
Montre maintenant: Venezuela - Timbres-Poste (1859 - 2021) - 3 Timbres-poste.

1962 The 150th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence

11. juin WM: Aucun Gravure: Bundesdruckerei. Perforation: 14 x 13½

[The 150th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence, type BCC] [The 150th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence, type BCC1] [The 150th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence, type BCC2]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
1471 BCC 0.05(B) 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1472 BCC1 0.20(B) 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1473 BCC2 0.25(B) 0,81 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1962 Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence

11. juin WM: Aucun Gravure: Bundesdruckerei. Perforation: 14 x 13½

[Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence, type BCC3] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence, type BCC4] [Airmail - The 150th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence, type BCC5]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
1474 BCC3 0.55(B) 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1475 BCC4 1.05(B) 2,15 - 0,81 - USD  Info
1476 BCC5 1.50(B) 1,61 - 0,81 - USD  Info
[Airmail - Various Stamps Overprinted "RESELLADO VALOR" and Surcharged, type BDW1] [Airmail - Various Stamps Overprinted "RESELLADO VALOR" and Surcharged, type BCC6] [Airmail - Various Stamps Overprinted "RESELLADO VALOR" and Surcharged, type AWR20] [Airmail - Various Stamps Overprinted "RESELLADO VALOR" and Surcharged, type AWR21] [Airmail - Various Stamps Overprinted "RESELLADO VALOR" and Surcharged, type BGC1] [Airmail - Various Stamps Overprinted "RESELLADO VALOR" and Surcharged, type BEG3] [Airmail - Various Stamps Overprinted "RESELLADO VALOR" and Surcharged, type BEG4] [Airmail - Various Stamps Overprinted "RESELLADO VALOR" and Surcharged, type BCO1]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
1623 BDW1 0.30/1.00B 1,07 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1624 BCC6 0.40/1.05B 0,81 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1625 AWR20 0.50/0.65B 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1626 AWR21 0.50/1.20B 1,07 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1627 BGC1 0.50/1.00B 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1628 BEG3 0.60/0.90B 2,15 - 0,54 - USD  Info
1629 BEG4 0.60/0.95B 1,61 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1630 BCO1 0.75/0.85B 1,61 - 0,54 - USD  Info


De l'an

A l'an




