Egypte (page 1/3)

Montre maintenant: Egypte - Timbres officiels (1893 - 2018) - 124 Timbres-poste.

[Inscription "SERVICE DE L'ETAT, type A]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
1 A 1(P) - 2,71 0,27 - USD  Info
[Pyramid and Sphinx - Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type B] [Pyramid and Sphinx - Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type B1] [Pyramid and Sphinx - Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type B2] [Pyramid and Sphinx - Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type B3] [Pyramid and Sphinx - Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type B4] [Pyramid and Sphinx - Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type B5]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
2 B 1M - 1,63 0,27 - USD  Info
3 B1 2M - 4,33 0,27 - USD  Info
4 B2 3M - 2,17 1,08 - USD  Info
5 B3 5M - 4,33 0,27 - USD  Info
6 B4 1P - 2,17 0,27 - USD  Info
7 B5 5P - 13,00 4,33 - USD  Info
2‑7 - 27,63 6,49 - USD 
[Pyramid and Sphinx - Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English Only, type B6]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
8 B6 5M - 10,83 0,54 - USD  Info
[Pyramid and Sphinx - Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type D] [Pyramid and Sphinx - Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type D1]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
9 D 2M - 4,33 1,63 - USD  Info
10 D1 4M - 5,42 2,17 - USD  Info
9‑10 - 9,75 3,80 - USD 
[Egyption History Exhibition - Postage Stamps of 1914 Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type E] [Egyption History Exhibition - Postage Stamps of 1914 Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type E1] [Egyption History Exhibition - Postage Stamps of 1914 Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type E2]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
11 E 1M - 1,63 4,33 - USD  Info
12 E1 3M - 2,71 4,33 - USD  Info
13 E2 5M - 4,33 1,08 - USD  Info
11‑13 - 8,67 9,74 - USD 
[Postage Stamps of 1888-1914 Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type F1] [Postage Stamps of 1888-1914 Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type F2]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
14 F 2M - 1,63 2,17 - USD  Info
15 F1 4M - 2,17 3,25 - USD  Info
16 F2 5M - 2,71 1,63 - USD  Info
14‑16 - 6,51 7,05 - USD 
[Postage Stamps of 1921 Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type G2] [Postage Stamps of 1921 Overprinted O.H.H.S. in English and Arabic, type G3]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
17 G 1M - 6,50 10,83 - USD  Info
18 G1 2M - 10,83 13,00 - USD  Info
19 G2 3M - 108 162 - USD  Info
20 G3 5M - 21,67 4,33 - USD  Info
17‑20 - 147 190 - USD 
[Egyptian History - Postage Stamps of 1921-1922 Overprinted H.H.E.M.S. in English and Arabic, type H] [Egyptian History - Postage Stamps of 1921-1922 Overprinted H.H.E.M.S. in English and Arabic, type H1] [Egyptian History - Postage Stamps of 1921-1922 Overprinted H.H.E.M.S. in English and Arabic, type H2] [Egyptian History - Postage Stamps of 1921-1922 Overprinted H.H.E.M.S. in English and Arabic, type H3] [Egyptian History - Postage Stamps of 1921-1922 Overprinted H.H.E.M.S. in English and Arabic, type H4] [Egyptian History - Postage Stamps of 1921-1922 Overprinted H.H.E.M.S. in English and Arabic, type H5] [Egyptian History - Postage Stamps of 1921-1922 Overprinted H.H.E.M.S. in English and Arabic, type H6] [Egyptian History - Postage Stamps of 1921-1922 Overprinted H.H.E.M.S. in English and Arabic, type H7] [Egyptian History - Postage Stamps of 1921-1922 Overprinted H.H.E.M.S. in English and Arabic, type H8] [Egyptian History - Postage Stamps of 1921-1922 Overprinted H.H.E.M.S. in English and Arabic, type H9]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
