
Dabar rodoma: Brazilija - Pašto Ženklai (1843 - 1849) - 10 ženklai.

1843 Issues of the Empire

1. rugpjūtis WM: Niekas Dizainas: Bulls eye Perforacija: Imperforated

[Issues of the Empire, tipas A] [Issues of the Empire, tipas A1] [Issues of the Empire, tipas A2]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
1 A 30R - 3.647 625 - USD  Info
2 A1 60R - 625 260 - USD  Info
3 A2 90R - 3.647 1.250 - USD  Info
1‑3 - 7.919 2.136 - USD 
1844 -1846 Value Stamps - Greyish or Yellowish Paper

1. liepa WM: Niekas Dizainas: error Perforacija: Imperforated

[Value Stamps - Greyish or Yellowish Paper, tipas B] [Value Stamps - Greyish or Yellowish Paper, tipas B1] [Value Stamps - Greyish or Yellowish Paper, tipas B2] [Value Stamps - Greyish or Yellowish Paper, tipas B3] [Value Stamps - Greyish or Yellowish Paper, tipas B4] [Value Stamps - Greyish or Yellowish Paper, tipas B5] [Value Stamps - Greyish or Yellowish Paper, tipas B6]
Nr. Tipas D Būklė Nenaudotas Naudotas Laiškas/PDA
4 B 10R - 130 26,05 - USD  Info
5 B1 30R - 182 41,68 - USD  Info
6 B2 60R - 130 31,26 - USD  Info
7 B3 90R - 1.042 156 - USD  Info
8 B4 180R - 4.689 1.563 - USD  Info
9 B5 300R - 7.294 2.084 - USD  Info
10 B6 600R - 6.252 2.605 - USD  Info
4‑10 - 19.719 6.507 - USD 


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