Viser nå: Israel - Postfrimerker (1948 - 2025) - 3021 frimerker.
5. April VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Memorial Day, type AUY]](
5. April VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Birth Centenary (1995) of Saul Adler (Scientist), type AUZ]](
5. April VM: Ingen Perforering: 13
![[No to Violence Campaign, type AVA]](
21. June VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Antoine de Saint-Exupery (Writer and Pilot), type AVB]](
21. June VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[The 75th Anniversary of Tarbut Schools (Hebrew Schools in Eastern Europe), type AVC]](
21. June VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[The 100th Anniversary of the International Olympic Committee, type AVD]](
21. June VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Ayalon Valley International Hot-Air Balloon Race, type AVE]](
![[Ayalon Valley International Hot-Air Balloon Race, type AVF]](
![[Ayalon Valley International Hot-Air Balloon Race, type AVG]](
23. August VM: Ingen Perforering: 13
![[Aliyot (Immigration of Jews to Israel), type AVH]](
![[Aliyot (Immigration of Jews to Israel), type AVI]](
23. August VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process, type AVJ]](
23. August VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Jewish New Year. Entries in the Children and Young People draw the Bible Exhibition, type AVK]](
![[Jewish New Year. Entries in the Children and Young People draw the Bible Exhibition, type AVL]](
![[Jewish New Year. Entries in the Children and Young People draw the Bible Exhibition, type AVM]](
23. August VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Jewish New Year. Entries in the Children and Young People draw the Bible Exhibition, type ]](
26. October VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Signing of Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty, type AVO]](
27. November VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Festival of Hanukka, type AVP]](
27. November VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[The 100th Anniversary of The Dreyfus Affair, Conviction for Treason of French Army Captain Alfred Dreyfus, type AVQ]](
27. November VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Stamp Day. Computerization of the Post Office, type AVR]](
27. November VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Public Transport, type AVS]](
![[Public Transport, type AVT]](
![[Public Transport, type AVU]](
7. February VM: Ingen Perforering: 14 x 13
![[Outdoor Sculptures, type AVV]](
![[Outdoor Sculptures, type AVW]](
![[Outdoor Sculptures, type AVX]](
7. February VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Composers, type AVY]](
![[Composers, type AVZ]](
25. April VM: Ingen Perforering: 13
![[Memorial Day, type AWA]](
25. April VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[The 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, type AWB]](
25. April VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Composers, type AWC]](
![[Composers, type AWD]](
25. April VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Jewish Brigade of Second World War, type ]](
25. April VM: Ingen Perforering: 14 x 13
![[The 50th Anniversary of End of Second World War, type AWF]](
25. April VM: Ingen Perforering: 14 x 13
![[The 50th Anniversary of End of Second World War, type ]](
VM: Ingen Perforering: 13 x 14
![[Songbirds, type AWH]](
7. June VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[The 15th Hapoel Games, type AWI]](
7. June VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[The 50th Anniversary of Zim Navigation Company, type AWJ]](
7. June VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Children's Books. Designs illustrating Poems, type AWK]](
![[Children's Books. Designs illustrating Poems, type AWL]](
![[Children's Books. Designs illustrating Poems, type AWM]](
7. June VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Kites, type ]](
4. September VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[The 3000th Anniversary of City of David (Jerusalem), type AWQ]](
![[The 3000th Anniversary of City of David (Jerusalem), type AWR]](
![[The 3000th Anniversary of City of David (Jerusalem), type AWS]](
4. September VM: Ingen Perforering: 14
![[Jewish New Year, type AWT]](
![[Jewish New Year, type AWU]](
![[Jewish New Year, type AWV]](