21 H 1M - 1,08 2,17 - USD  Info
22 H1 2M - 1,63 4,33 - USD  Info
23 H2 3M - 2,17 4,33 - USD  Info
24 H3 4M - 5,42 6,50 - USD  Info
25 H4 5M - 2,71 0,81 - USD  Info
26 H5 10M - 5,42 6,50 - USD  Info
27 H6 10M - 8,67 2,71 - USD  Info
28 H7 15M - 6,50 5,42 - USD  Info
29 H8 15M - 135 135 - USD  Info
30 H9 50M - 189 16,25 - USD  Info
21‑30 - 358 184 - USD 
[King Fuad I  - Postage Stamps of 1923 Overprinted "amiri" in Arabic only, type I] [King Fuad I  - Postage Stamps of 1923 Overprinted "amiri" in Arabic only, type I1] [King Fuad I  - Postage Stamps of 1923 Overprinted "amiri" in Arabic only, type I2] [King Fuad I  - Postage Stamps of 1923 Overprinted "amiri" in Arabic only, type I3] [King Fuad I  - Postage Stamps of 1923 Overprinted "amiri" in Arabic only, type I4] [King Fuad I  - Postage Stamps of 1923 Overprinted "amiri" in Arabic only, type I5] [King Fuad I  - Postage Stamps of 1923 Overprinted "amiri" in Arabic only, type I6] [King Fuad I  - Postage Stamps of 1923 Overprinted "amiri" in Arabic only, type I7]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
31 I 1M - 1,63 2,71 - USD  Info
32 I1 2M - 2,17 4,33 - USD  Info
33 I2 3M - 5,42 6,50 - USD  Info
34 I3 4M - 6,50 8,67 - USD  Info
35 I4 5M - 2,17 0,81 - USD  Info
36 I5 10M - 3,25 3,25 - USD  Info
37 I6 15M - 8,67 8,67 - USD  Info
38 I7 50M - 27,08 16,25 - USD  Info
31‑38 - 56,89 51,19 - USD 
[Inscription "SERVICE D'ETAT" or "SERVIS D'ETAT" & "amiri" in Arabic - Large Size, type J] [Inscription "SERVICE D'ETAT" or "SERVIS D'ETAT" & "amiri" in Arabic - Large Size, type J1] [Inscription "SERVICE D'ETAT" or "SERVIS D'ETAT" & "amiri" in Arabic - Large Size, type J2] [Inscription "SERVICE D'ETAT" or "SERVIS D'ETAT" & "amiri" in Arabic - Large Size, type J3] [Inscription "SERVICE D'ETAT" or "SERVIS D'ETAT" & "amiri" in Arabic - Large Size, type J4] [Inscription "SERVICE D'ETAT" or "SERVIS D'ETAT" & "amiri" in Arabic - Large Size, type J6] [Inscription "SERVICE D'ETAT" or "SERVIS D'ETAT" & "amiri" in Arabic - Large Size, type J7] [Inscription "SERVICE D'ETAT" or "SERVIS D'ETAT" & "amiri" in Arabic - Large Size, type K] [Inscription "SERVICE D'ETAT" or "SERVIS D'ETAT" & "amiri" in Arabic - Large Size, type K1] [Inscription "SERVICE D'ETAT" or "SERVIS D'ETAT" & "amiri" in Arabic - Large Size, type K2]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
39 J 1M - 0,81 0,27 - USD  Info
40 J1 2M - 0,54 0,27 - USD  Info
41 J2 3M - 1,08 0,81 - USD  Info
42 J3 4M - 1,08 1,08 - USD  Info
43 J4 5M - 1,08 0,27 - USD  Info
44 J5 10M - 3,25 0,27 - USD  Info
45 J6 10M - 2,17 0,27 - USD  Info
46 J7 15M - 3,25 0,81 - USD  Info
47 K 15M - 3,25 0,81 - USD  Info
48 K1 20M - 4,33 1,08 - USD  Info
49 K2 50M - 8,67 1,63 - USD  Info
39‑49 - 29,51 7,57 - USD 
[Official Stamp of 1926 in New Color and Smaller Size, type K3]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
50 K3 20M - 5,42 1,63 - USD  Info


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