Švedska (stranica 1/79)

Sada prikazujemo: Švedska - Poštanske marke (1855 - 2025) - 3942 marke.

1855 Coat of Arms - Value in Skilling Banco

1. Srpanj WM: Ništa Veličina lista: 100 Dizajn: Letterpress Graviranje: Sparre Perforacija: 14

[Coat of Arms - Value in Skilling Banco, Tip A] [Coat of Arms - Value in Skilling Banco, Tip A1] [Coat of Arms - Value in Skilling Banco, Tip A2] [Coat of Arms - Value in Skilling Banco, Tip A3] [Coat of Arms - Value in Skilling Banco, Tip A4]
Br. Tip D Odlicno stanje Neiskorišten Korišćeno Pismo / Koverat prvog dana
1 A 3SK.Bco - 6.525 3.262 - USD  Info
2 A1 4SK.Bco - 1.305 65,25 - USD  Info
3 A2 6SK.Bco - 9.787 870 - USD  Info
4 A3 8SK.Bco - 4.893 435 - USD  Info
5 A4 24SK.Bco - 6.525 1.631 - USD  Info
1‑5 - 29.036 6.264 - USD 
1856 Local stamp from Stockholm

1. Srpanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14

[Local stamp from Stockholm, Tip B]
Br. Tip D Odlicno stanje Neiskorišten Korišćeno Pismo / Koverat prvog dana
6 B 1SK.Bco - 870 326 - USD  Info
[Coat of Arms - Value in ÖRE, Tip C] [Coat of Arms - Value in ÖRE, Tip C1] [Coat of Arms - Value in ÖRE, Tip C2] [Coat of Arms - Value in ÖRE, Tip C3] [Coat of Arms - Value in ÖRE, Tip C4] [Coat of Arms - Value in ÖRE, Tip C5] [Coat of Arms - Value in ÖRE, Tip C6] [Coat of Arms - Value in ÖRE, Tip C7] [Coat of Arms - Value in ÖRE, Tip C8]
Br. Tip D Odlicno stanje Neiskorišten Korišćeno Pismo / Koverat prvog dana
7 C 5ÖRE 271 163 21,75 - USD  Info
7a* C1 5ÖRE 1.087 543 135 - USD  Info
8 C2 9ÖRE 870 326 217 - USD  Info
9 C3 12ÖRE 326 163 2,18 - USD  Info
9a* C4 12ÖRE 870 435 21,75 - USD  Info
10 C5 24ÖRE 870 435 27,19 - USD  Info
11 C6 30ÖRE 870 326 27,19 - USD  Info
12 C7 50ÖRE 1.087 543 87,00 - USD  Info
12a* C8 50ÖRE 1.305 652 135 - USD  Info
7‑12 4.295 1.957 382 - USD 
1862 Local Post

1. Siječanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14

[Local Post, Tip B1]
Br. Tip D Odlicno stanje Neiskorišten Korišćeno Pismo / Koverat prvog dana
13 B1 3ÖRE - 435 326 - USD  Info
1862 -1866 Lion

WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14

[Lion, Tip D] [Lion, Tip D1] [Lion, Tip E] [Lion, Tip E1] [Lion, Tip E2]
Br. Tip D Odlicno stanje Neiskorišten Korišćeno Pismo / Koverat prvog dana
14 D 3ÖRE - 543 435 - USD  Info
14A* D1 3ÖRE 217 87,00 21,75 - USD  Info
15 E 17ÖRE 1.305 652 135 - USD  Info
15a* E1 17ÖRE 1.631 652 652 - USD  Info
16 E2 20ÖRE 543 271 16,31 - USD  Info
14‑16 1.848 1.468 587 - USD 
1872 -1877 Numerals in Circle

