Alderney - Tourism: On May 17th, Alderney Postal Service issued a set of six stamps in a series on Alderney Scenes. Alderney has a great mix of beautiful nature and splendid architecture, and they have decided to celebrate this on the six stamps of this issue. The six stamps depict scenes from around Alderney, and although the island is only 3.5 miles long, there is plenty to show.  As seen in the image above, Alderney has both nature and architecture, and to get a closer look at some of these sites, it might be an idea to take a trip there. The stamps are denominated between 44p and 90p, and they can all be found in our catalogue. Czech Republic - 75th anniversary of Operation Anthropoid: On May 17th as well, the Czech Republic issued this stamp, which features the 75th anniversary of Operation Anthropoid. the name Operation Anthropoid was a code name for an operation, with the purpose of assassinating the leader of the RSHA in the German Reich, Reinhard Heydrich, who was also a high-ranking member of the SS, and the Reichsprotektor in Bohemia and Morovia. Heydrich was a very powerful man in Germany at the time, and a confidant of Adolf Hitler. He was the man in charge of the Holocaust. Heydrich was attacked in Prague by supporters of the exiled Czechoslovakian government, Jozef Gabík and Jan Kubi. The attack took place on May 27 1942, when Heydrich's car was attacked by the two men. The attack did not proceed as planned, as Gabík's machine gun jammed, as he tried to shot Heydrich. Kubi threw a grenade at the car, injuring Heydrich, and the two men took off from the scene. Heydrich was injured by shrapnel in the attack, and brought to a hospital, where he died from his injuries about a week after the attack. The death of Heydrich was heavily retaliated by the Nazis, who in the time following the attack, arrested more than 13,000 Czechs and executed more than 5,000 of them. The stamp is denominated at 46 Kc, and can be found in our catalogue. |