"Oh yes, wait a minute Mister Postman, Wait Mister postman. Please Mister Postman, look and see if there's a letter in your bag for me. Why's it takin' such a long time fro me to hear from that boy of mine..." Do you knwo this famous song performed by the Beatles? If you are tired of waiting that long for any mail to arrive, we have a very special hint for you! While surfing the internet for the latest stamp releases, we came across this very interesting internet site qensio.com, and let me say - it is perfect to extend your collection of worldwide stamps. QENSIO is a market research company based in Munich, Germany. They conduct various postal surveys and quality measurements in order to find out for example how long it takes to send a letter from Buenos Aires to Japan, or a package from Iceland to South Africa. In this context QENSIO is always looking for new participants, who are willing to receive and send letters or small packages, and to record the dates of dispatch and receipt reliably on the panel website. For your participation you will be granted bonus points, which can be exchanged for gifts or vouchers. Participation is voluntary and free of charge, and it can be terminated unilaterally at any time. And last but not least - you will receive letters and stamps from all over the world. For free! If you want to join QENSIO, you can join here, and in case of any questions you can always contact them at recruiting@qensio.com.  If you are active on Facebook, you can have a look at QENSIO's fan page. You can also join their photo competition called "My Favorite Stamp" until February 15th, and win a 20 voucher for Amazon. Check it out here |