Britse Post Spaans-Marokko

Wordt nu getoond: Britse Post Spaans-Marokko - Postzegels (1912 - 1919) - 14 postzegels.

[Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted "MOROCCO AGENCIES", type A] [Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted "MOROCCO AGENCIES", type A1]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
1 A 5/½C/P - 3,28 0,27 - USD  Info
2 A1 10/1C/P - 1,09 0,27 - USD  Info
1‑2 - 4,37 0,54 - USD 
[Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted "MOROCCO AGENCIES" Horizontally & Surcharged, type B] [Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted "MOROCCO AGENCIES" Horizontally & Surcharged, type B1]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
3 B 5/½C/P - 0,55 0,27 - USD  Info
4 B1 15/1½C/P - 1,09 0,27 - USD  Info
3‑4 - 1,64 0,54 - USD 
[Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted "MOROCCO" Bottom up, "AGENCIES" from Top to Bottom & Surcharged, type C] [Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted "MOROCCO" Bottom up, "AGENCIES" from Top to Bottom & Surcharged, type C1] [Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted "MOROCCO" Bottom up, "AGENCIES" from Top to Bottom & Surcharged, type C2] [Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted "MOROCCO" Bottom up, "AGENCIES" from Top to Bottom & Surcharged, type C3]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
5 C 10/1C/P - 1,09 0,27 - USD  Info
6 C1 20/2C/P - 1,09 0,27 - USD  Info
7 C2 25/2½C/P - 1,64 0,27 - USD  Info
8 C3 1/10Pta/P - 4,38 8,75 - USD  Info
5‑8 - 8,20 9,56 - USD 
[Great Britain Postage Stamps of 1913 Overprinted "MOROCCO AGENCIES", type D] [Great Britain Postage Stamps of 1913 Overprinted "MOROCCO AGENCIES", type D1]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
9 D 6/5Pta/Sh - 32,82 65,65 - USD  Info
10 D1 12/10Pta/Sh - 191 218 - USD  Info
9‑10 - 224 284 - USD 
[Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted "MOROCCO AGENCIES" & Surcharged, type E] [Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted "MOROCCO AGENCIES" & Surcharged, type E1]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
11 E 3/½C/P - 1,09 5,47 - USD  Info
12 E1 40/4C/P - 3,28 5,47 - USD  Info
11‑12 - 4,37 10,94 - USD 
[Great Britain Postage Stamps of 1915 Overprinted "MOROCCO AGENCIES" & Surcharged, type F1]
Nummer. Type D Postfris Ongebruikt Gebruikt Brief / Eerstedagenvelop
13 F 3/2´6Pta/Sh´P - 43,76 136 - USD  Info
14 F1 12/10Pta/Sh - 164 218 - USD  Info
13‑14 - 207 355 - USD 


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