Bulgarie (page 1/116)

Montre maintenant: Bulgarie - Timbres-Poste (1879 - 2025) - 5778 Timbres-poste.

[Definitive 1879 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CAHT"), type A] [Definitive 1879 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CAHT"), type A1] [Definitive 1879 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CAHT"), type A2] [Definitive 1879 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CAHT"), type A3] [Definitive 1879 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CAHT"), type A4]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
1 A 5C - 215 64,77 - USD  Info
2 A1 10C - 1 079 215 - USD  Info
3 A2 25C - 539 43,18 - USD  Info
4 A3 50C - 863 188 - USD  Info
5 A4 1Fr - 134 53,98 - USD  Info
1‑5 - 2 833 566 - USD 
1881 Definitive 1881 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CTOTNH" - Stotinki)

22. avril WM: 1 Taille de la feuille: 100 Modèle: Georgi Yakovlev Kirkov Gravure: Franz Kepler Perforation: 14½ x 15

[Definitive 1881 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CTOTNH" - Stotinki), type B] [Definitive 1881 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CTOTNH" - Stotinki), type B1] [Definitive 1881 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CTOTNH" - Stotinki), type B2] [Definitive 1881 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CTOTNH" - Stotinki), type B3] [Definitive 1881 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CTOTNH" - Stotinki), type B4] [Definitive 1881 - Coat of Arms (Value in "CTOTNH" - Stotinki), type B5]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
6 B 3St - 43,18 8,64 - USD  Info
7 B1 5St - 43,18 8,64 - USD  Info
8 B2 10St - 215 26,99 - USD  Info
9 B3 15St - 215 21,59 - USD  Info
10 B4 25St - 1 079 134 - USD  Info
11 B5 30St - 43,18 21,59 - USD  Info
6‑11 - 1 640 222 - USD 
[New Colours and Values, type B6] [New Colours and Values, type B7] [New Colours and Values, type B8] [New Colours and Values, type B9] [New Colours and Values, type B10] [New Colours and Values, type B11] [New Colours and Values, type B12] [New Colours and Values, type B13] [New Colours and Values, type B14]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
12 B6 1St - 43,18 12,95 - USD  Info
13 B7 2St - 32,38 10,80 - USD  Info
14 B8 3St - 2,16 0,81 - USD  Info
15 B9 5St - 16,19 1,62 - USD  Info
16 B10 10St - 21,59 2,70 - USD  Info
17 B11 15St - 16,19 1,08 - USD  Info
18 B12 25St - 16,19 2,16 - USD  Info
19 B13 30St - 16,19 2,16 - USD  Info
20 B14 50St - 21,59 2,70 - USD  Info
12‑20 - 185 36,98 - USD 
[Coat of Arms Typographic Surcharged, type C] [Coat of Arms Typographic Surcharged, type C1] [Coat of Arms Typographic Surcharged, type C2]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
21 C 3/10St - 323 107 - USD  Info
22 C1 5/30St - 215 134 - USD  Info
23 C2 15/25St - 863 188 - USD  Info
21‑23 - 1 403 431 - USD 
[Coat of Arms Lithographic Surcharged, type D] [Coat of Arms Lithographic Surcharged, type D1] [Coat of Arms Lithographic Surcharged, type D2] [Coat of Arms Lithographic Surcharged, type D3]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
24 D 3/10St - 107 107 - USD  Info
25 D1 5/30St - 134 134 - USD  Info
26 D2 15/25St - 188 161 - USD  Info
27 D3 50/1St/Fr - 647 539 - USD  Info
24‑27 - 1 079 944 - USD 
[Coat of Arms - No. 12 & 13 with Different Inscription, type E] [Coat of Arms - No. 12 & 13 with Different Inscription, type F]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
28 E 1St - 2,16 0,54 - USD  Info
29 F 2St - 2,16 0,54 - USD  Info
28‑29 - 4,32 1,08 - USD 
1887 Coat of Arms - As No. 5 but Different Inscription

1. janvier WM: Aucun Taille de la feuille: 25 Perforation: 14½ x 15

[Coat of Arms - As No. 5 but Different Inscription, type A6]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
30 A6 1L - 64,77 10,80 - USD  Info
1889 -1901 Coat of Arms - New Drawing

WM: Aucun Perforation: 13¼ x 13½

[Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G2] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G4] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G6] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G7] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G8] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G10] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G11] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G14] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G18] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G22] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G23] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G24] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G25] [Coat of Arms - New Drawing, type G27]
No. Genre D Neuf sans charnière Neuf avec charnière Oblitéré Lettre/FDC
31 G 1St - 1,62 0,54 - USD  Info
31A* G1 1St - 0,27 0,27 - USD  Info
32 G2 2St - 3,24 1,08 - USD  Info
32A* G3 2St - 1,08 0,81 - USD  Info
33 G4 3St - 1,08 0,54 - USD  Info
33A* G5 3St - 0,54 0,27 - USD  Info
34 G6 5St - 12,95 0,54 - USD  Info
34A* G7 5St - 215 16,19 - USD  Info
34B* G8 5St - 0,27 0,27 - USD  Info
34C* G9 5St - 215 86,36 - USD  Info
35 G10 10St - 10,80 0,81 - USD  Info
35A* G11 10St - 6,48 2,16 - USD  Info
35B* G12 10St - 1,08 0,81 - USD  Info
35C* G13 10St - 269 86,36 - USD  Info
36 G14 15St - 32,38 0,81 - USD  Info
36A* G15 15St - 86,36 1,62 - USD  Info
36B* G16 15St - 0,81 0,54 - USD  Info
36C* G17 15St - 26,99 0,81 - USD  Info
37 G18 25St - 10,80 0,81 - USD  Info
37A* G19 25St - 10,80 1,08 - USD  Info
37B* G20 25St - 10,80 0,54 - USD  Info
37C* G21 25St - 0,54 0,27 - USD  Info
38 G22 30St - 16,19 0,81 - USD  Info
39 G23 50St - 1,08 0,54 - USD  Info
40 G24 1L - 1,08 0,54 - USD  Info
41 G25 2L - 2,16 1,08 - USD  Info
41A* G26 2L - 269 43,18 - USD  Info
42 G27 3L - 3,24 3,24 - USD  Info
42A* G28 3L - 323 86,36 - USD  Info
31‑42 - 96,62 11,34 - USD 


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