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Fidžis (page 6/33)

Dabar rodoma: Fidžis - Pašto Ženklai (1870 - 2025) - 1621 ženklai.

[The 20th Anniversary of W.H.O., tipas EE] [The 20th Anniversary of W.H.O., tipas EF] [The 20th Anniversary of W.H.O., tipas EG]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
248 EE 3P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
249 EF 9P 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
250 EG 3Sh 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
248‑250 1,31 - 1,31 - USD 
[Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EH] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EI] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EJ] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EK] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EL] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EM] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EN] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EO]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
251 EH 1C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
252 EI 2C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
253 EJ 3C 0,79 - 0,26 - USD  Info
254 EK 4C 1,57 - 0,26 - USD  Info
255 EL 5C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
256 EM 6C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
257 EN 8C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
258 EO 9C 1,57 - 1,57 - USD  Info
251‑258 5,23 - 3,39 - USD 
[Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EP] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EQ] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas ER] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas ES] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas ET] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EU] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EV] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EW] [Local Motives and Queen Elizabeth II - Decimal Currency, tipas EX]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
259 EP 10C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
260 EQ 15C 10,48 - 5,24 - USD  Info
261 ER 20C 1,57 - 1,05 - USD  Info
262 ES 25C 1,05 - 0,52 - USD  Info
263 ET 30C 8,38 - 2,10 - USD  Info
264 EU 40C 8,38 - 5,24 - USD  Info
265 EV 50C 6,29 - 0,26 - USD  Info
266 EW 1$ 1,57 - 0,79 - USD  Info
267 EX 2$ 1,57 - 4,19 - USD  Info
259‑267 39,55 - 19,65 - USD 
[The 25th Anniversary of Fijian Military Forces' Solomons Campaign, tipas EY] [The 25th Anniversary of Fijian Military Forces' Solomons Campaign, tipas EZ] [The 25th Anniversary of Fijian Military Forces' Solomons Campaign, tipas FA]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
268 EY 3C 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
269 EZ 10C 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
270 FA 25C 1,05 - 1,05 - USD  Info
268‑270 2,63 - 2,63 - USD 
1969 South Pacific Games - Port Moresby

18. rugpjūtis WM: Niekas Perforacija: 14¾ x 14¼

[South Pacific Games - Port Moresby, tipas FB] [South Pacific Games - Port Moresby, tipas FC] [South Pacific Games - Port Moresby, tipas FD]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
271 FB 4C 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
272 FC 8C 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
273 FD 20C 1,05 - 1,05 - USD  Info
271‑273 2,09 - 2,09 - USD 
[Inauguration of the University of the South Pacific, tipas FE] [Inauguration of the University of the South Pacific, tipas FF] [Inauguration of the University of the South Pacific, tipas FG]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
274 FE 2C 0,52 - 0,26 - USD  Info
275 FF 8C 0,79 - 0,52 - USD  Info
276 FG 25C 1,05 - 0,79 - USD  Info
274‑276 2,36 - 1,57 - USD 
[Royal Visit - Issues of 1969 Overprinted "ROYAL VISIT 1970", tipas FH] [Royal Visit - Issues of 1969 Overprinted "ROYAL VISIT 1970", tipas FI] [Royal Visit - Issues of 1969 Overprinted "ROYAL VISIT 1970", tipas FJ]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
277 FH 1C 0,26 - 0,26 - USD  Info
278 FI 10C 0,52 - 0,52 - USD  Info
279 FJ 25C 1,57 - 1,57 - USD  Info
277‑279 2,35 - 2,35 - USD 
1970 Closing of Leprosy Hospital, Makogai

25. gegužė WM: 5 Perforacija: 14¼ x 14¾

[Closing of Leprosy Hospital, Makogai, tipas FK] [Closing of Leprosy Hospital, Makogai, tipas FL] [Closing of Leprosy Hospital, Makogai, tipas FM] [Closing of Leprosy Hospital, Makogai, tipas FN]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
280 FK 2C 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
281 FL 10C 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
282 FM 10C 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
283 FN 30C 1,05 - 1,05 - USD  Info
280‑283 3,42 - 3,42 - USD 
1970 Explorers and Discoverers

18. rugpjūtis WM: 5 Perforacija: 13

[Explorers and Discoverers, tipas FO] [Explorers and Discoverers, tipas FP] [Explorers and Discoverers, tipas FQ] [Explorers and Discoverers, tipas FR]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
284 FO 2C 0,79 - 0,79 - USD  Info
285 FP 3C 1,05 - 1,05 - USD  Info
286 FQ 8C 1,57 - 1,57 - USD  Info
287 FR 25C 2,10 - 2,10 - USD  Info
284‑287 5,51 - 5,51 - USD 


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