
Dabar rodoma: Modena - Pašto Ženklai (1852 - 1852) - 11 ženklai.

1852 Coat of Arms - Without Dot After Value

1. sausis WM: Niekas Perforacija: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms - Without Dot After Value, tipas A] [Coat of Arms - Without Dot After Value, tipas A1] [Coat of Arms - Without Dot After Value, tipas A2] [Coat of Arms - Without Dot After Value, tipas A3] [Coat of Arms - Without Dot After Value, tipas A4]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
1 A 5C - 1.042 83,36 - USD  Info
2 A1 10C - 312 62,52 - USD  Info
3 A2 15C - 26,05 15,63 - USD  Info
4 A3 25C - 26,05 15,63 - USD  Info
5 A4 40C - 182 83,36 - USD  Info
5a* A5 40C - 10.420 833 - USD  Info
1‑5 - 1.589 260 - USD 
1852 Coat of Arms - With Dot After Value

1. birželis WM: Niekas Perforacija: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms - With Dot After Value, tipas A6] [Coat of Arms - With Dot After Value, tipas A7] [Coat of Arms - With Dot After Value, tipas A8] [Coat of Arms - With Dot After Value, tipas A9]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
1A A6 5C - 15,63 26,05 - USD  Info
1Aa A7 5C - 182 62,52 - USD  Info
2A A8 10C - 208 182 - USD  Info
5A A9 40C - 26,05 83,36 - USD  Info
1852 Coat of Arms - With Dot After Value

1. birželis WM: 1 Perforacija: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms - With Dot After Value, tipas A10]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
6 A10 1L - 52,10 1.563 - USD  Info


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