Danmark (side 1/44)

Viser nå: Danmark - Postfrimerker (1851 - 2025) - 2172 frimerker.

1851 Royal Emblem - With Rootprint

1. April VM: 1 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: M.W.Ferslew Gravering: M.W.Ferslew Perforering: Imperforated

[Royal Emblem - With Rootprint, type A]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
1 A 4R.B.S. 2161 648 64.83 189 USD  Info
1852 Royal Emblem - Rootprint Very Weak or Not Showing

1. March VM: 1 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: M.W.Ferslew Gravering: M.W.Ferslew Perforering: Imperforated

[Royal Emblem - Rootprint Very Weak or Not Showing, type A1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
1a A1 4R.B.S. 1296 540 32.42 86.44 USD  Info
1853 Royal Emblem - Clear Orange Rootprint

1. January VM: 1 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: M.W.Ferslev Gravering: M.W.Ferslev Perforering: Imperforated

[Royal Emblem - Clear Orange Rootprint, type A2] [Royal Emblem - Clear Orange Rootprint, type A3]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
1b A2 4R.B.S. 1620 648 32.42 86.44 USD  Info
1c A3 4R.B.S. 2161 864 43.22 108 USD  Info
1854 Royal Emblem - Rootprint sometimes Visible

1. January VM: 1 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: M.W.Ferslew Gravering: M.W.Ferslew Perforering: Imperforated

[Royal Emblem - Rootprint sometimes Visible, type A4] [Royal Emblem - Rootprint sometimes Visible, type A5] [Royal Emblem - Rootprint sometimes Visible, type A6] [Royal Emblem - Rootprint sometimes Visible, type A7] [Royal Emblem - Rootprint sometimes Visible, type A8] [Royal Emblem - Rootprint sometimes Visible, type A9]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
1d A4 4R.B.S. 1620 648 32.42 108 USD  Info
1e A5 4R.B.S. 1620 864 43.22 135 USD  Info
1f A6 4R.B.S. 2161 864 43.22 135 USD  Info
1g A7 4R.B.S. 3241 1296 64.83 189 USD  Info
1h A8 4R.B.S. 5402 2701 189 540 USD  Info
1i A9 4R.B.S. 10805 3781 270 648 USD  Info
1851 Royal Emblem - With Rootprint

1. May VM: 1 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: M.W.Ferslew Gravering: M.W.Ferslew Perforering: Imperforated

[Royal Emblem - With Rootprint, type B]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
2 B 2R.B.S. 12966 6483 1620 7563 USD  Info
1852 Royal Emblem

1. August VM: 1 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: H. H. Thiele Gravering: H. H. Thiele Perforering: Imperforated

[Royal Emblem, type B1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
2A B1 2R.B.S. 6483 3241 1080 2161 USD  Info
1854 -1857 Royal Emblem - Dotted Background

VM: 1 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: J.Buntzen Gravering: J.Buntzen Perforering: Imperforated

[Royal Emblem - Dotted Background, type C] [Royal Emblem - Dotted Background, type C1] [Royal Emblem - Dotted Background, type C2] [Royal Emblem - Dotted Background, type C3]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
3 C 2S. 135 64.83 54.02 189 USD  Info
4 C1 4S. 648 324 10.80 27.01 USD  Info
5 C2 8S. 540 270 86.44 324 USD  Info
6 C3 16S. 1296 432 189 864 USD  Info
3‑6 2620 1091 340 1404 USD 
1858 Royal Emblem - Wavy Lines in Background

May VM: 1 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: J.Buntzen Gravering: J.Buntzen Perforering: Imperforated

[Royal Emblem - Wavy Lines in Background, type D] [Royal Emblem - Wavy Lines in Background, type D1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
7 D 4S. 162 64.83 21.61 16.21 USD  Info
8 D1 8S. 2161 648 108 432 USD  Info
7‑8 2323 713 129 448 USD 
1862 Royal Emblem - Wavy Lines in Background - Different Watermark

VM: 2 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: J.Buntzen Gravering: J.Buntzen Perforering: Imperforated

[Royal Emblem - Wavy Lines in Background - Different Watermark, type D2]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
7A D2 4S. 162 64.83 21.61 21.61 USD  Info
1863 Royal Emblem - Wavy Lines in Corners

