Working Youth Association, type AJU] [The First Congress of the Working Youth Association, type AJV]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1132 AJR 20f 0,79 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1133 AJS 30f 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1134 AJT 40f 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1135 AJU 60f 0,52 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1136 AJV 1.70Ft 1,57 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1132‑1136 3,40 - 1,82 - USD 
[Airmail - The 75th Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union(UPU), type ]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1137 AJW 3Ft 41,92 - 41,92 - USD  Info
1137 524 - 524 - USD 
1950 Hungarian Flora

20. Agosto WM: Nada Tamanho da Folha: 25 Perfuração: 12½ x 12

[Hungarian Flora, type AJX] [Hungarian Flora, type AJY] [Hungarian Flora, type AJZ] [Hungarian Flora, type AKA] [Hungarian Flora, type AKB]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1138 AJX 30f 1,05 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1139 AJY 40f 1,05 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1140 AJZ 60f 2,10 - 0,79 - USD  Info
1141 AKA 1Ft 4,19 - 1,57 - USD  Info
1142 AKB 1.70Ft 4,19 - 3,14 - USD  Info
1138‑1142 12,58 - 6,54 - USD 
[The 2nd National Exhibition of Inventions, type AKC] [The 2nd National Exhibition of Inventions, type AKD] [The 2nd National Exhibition of Inventions, type AKE]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1143 AKC 40f 1,57 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1144 AKD 60f 1,57 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1145 AKE 1Ft 2,10 - 0,79 - USD  Info
1143‑1145 5,24 - 1,83 - USD 
1950 Airmail - Techonology

29. Outubro WM: Nada Desenho: Füle M. Gravura: Nagy Z. Perfuração: 12½ x 12

[Airmail - Techonology, type AKF] [Airmail - Techonology, type AKG] [Airmail - Techonology, type AKH] [Airmail - Techonology, type AKI] [Airmail - Techonology, type AKJ] [Airmail - Techonology, type AKK] [Airmail - Techonology, type AKL] [Airmail - Techonology, type AKM] [Airmail - Techonology, type AKN]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1146 AKF 20f 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1147 AKG 30f 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1148 AKH 70f 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1149 AKI 1Ft 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1150 AKJ 1.60Ft 0,79 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1151 AKK 2Ft 0,79 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1152 AKL 3Ft 1,05 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1153 AKM 5Ft 2,10 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1154 AKN 10Ft 6,29 - 0,79 - USD  Info
1146‑1154 12,06 - 3,13 - USD 
1950 Peace

23. Novembro WM: 12 Perfuração: 12 x 12½

[Peace, type AKY] [Peace, type AKZ] [Peace, type ALA]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1155 AKY 40f 12,58 - 12,58 - USD  Info
1156 AKZ 60f 2,62 - 2,62 - USD  Info
1157 ALA 1Ft 12,58 - 12,58 - USD  Info
1155‑1157 27,78 - 27,78 - USD 
1950 Sports

2. Dezembro WM: 12 Perfuração: 12 x 12½

[Sports, type AKO] [Sports, type AKP] [Sports, type AKQ] [Sports, type AKR] [Sports, type AKS]
No. Tipo D Mint Condition Sem uso Usado Letra/FDC
1158 AKO 10f 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1159 AKP 20f 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
1160 AKQ 1Ft 0,79 - 0,52 - USD  Info
1161 AKR 1.70Ft 1,05 - 1,05 - USD  Info
1162 AKS 2Ft 2,62 - 1,57 - USD  Info
1158‑1162 4,98 - 3,66 - USD 


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