Muri Bhalissa: Ġappun - Bolol tal-posta (1920 - 1929) - 8 bolol.

1921 The 50th Anniversary of the First Japanes Postage Stamp

20. April WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 13 x 13½

[The 50th Anniversary of the First Japanes Postage Stamp, Tip BE] [The 50th Anniversary of the First Japanes Postage Stamp, Tip BF] [The 50th Anniversary of the First Japanes Postage Stamp, Tip BE1] [The 50th Anniversary of the First Japanes Postage Stamp, Tip BF1]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
146 BE 1½S - 4.34 2.17 - USD  Info
147 BF 3S - 5.42 3.25 - USD  Info
148 BE1 4S - 65.09 54.24 - USD  Info
149 BF1 10S - 325 271 - USD  Info
146‑149 - 400 330 - USD 
1921 Return of Crown Prince Hirohito from Europe

3. September WM: Xejn Perforazzjoni: 12½

[Return of Crown Prince Hirohito from Europe, Tip BG] [Return of Crown Prince Hirohito from Europe, Tip BG1] [Return of Crown Prince Hirohito from Europe, Tip BG2] [Return of Crown Prince Hirohito from Europe, Tip BG3]
Le. Tip D Kundizzjoni Mint Mhux Użati Użati Ittra/FDC
150 BG 1½S - 4.34 2.17 - USD  Info
151 BG1 3S - 4.34 2.17 - USD  Info
152 BG2 4S - 54.24 32.55 - USD  Info
153 BG3 10S - 86.79 54.24 - USD  Info
150‑153 - 149 91.13 - USD 


Mis sena

Sa sena




