Sada prikazujemo: Maroko - Poštanske marke (1914 - 2025) - 2194 marke.
21. Siječanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12
![[Traditional Women's Costumes, Tip XK]](
![[Traditional Women's Costumes, Tip XL]](
21. Siječanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12
![[Airmail - Traditional Women's Costumes, Tip XM]](
3. Ožujak WM: Ništa Dizajn: P. Lambert. Graviranje: Courvoisier. Perforacija: 11¼
![[Airmail - The 8th Anniversary of Coronation of Hassan II, Tip XN]](
![[Airmail - The 8th Anniversary of Coronation of Hassan II, Tip XO]](
21. Ožujak WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12½
![[Protection of the Blind Week, Tip XP]](
27. Ožujak WM: Ništa Perforacija: 11½ x 12
![[World Theatre Day, Tip XQ]](
9. Svibanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 11¾
![[The 50th Anniversary of League of Red Cross Societies - Moroccan Jewellery, Tip XR]](
![[The 50th Anniversary of League of Red Cross Societies - Moroccan Jewellery, Tip XS]](
9. Srpanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 11¾
![[The 40th Anniversary of the Birth of King Hassan II, 1929-1999, Tip ]](
22. Rujan WM: Ništa
![[Islamic Summit Conference, Rabat - Issue of 1968 Overprinted, Tip WE5]](
23. Rujan WM: Ništa Graviranje: De La Rue. Perforacija: 13 x 12¾
![[Moroccan Costumes, Tip XV]](
![[Moroccan Costumes, Tip XW]](
16. Listopad WM: Ništa Graviranje: Courvoisier. Perforacija: 11½ x 11¾
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948, Tip XX]](
29. Listopad WM: Ništa Graviranje: Courvoisier. Perforacija: 11¾ x 11½
![[The 50th Anniversary of I.L.O., Tip XY]](
20. Studeni WM: Ništa Graviranje: Courvoisier. Perforacija: 11¾
![[Islamic Summit Conference, Rabat, Tip XZ]](
10. Prosinac WM: Ništa Graviranje: De La Rue. Perforacija: 13
![[Moroccan Costumes, Tip YA]](
![[Moroccan Costumes, Tip YB]](
23. Siječanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12¼ x 13
![[Moroccan Art "Fantasia", Tip YC]](
26. Veljača WM: Ništa
![[Flood Victims Relief Fund - Issues of 1968 Surcharged, Tip VQ14]](
![[Flood Victims Relief Fund - Issues of 1968 Surcharged, Tip VQ15]](
23. Ožujak WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12
![[The 50th Congress of Public and Municipal Health Officials, Rabat, Tip YF]](
15. Travanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12
![[Folklore Festival, Marrakesh, Tip YG]](
25. Svibanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Courvoisier. Perforacija: 11¾
![[Red Crescent - Moroccan Jewelry, Tip YH]](
![[Red Crescent - Moroccan Jewelry, Tip YI]](
30. Lipanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13 x 12¾
![[Opening of the National Post Museum - Moroccan Costumes, Tip XZY]](
![[Population Census - Issues of 1966 Overprinted "1970" and Surcharged 0.25 and Arabic Inscription, Tip YJ]](
20. Kolovoz WM: Ništa Graviranje: Courvoisier. Perforacija: 11¾
![[The 17th Anniversary of Revolution, Tip YK]](
25. Rujan WM: Ništa Dizajn: P. Rieunier. Graviranje: Courvoisier. Perforacija: 11¾
![[Nature Protection - Wild Birds, Tip YL]](
![[Nature Protection - Wild Birds, Tip YM]](
20. Listopad WM: Ništa Dizajn: P. Rieunier. Perforacija: 12
![[UNESCO - International Education Year, Tip YN]](
27. Listopad WM: Ništa Dizajn: P. Rieunier. Graviranje: De La Rue. Perforacija: 14
![[The 25th Anniversary of the United Nations, Tip YO]](
13. Studeni WM: Ništa Dizajn: P. Rieunier. Graviranje: Courvoisier. Perforacija: 11¾
![[The 25th Anniversary of Arab League, Tip YP]](
3. Prosinac WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12
![[World Olive Oil Production Year, Tip YQ]](
5. Siječanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13
![[Restoration of Es Sounna Mosque, Rabat, Tip YR]](
23. Veljača WM: Ništa Graviranje: Delrieu. Perforacija: 12¼
![[European and North African Heart Week, Tip YS]](
3. Ožujak WM: Ništa Perforacija: 11¼
![[The 10th Anniversary of King Hassan's Accession, Tip ]](
30. Travanj WM: Ništa Dizajn: A. Jaouhari. Graviranje: Delrieu. Perforacija: 13
![[Palestine Week, Tip YU]](
10. Svibanj WM: Ništa Dizajn: P. Rieunier. Graviranje: Courvousier. Perforacija: 11¾
![[Red Crescent - Moroccan Jewellery, Tip YV]](
![[Red Crescent - Moroccan Jewellery, Tip YW]](
7. Lipanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Delrieu. Perforacija: 13
![[Racial Equality Year, Tip YX]](
22. Lipanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 12
![[Protection of the Blind Week, Tip YY]](
4. Listopad WM: Ništa Graviranje: De La Rue. Perforacija: 13½ x 14
![[International Children's Day, Tip YZ]](
11. Listopad WM: Ništa Graviranje: Courvousier. Perforacija: 11¾
![[The 2500th Anniversary of Persian Empire, Tip ZA]](
10. Studeni WM: Ništa Dizajn: Vo Toan. Graviranje: De La Rue. Perforacija: 14
![[Mausoleum of Mohammed V, Tip ZB]](
![[Mausoleum of Mohammed V, Tip ZC]](
![[Mausoleum of Mohammed V, Tip ZD]](
30. Studeni WM: Ništa Dizajn: A. Jaouhari. Graviranje: Delrieu. Perforacija: 13
![[Mediterranean Games - Izmir, Turkey, Tip ZE]](
![[Mediterranean Games - Izmir, Turkey, Tip ZF]](