1. Srpanj WM: Ništa Dizajn: Per-Olof Bagge Graviranje: Julius Lepper Perforacija: 14

[Numerals in Circle, Tip F] [Numerals in Circle, Tip F1] [Numerals in Circle, Tip F2] [Numerals in Circle, Tip F3] [Numerals in Circle, Tip F4] [Numerals in Circle, Tip F5] [Numerals in Circle, Tip F6] [Numerals in Circle, Tip F7] [Numerals in Circle, Tip F8] [Numerals in Circle, Tip F9] [Numerals in Circle, Tip F10] [Numerals in Circle, Tip G]
Br. Tip D Odlicno stanje Neiskorišten Korišćeno Pismo / Koverat prvog dana
17 F 3ÖRE 163 65,25 8,70 - USD  Info
18 F1 4ÖRE 870 435 135 - USD  Info
19 F2 5ÖRE 652 326 4,35 - USD  Info
20 F3 6ÖRE 652 326 32,62 - USD  Info
20a* F4 6ÖRE 1.631 870 65,25 - USD  Info
21 F5 12ÖRE 326 190 0,82 - USD  Info
22 F6 20ÖRE 1.305 652 10,88 - USD  Info
22a* F7 20ÖRE - 3.262 27,19 - USD  Info
23 F8 24ÖRE 1.305 652 32,62 - USD  Info
24 F9 30ÖRE 1.087 543 10,88 - USD  Info
25 F10 50ÖRE 1.305 652 43,50 - USD  Info
26 G 1Rdr 1.631 652 65,25 - USD  Info
17‑26 9.298 4.496 345 - USD 
[Numerals in Circle - Different Perforation, Tip F11] [Numerals in Circle - Different Perforation, Tip F12] [Numerals in Circle - Different Perforation, Tip F13] [Numerals in Circle - Different Perforation, Tip F14] [Numerals in Circle - Different Perforation, Tip F15] [Numerals in Circle - Different Perforation, Tip F16] [Numerals in Circle - Different Perforation, Tip F17] [Numerals in Circle - Different Perforation, Tip F18] [Numerals in Circle - Different Perforation, Tip F19] [Numerals in Circle - Different Perforation, Tip F20] [Numerals in Circle - Different Perforation, Tip G1]
Br. Tip D Odlicno stanje Neiskorišten Korišćeno Pismo / Koverat prvog dana
17A F11 3ÖRE 87,00 32,62 4,35 - USD  Info
18A F12 4ÖRE 435 190 2,18 - USD  Info
19A F13 5ÖRE 217 108 0,82 - USD  Info
20A F14 6ÖRE 271 135 4,35 - USD  Info
20aA F15 6ÖRE 326 163 10,88 - USD  Info
21A F16 12ÖRE 65,25 27,19 0,54 - USD  Info
22A F17 20ÖRE 435 190 0,54 - USD  Info
23A F18 24ÖRE 108 65,25 21,75 - USD  Info
24A F19 30ÖRE 652 326 1,09 - USD  Info
25A F20 50ÖRE 543 217 6,52 - USD  Info
26A G1 1Rdr 4.893 1.631 435 - USD  Info
1878 Crowns in Circle - Value in "Krona"

3. Ožujak WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13

[Crowns in Circle - Value in "Krona", Tip G2]
Br. Tip D Odlicno stanje Neiskorišten Korišćeno Pismo / Koverat prvog dana
27 G2 1Kr 1.087 543 16,31 - USD  Info
1885 King Oscar II

1. Siječanj WM: Ništa Dizajn: gammal Perforacija: 13

[King Oscar II, Tip H]
Br. Tip D Odlicno stanje Neiskorišten Korišćeno Pismo / Koverat prvog dana
28 H 10ÖRE 652 190 0,54 - USD  Info
1886 Numerals in Circle - Blue Coach Horn on Back

19. Ožujak WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13

[Numerals in Circle - Blue Coach Horn on Back, Tip F21] [Numerals in Circle - Blue Coach Horn on Back, Tip F22] [Numerals in Circle - Blue Coach Horn on Back, Tip F23] [Numerals in Circle - Blue Coach Horn on Back, Tip F24] [Numerals in Circle - Blue Coach Horn on Back, Tip F25] [Numerals in Circle - Blue Coach Horn on Back, Tip F27] [Numerals in Circle - Blue Coach Horn on Back, Tip F28] [Numerals in Circle - Blue Coach Horn on Back, Tip F29] [Numerals in Circle - Blue Coach Horn on Back, Tip G3]
Br. Tip D Odlicno stanje Neiskorišten Korišćeno Pismo / Koverat prvog dana
29 F21 2ÖRE 3,26 2,18 5,44 - USD  Info
30 F22 3ÖRE 16,31 8,70 16,31 - USD  Info
31 F23 4ÖRE 65,25 21,75 1,09 - USD  Info
32 F24 5ÖRE 135 54,38 0,27 - USD  Info
33 F25 6ÖRE 43,50 21,75 43,50 - USD  Info
33a* F26 6ÖRE 65,25 32,62 43,50 - USD  Info
34 F27 20ÖRE 217 87,00 0,27 - USD  Info
35 F28 30ÖRE 435 163 0,82 - USD  Info
36 F29 50ÖRE 326 135 4,35 - USD  Info
37 G3 1Kr 190 65,25 2,18 - USD  Info
29‑37 1.433 560 74,23 - USD 


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