Bornéu Norte (pagina 1/8)

A mostrar agora: Bornéu Norte - Selos Postais (1883 - 1963) - 372 selos.

[Coat of Arms - Inscription: "NORTH BORNEO", Tipo A] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "NORTH BORNEO", Tipo A1] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "NORTH BORNEO", Tipo A2] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "NORTH BORNEO", Tipo A5] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "NORTH BORNEO", Tipo A7] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "NORTH BORNEO", Tipo A8]
Tipo D Condição Mint Sem uso Usado Carta/FDC
1 A ½C - 104 209 - USD  Info
2 A1 1C - 209 314 - USD  Info
3 A2 2C - 26,20 26,20 - USD  Info
3A* A3 2C - 31,44 62,89 - USD  Info
4 A4 4C - 20,96 62,89 - USD  Info
4A* A5 4C - 52,40 62,89 - USD  Info
5 A6 8C - 26,20 62,89 - USD  Info
5A* A7 8C - 83,85 62,89 - USD  Info
6 A8 10C - 31,44 62,89 - USD  Info
1‑6 - 419 738 - USD 
1883 No. 3A Surcharged

WM: Nada Perfuração: 12

[No. 3A Surcharged, Tipo B] [No. 3A Surcharged, Tipo B1]
Tipo D Condição Mint Sem uso Usado Carta/FDC
7 B 8/2C - 628 209 - USD  Info
8 B1 8/2C - 1.257 838 - USD  Info
7‑8 - 1.886 1.048 - USD 
[North Borneo Company Coat of Arms, Tipo C] [North Borneo Company Coat of Arms, Tipo D]
Tipo D Condição Mint Sem uso Usado Carta/FDC
9 C 50C - 157 26,20 - USD  Info
10 D 1$ - 131 12,58 - USD  Info
9‑10 - 288 38,78 - USD 
[No. 1 & 6 Overprinted "and Revenue", Tipo E] [No. 1 & 6 Overprinted "and Revenue", Tipo E1]
Tipo D Condição Mint Sem uso Usado Carta/FDC
11 E ½C - 131 209 - USD  Info
12 E1 10C - 183 209 - USD  Info
11‑12 - 314 419 - USD 
1886 No. 4 & 5 Surcharged

WM: Nada Perfuração: 14

[No. 4 & 5 Surcharged, Tipo F] [No. 4 & 5 Surcharged, Tipo G] [No. 4 & 5 Surcharged, Tipo H1]
Tipo D Condição Mint Sem uso Usado Carta/FDC
13 F 3/4C - 104 131 - USD  Info
13A* F1 3/4C - 209 262 - USD  Info
14 G 3/4C - 1.572 - - USD  Info
14A* G1 3/4C - - 6.288 - USD  Info
15 H 5/8C - 104 131 - USD  Info
15A* H1 5/8C - 209 262 - USD  Info
13‑15 - 1.781 262 - USD 
[Coat of Arms - Inscription: "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE", Tipo I] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE", Tipo I2] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE", Tipo I4] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE", Tipo I5] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE", Tipo I6] [Coat of Arms - Inscription: "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE", Tipo I7]
Tipo D Condição Mint Sem uso Usado Carta/FDC
16 I ½C - 3,14 15,72 - USD  Info
16A* I1 ½C - 209 419 - USD  Info
17 I2 1C - 3,14 10,48 - USD  Info
17A* I3 1C - 183 209 - USD  Info
18 I4 2C - 3,14 12,58 - USD  Info
19 I5 4C - 4,19 15,72 - USD  Info
20 I6 8C - 12,58 20,96 - USD  Info
21 I7 10C - 10,48 31,44 - USD  Info
16‑21 - 36,67 106 - USD 
[Coat of Arms - See also No. 35-38, Tipo J] [Coat of Arms - See also No. 35-38, Tipo K] [Coat of Arms - See also No. 35-38, Tipo L] [Coat of Arms - See also No. 35-38, Tipo M] [Coat of Arms - See also No. 35-38, Tipo M1]
Tipo D Condição Mint Sem uso Usado Carta/FDC
22 J 25C - 209 15,72 - USD  Info
23 K 50C - 314 15,72 - USD  Info
24 L 1$ - 314 15,72 - USD  Info
25 M 2$ - 419 20,96 - USD  Info
25a* M1 2$ - 419 20,96 - USD  Info
22‑25 - 1.257 68,12 - USD 
[New Inscription "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE & REVENUE" - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo N] [New Inscription "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE & REVENUE" - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo N1] [New Inscription "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE & REVENUE" - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo N2] [New Inscription "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE & REVENUE" - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo N3] [New Inscription "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE & REVENUE" - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo N4] [New Inscription "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE & REVENUE" - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo N5] [New Inscription "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE & REVENUE" - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo N6] [New Inscription "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE & REVENUE" - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo N7] [New Inscription "BRITISH NORTH BORNEO" & "POSTAGE & REVENUE" - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo N8]
Tipo D Condição Mint Sem uso Usado Carta/FDC
26 N ½C 0,26 1,57 6,29 - USD  Info
27 N1 1C 0,26 2,10 5,24 - USD  Info
28 N2 2C 0,26 4,19 15,72 - USD  Info
29 N3 3C 0,26 3,14 15,72 - USD  Info
30 N4 4C 0,26 8,38 31,44 - USD  Info
31 N5 5C 0,26 4,19 20,96 - USD  Info
32 N6 6C 0,52 10,48 26,20 - USD  Info
33 N7 8C 0,52 20,96 31,44 - USD  Info
34 N8 10C 0,79 10,48 26,20 - USD  Info
26‑34 3,39 65,49 179 - USD 
[No. 22-25 from New Plates - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo J1] [No. 22-25 from New Plates - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo K1] [No. 22-25 from New Plates - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo L1] [No. 22-25 from New Plates - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo M2]
Tipo D Condição Mint Sem uso Usado Carta/FDC
35 J1 25C 0,79 62,89 104 - USD  Info
36 K1 50C 0,79 104 183 - USD  Info
37 L1 1$ 0,79 31,44 157 - USD  Info
38 M2 2$ 1,05 183 262 - USD  Info
35‑38 3,42 382 707 - USD 
[Coat of Arms - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo O] [Coat of Arms - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo P]
Tipo D Condição Mint Sem uso Usado Carta/FDC
39 O 5$ 8,38 209 209 - USD  Info
40 P 10$ 12,58 262 314 - USD  Info
39‑40 20,96 471 524 - USD 
[No. 30-31 & 35 Surcharged - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo Q] [No. 30-31 & 35 Surcharged - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo Q1] [No. 30-31 & 35 Surcharged - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo Q2] [No. 30-31 & 35 Surcharged - Mint Value is for Oval Bars Cancellations, Tipo Q3]
Tipo D Condição Mint Sem uso Usado Carta/FDC
41 Q 1/4C 0,26 26,20 15,72 - USD  Info
42 Q1 1/5C 0,26 8,38 8,38 - USD  Info
43 Q2 2/25C 2,10 83,85 104 - USD  Info
44 Q3 8/25C 3,14 131 131 - USD  Info
45 Q4 8/25C 4,19 183 183 - USD  Info
41‑45 9,95 432 443 - USD 


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