Praegu kuvatakse: Panama - postmargid (1950 - 1959) - 174 margid.

1950 Dr. Carlos Finlay, Medical Research Worker, 1883-1915

12. jaanuar WM: mitte ükski perforatsioon: 12½

[Dr. Carlos Finlay, Medical Research Worker, 1883-1915, Tüüp FY] [Dr. Carlos Finlay, Medical Research Worker, 1883-1915, Tüüp FZ]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
468 FY 2C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
469 FZ 5C 1,09 - 0,55 - USD  Info
468‑469 1,36 - 0,82 - USD 
[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, Tüüp EI3] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, Tüüp EH2] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, Tüüp EK3]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
470 EI3 1C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
471 EH2 2/½C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
472 EK3 5C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
470‑472 0,81 - 0,81 - USD 
[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, Tüüp EP6] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, Tüüp BY14] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, Tüüp EQ5] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, Tüüp BY15] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of San Martin - Overprinted "CENTENARIO del General (or Gral.) Jose de San Martin 17 de Agosto de 1950" or Surcharged also, Tüüp FM1]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
473 EP6 2C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
474 BY14 5C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
475 EQ5 10C 0,55 - 0,55 - USD  Info
476 BY15 25C 0,82 - 0,82 - USD  Info
477 FM1 50C 1,64 - 1,09 - USD  Info
473‑477 4,11 - 3,00 - USD 
[The 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, Educational Reformer, 1651-1719 - Overprinted "Tercer Centenario del Natalicio de San Juan Baptista de La Salle - 1651-1951", Tüüp EJ5] [The 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, Educational Reformer, 1651-1719 - Overprinted "Tercer Centenario del Natalicio de San Juan Baptista de La Salle - 1651-1951", Tüüp EK4]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
478 EJ5 2C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
479 EK4 5C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
478‑479 0,82 - 0,54 - USD 
1952 Airmail - Overprinted "AEREO 1952" and Surcharged

20. veebruar WM: mitte ükski perforatsioon: 12

[Airmail - Overprinted "AEREO 1952" and Surcharged, Tüüp EQ6] [Airmail - Overprinted "AEREO 1952" and Surcharged, Tüüp EQ7] [Airmail - Overprinted "AEREO 1952" and Surcharged, Tüüp EJ6] [Airmail - Overprinted "AEREO 1952" and Surcharged, Tüüp EL2] [Airmail - Overprinted "AEREO 1952" and Surcharged, Tüüp EW1]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
480 EQ6 0.02/10B/C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
481 EQ7 0.05/10B/C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
482 EJ6 5/2C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
483 EL2 25/10C 1,09 - 1,09 - USD  Info
484 EW1 1/5B 27,30 - 27,30 - USD  Info
480‑484 29,20 - 29,20 - USD 
1952 -1953 Issues of 1924-1957 Overprinted and Surcharged

1. august WM: mitte ükski perforatsioon: 12

[Issues of 1924-1957 Overprinted and Surcharged, Tüüp EH3] [Issues of 1924-1957 Overprinted and Surcharged, Tüüp EL3] [Issues of 1924-1957 Overprinted and Surcharged, Tüüp EM2]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
485 EH3 1/½C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
486 EL3 1/10C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
487 EM2 0.01/15B/C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
485‑487 0,81 - 0,81 - USD 
[The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Isabella the Catholic, 1451-1504, Tüüp GA] [The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Isabella the Catholic, 1451-1504, Tüüp GA1] [The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Isabella the Catholic, 1451-1504, Tüüp GA2] [The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Isabella the Catholic, 1451-1504, Tüüp GA3]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
488 GA 1C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
489 GA1 2C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
490 GA2 5C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
491 GA3 10C 0,82 - 0,27 - USD  Info
488‑491 2,47 - 1,08 - USD 
[The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Isabella the Catholic, 1451-1504, Tüüp GA4] [The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Isabella the Catholic, 1451-1504, Tüüp GA5] [The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Isabella the Catholic, 1451-1504, Tüüp GA6] [The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Isabella the Catholic, 1451-1504, Tüüp GA7] [The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Isabella the Catholic, 1451-1504, Tüüp GA8] [The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Isabella the Catholic, 1451-1504, Tüüp GA9]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
492 GA4 4C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
493 GA5 5C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
494 GA6 10C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
495 GA7 25C 1,64 - 0,27 - USD  Info
496 GA8 50C 2,73 - 0,82 - USD  Info
497 GA9 1B 8,74 - 3,28 - USD  Info
492‑497 14,76 - 5,18 - USD 
1953 Airmail - Issue of 1942 Overprinted "1953" and Surcharged 5

22. aprill WM: mitte ükski perforatsioon: 12

[Airmail - Issue of 1942 Overprinted "1953" and Surcharged 5, Tüüp EQ8]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
498 EQ8 5/10C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
[Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of "La Estrella de Panama", Newspaper, Tüüp GB] [Airmail - The 100th Anniversary of "La Estrella de Panama", Newspaper, Tüüp GB1]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
499 GB 5C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
500 GB1 10C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
499‑500 0,54 - 0,54 - USD 
1953 Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic

3. november WM: mitte ükski perforatsioon: 12

[Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GC] [Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GD] [Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GE] [Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GF] [Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GG] [Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GH]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
501 GC 2C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
502 GD 5C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
503 GE 12C 1,09 - 0,27 - USD  Info
504 GF 20C 2,18 - 0,55 - USD  Info
505 GG 50C 3,28 - 1,09 - USD  Info
506 GH 1B 6,55 - 2,18 - USD  Info
501‑506 14,20 - 4,63 - USD 
1953 Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic

3. november WM: mitte ükski perforatsioon: 12

[Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GI] [Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GJ] [Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GK] [Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GL] [Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GM] [Airmail - The 50th Anniversary of Panama Republic, Tüüp GN]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
507 GI 2C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
508 GJ 5C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
509 GK 7C 0,55 - 0,27 - USD  Info
510 GL 25C 3,28 - 0,82 - USD  Info
511 GM 50C 2,18 - 1,09 - USD  Info
512 GN 1B 5,46 - 2,18 - USD  Info
507‑512 12,01 - 4,90 - USD 
[Airmail - Issues of 1953 and 1954 Surcharged, Tüüp GB3] [Airmail - Issues of 1953 and 1954 Surcharged, Tüüp GB4]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
513 GB3 1/5C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
514 GB4 1/10C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
513‑514 0,54 - 0,54 - USD 
1954 Issue of 1942 Surcharged

WM: mitte ükski perforatsioon: 12

[Issue of 1942 Surcharged, Tüüp EI4]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
515 EI4 3/1C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
1954 The 100th Anniversary of the Death of General Herrera, 1804-1854

4. detsember WM: mitte ükski perforatsioon: 12

[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of General Herrera, 1804-1854, Tüüp GO] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of General Herrera, 1804-1854, Tüüp GP] [The 100th Anniversary of the Death of General Herrera, 1804-1854, Tüüp GQ]
Nr Tüüp D mündi seisukord Kasutamata Kasutatud Kiri / FDC
516 GO 3C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
517 GP 6C 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
518 GQ 1B 4,37 - 2,73 - USD  Info
516‑518 4,91 - 3,27 - USD 







