Filippijnen (Pagina 6/120)

Wordt nu getoond: Filippijnen - Postzegels (1854 - 2025) - 5991 postzegels.

Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
227 AJ 10C - 104 83,85 - USD  Info
[USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK1] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK2] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK4] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK5] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK6] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK7] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK8] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK10] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK11] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK12] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK13] [USA Postage Stamps Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AK14]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
228 AK 1C - 5,24 0,26 - USD  Info
229 AK1 2C - 8,38 1,05 - USD  Info
230 AK2 3C - 62,89 12,58 - USD  Info
231 AK3 4C - 62,89 20,96 - USD  Info
231a* AK4 4C - 62,89 20,96 - USD  Info
232 AK5 5C - 12,58 0,79 - USD  Info
233 AK6 6C - 83,85 20,96 - USD  Info
234 AK7 8C - 41,92 15,72 - USD  Info
235 AK8 10C - 26,20 2,10 - USD  Info
236 AK9 13C - 31,44 15,72 - USD  Info
236a* AK10 13C - 31,44 15,72 - USD  Info
237 AK11 15C - 62,89 15,72 - USD  Info
238 AK12 50C - 131 31,44 - USD  Info
239 AK13 1$ - 524 262 - USD  Info
240 AK14 2$ - 838 838 - USD  Info
241 AK15 5$ - 1.048 4.716 - USD  Info
228‑241 - 2.939 5.954 - USD 
[USA Postage Stamp Overprinted "PHILIPPINES", type AL]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
242 AL 2C - 5,24 2,10 - USD  Info
[Personalities - Watermarked, type AM] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AN] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AO] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AP] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AQ] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AR] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AS] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AT] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AU] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AV] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AW] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AW1] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AW2] [Personalities - Watermarked, type AW3]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
243 AM 2C - 0,26 0,26 - USD  Info
243a* AM1 2C - 0,26 0,26 - USD  Info
244 AN 4C - 0,26 0,26 - USD  Info
244a* AN1 4C - 0,79 0,26 - USD  Info
245 AO 6C - 1,05 0,26 - USD  Info
246 AP 8C - 2,62 0,79 - USD  Info
247 AQ 10C - 1,57 0,26 - USD  Info
247a* AQ1 10C - 1,57 0,26 - USD  Info
248 AR 12C - 5,24 1,57 - USD  Info
249 AS 16C - 4,19 0,26 - USD  Info
250 AT 20C - 4,19 0,26 - USD  Info
251 AU 26C - 6,29 2,10 - USD  Info
252 AV 30C - 5,24 1,05 - USD  Info
253 AW 1P - 31,44 6,29 - USD  Info
254 AW1 2P - 41,92 1,05 - USD  Info
255 AW2 4P - 104 15,72 - USD  Info
256 AW3 10P - 262 62,89 - USD  Info
243‑256 - 471 93,02 - USD 
1906 Special Delivery

8. september WM: 2 Perforatie: 12

[Special Delivery, type AX] [Special Delivery, type AX1]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
257 AX 20C - 31,44 6,29 - USD  Info
257a AX1 20C - 31,44 6,29 - USD  Info
[Issue of 1906 - New Colors, type AR1] [Issue of 1906 - New Colors, type AS1] [Issue of 1906 - New Colors, type AT1] [Issue of 1906 - New Colors, type AU1] [Issue of 1906 - New Colors, type AV1] [Issue of 1906 - New Colors, type AW4] [Issue of 1906 - New Colors, type AW5]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
258 AR1 12C - 8,38 2,10 - USD  Info
259 AS1 16C - 3,14 1,05 - USD  Info
260 AT1 20C - 8,38 1,05 - USD  Info
261 AU1 26C - 1,57 0,79 - USD  Info
262 AV1 30C - 10,48 3,14 - USD  Info
263 AW4 1P - 31,44 5,24 - USD  Info
264 AW5 2P - 83,85 2,62 - USD  Info
258‑264 - 147 15,99 - USD 
[Personalities - New Watermark, type AM2] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AN3] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AO1] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AP1] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AQ2] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AR2] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AS2] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AT2] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AU2] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AV2] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AV3] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AW6] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AW7] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AW8] [Personalities - New Watermark, type AW9]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
265 AM2 2C - 0,52 0,26 - USD  Info
266 AN2 4C - 2,10 0,26 - USD  Info
266a* AN3 4C - - - - USD  Info
267 AO1 6C - 1,57 0,26 - USD  Info
268 AP1 8C - 8,38 0,26 - USD  Info
269 AQ2 10C - 2,62 0,26 - USD  Info
270 AR2 12C - 2,10 0,26 - USD  Info
271 AS2 16C - 2,10 0,26 - USD  Info
272 AT2 20C - 2,10 0,26 - USD  Info
272a* AT3 20C - 2,10 0,26 - USD  Info
273 AU2 26C - 2,62 0,26 - USD  Info
274 AV2 30C - 3,14 0,26 - USD  Info
275 AV3 30C - 10,48 0,26 - USD  Info
276 AW6 1P - 20,96 0,52 - USD  Info
277 AW7 2P - 26,20 0,79 - USD  Info
278 AW8 4P - 628 0,79 - USD  Info
279 AW9 10P - 262 26,20 - USD  Info
265‑279 - 975 31,16 - USD 


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