6. March VM: 2 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: J. Buntzen. Gravering: H. H. Thiele, Copenhagen. Perforering: Rouletted 11

[Royal Emblem - Wavy Lines in Corners, type D3]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
9 D3 4S. 189 86.44 12.97 27.01 USD  Info
1863 Royal Emblem - Dotted Corners

3. June VM: 2 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: J. Buntzen Gravering: J. Buntzen Perforering: Rouletted 11

[Royal Emblem - Dotted Corners, type C4]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
10 C4 16S. 8644 1296 540 4862 USD  Info
1864 -1870 Royal Emblem - New Drawing

VM: 2 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: O.H.B.Olrik Gravering: P.C.Batz Perforering: Rouletted perforation 13 x 12½

[Royal Emblem - New Drawing, type E] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing, type E1] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing, type E2] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing, type E3] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing, type E4] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing, type E5] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing, type E6] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing, type E7] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing, type E8] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing, type E9]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
11 E 2S. 189 64.83 32.42 189 USD  Info
11a* E1 2S. 540 270 270 432 USD  Info
12 E2 3S. 216 64.83 64.83 270 USD  Info
12a* E3 3S. 864 324 540 1080 USD  Info
13 E4 4S. 64.83 43.22 8.64 16.21 USD  Info
13a* E5 4S. 432 189 32.42 54.02 USD  Info
14 E6 8S. 648 270 135 324 USD  Info
14A* E7 8S. 1080 432 432 864 USD  Info
15 E8 16S. 1080 432 108 324 USD  Info
15a* E9 16S. 1296 540 1080 4322 USD  Info
11‑15 2198 875 349 1123 USD 
1870 -1871 Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling)

VM: 2 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: Phillip C.Batz Gravering: Phillip C.Batz Perforering: 14 x 13½

[Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling), type F] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling), type F1] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling), type F2] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling), type F3] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling), type F4] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling), type F5] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling), type F6] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling), type F7] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling), type F8] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling), type F9] [Royal Emblem - New Drawing - Value in Sk. (Skilling), type F10]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
16 F 2Sk. 135 54.02 27.01 64.83 USD  Info
16a* F1 2Sk. 189 108 64.83 162 USD  Info
16b* F2 2Sk. 648 324 189 324 USD  Info
16c* F3 2Sk. 4862 1620 3241 7563 USD  Info
17 F4 3Sk. 189 86.44 86.44 270 USD  Info
17a* F5 3S. 540 270 189 324 USD  Info
18 F6 4Sk. 135 43.22 10.80 21.61 USD  Info
18a* F7 4Sk. 324 135 108 135 USD  Info
19 F8 8Sk. 540 189 86.44 216 USD  Info
20 F9 16Sk. 648 216 162 648 USD  Info
21 F10 48Sk. 864 432 216 2701 USD  Info
16‑21 2512 1021 588 3922 USD 
1875 Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE"

1. January VM: 2 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: Philip C.Batz Gravering: Philip C.Batz Perforering: 14 x 13½

[Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE", type G] [Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE", type G1] [Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE", type G2]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
22 G 3Øre 32.42 16.21 12.97 32.42 USD  Info
22a G1 3Øre 216 86.44 43.22 108 USD  Info
22b G2 3Øre 135 54.02 43.22 189 USD  Info
1875 Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE"

1. January VM: 2 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: Philip C.Batz Gravering: Philip C.Batz Perforering: 14 x 13½

[Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE", type G3] [Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE", type G4] [Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE", type G5]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
23 G3 4Øre 86.44 27.01 0.54 3.24 USD  Info
23a* G4 4Øre 324 86.44 10.80 32.42 USD  Info
24 G5 5Øre 54.02 27.01 64.83 864 USD  Info
23‑24 140 54.02 65.37 867 USD 
1875 Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE"

1. January VM: 2 Arkstørrelse: 100 Design: Philip C.Batz Gravering: Philip C.Batz Perforering: 14 x 13½

[Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE", type G6] [Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE", type G7] [Royal Emblem - Value in "ØRE", type G8]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
25 G6 8Øre 64.83 21.61 0.54 4.32 USD  Info
25a G7 8Øre 189 64.83 8.64 27.01 USD  Info
25b G8 8Øre 189 64.83 8.64 27.01 USD  Info


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