Spectacular Stamps - Austria The stamp issuing authorities from around the world, all do their best to make their stamps interesting to collectors. There are different ways to do this, such as choosing a popular topic for the issue, or by making stamps of different shapes and sizes. However, one issuer is just a little bit ahead, when it comes to issuing unique, interesting stamps. The Austrian Postal Authorities have earned a reputation for being one of the most innovative, when it comes to stamp design. They utilize all possible techniques, to capture the eyes of collectors. What is it that makes them special? The Austrian postal service goes one step further than most other issuers of stamps. On top of considering the topic, shape, and size of the new stamp, they also consider the fabric of the stamp. Most other postal authorities don't consider this, as paper is the preferred method, but Austria has a tradition of experimenting with the fabric as well. As an example, look at this stamp issued on March 20th 2014.  This stamp is made from porcelain, and is the first ever of its kind. The stamp features the Viennese Rose, and both the flower, which is the theme, as well as the porcelain, has strong ties with the Austrian history. High quality porcelain has always been a pride for Austria. Porcelain has been used as a status symbols, and was used for both high class living, and as official gifts. The production of the stamps, handled by Neue Wiener Augarten Porcelain Manufactory GmbH, was also extraordinary. The individual stamps were pressed into shape, and baked for more than 24 hours. After the initial baking, the stamps were printed, after which they were baked once again, to ensure that the paint stuck to the stamps. You can find the stamp in the Stampworld Catalogue, and it can be purchased through Nordfrim. Sparkly leather pants The porcelain stamp was extraordinary, but the Austrians keep working on their stamps, and on September 24th 2015, they issued another spectacular stamp... Continue Reading online. |