
Dabar rodoma: Lerosas - Pašto Ženklai (1912 - 1932) - 26 ženklai.

[Italian Stamps Overprinted "Leros", tipas A] [Italian Stamps Overprinted "Leros", tipas B] [Italian Stamps Overprinted "Leros", tipas B1] [Italian Stamps Overprinted "Leros", tipas C] [Italian Stamps Overprinted "Leros", tipas D] [Italian Stamps Overprinted "Leros", tipas E] [Italian Stamps Overprinted "Leros", tipas E1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
1 A 2C - 6,25 5,21 - USD  Info
2 B 5C - 4,17 5,21 - USD  Info
3 B1 10C - 0,78 5,21 - USD  Info
4 C 15C - 62,52 10,42 - USD  Info
5 D 25C - 31,26 5,21 - USD  Info
6 E 40C - 3,13 5,21 - USD  Info
7 E1 50C - 0,52 10,42 - USD  Info
1‑7 - 108 46,89 - USD 
[Supplement Values, tipas F] [Supplement Values, tipas G] [Supplement Values, tipas C1]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
8 F 15C - 3,13 31,26 - USD  Info
9 G 20/15C - 15,63 20,84 - USD  Info
10 C1 20C - 52,10 104 - USD  Info
11 C2 20C - 130 83,36 - USD  Info
8‑11 - 201 239 - USD 
[The 400th Anniversary of the Death of Francesco Ferrucci, 1489-1530, tipas H] [The 400th Anniversary of the Death of Francesco Ferrucci, 1489-1530, tipas I] [The 400th Anniversary of the Death of Francesco Ferrucci, 1489-1530, tipas I1] [The 400th Anniversary of the Death of Francesco Ferrucci, 1489-1530, tipas I2] [The 400th Anniversary of the Death of Francesco Ferrucci, 1489-1530, tipas J]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
12 H 20C - - - - USD  Info
13 I 25C - - - - USD  Info
14 I1 50C - - - - USD  Info
15 I2 1.25L - - - - USD  Info
16 J 5+2 L - - - - USD  Info
12‑16 - - - - USD 
[The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807-1882, tipas K] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807-1882, tipas L] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807-1882, tipas M] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807-1882, tipas L1] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807-1882, tipas M1] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807-1882, tipas N] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807-1882, tipas O] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807-1882, tipas P] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807-1882, tipas Q] [The 50th Anniversary of the Death of Giuseppe Garibaldi, 1807-1882, tipas R]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
17 K 10C - - - - USD  Info
18 L 20C - - - - USD  Info
19 M 25C - - - - USD  Info
20 L1 30C - - - - USD  Info
21 M1 50C - - - - USD  Info
22 N 75C - - - - USD  Info
23 O 1.25L - - - - USD  Info
24 P 1.75+0.25 L - - - - USD  Info
25 Q 2.55+0.50 L - - - - USD  Info
26 R 5+1 L - - - - USD  Info
17‑26 - - - - USD 


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