![[AF]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Afganistaan |
Afghan Post |
0 |
14.01.2021 |
![[AX]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Ahvenamaa |
Åland Post |
1687 |
19.03.2025 |
![[QT]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Aitutaki |
Aitutaki Post Office |
0 |
10.02.2023 |
![[AL]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Albaania |
Posta Shqiptare |
0 |
28.06.2024 |
![[AY]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Alderney |
Guernsey Post - Alderney |
0 |
06.01.2025 |
![[DZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Alžeeria |
Algerie Poste |
0 |
24.03.2025 |
![[AD]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Andorra ES |
Andorra ES |
0 |
07.03.2025 |
![[A2]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Andorra FR |
Andorra FR |
0 |
10.03.2025 |
![[AO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Angoola |
Correios de Angola |
0 |
20.12.2019 |
![[AI]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Anguilla |
Anguila Postal Service |
0 |
10.10.2016 |
![[AG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Antigua ja Barbuda |
Antigua & Barbuda Post |
0 |
19.07.2024 |
![[AE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Araabia Ühendemira. |
Emirates Post |
0 |
21.01.2025 |
![[AR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Argentiina |
Correo Argentino |
0 |
19.03.2025 |
![[AM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Armeenia |
HayPost |
0 |
05.03.2025 |
![[AW]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Aruba |
Post Aruba |
0 |
12.07.2024 |
![[ZC]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Ascension |
Ascension Post Office |
0 |
03.03.2025 |
![[AC]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Assoorid |
CTT - Azores |
0 |
19.07.2024 |
![[AZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Azerbaidžaan |
Azermarka |
0 |
01.02.2025 |
![[AU]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Austraalia |
Australia Post |
0 |
25.03.2025 |
![[QU]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Austraalia Antarktika |
Australia Post - Antarctic |
0 |
13.08.2024 |
![[AT]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Austria |
Österreichische Post AG |
0 |
15.03.2025 |
![[BS]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Bahama |
Bahamas Postal Service |
0 |
21.11.2024 |
![[BH]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Bahrein |
Bahrain Post |
0 |
16.12.2024 |
![[BD]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Bangladesh |
Bangladesh Post Office |
0 |
19.02.2025 |
![[BB]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Barbados |
Barbados Postal Service |
0 |
15.04.2024 |
![[BE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Belgia |
La Poste |
0 |
27.01.2025 |
![[BZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Belize |
Belize Postal Service |
0 |
22.10.2021 |
![[BJ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Benin |
La Poste du Bénin |
0 |
30.12.2021 |
![[BM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Bermuda |
Bermuda Post Office |
0 |
20.03.2025 |
![[BT]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Bhutan |
Bhutan Post |
0 |
07.01.2025 |
![[BO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Boliivia |
Empresa de Correos de Bolivia |
0 |
25.11.2024 |
![[BA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Bosnia - Hertsegoviina |
BH Posta |
0 |
06.03.2025 |
![[BW]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Botsvaana |
Botswana Post |
0 |
09.10.2024 |
![[BR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Brasiilia |
Correios |
0 |
25.11.2024 |
![[YZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Briti Antarktika |
F.I.B.P. - British Antarctic |
0 |
16.12.2024 |
![[IO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Briti India ookean |
BIOT Post Office |
0 |
08.06.2021 |
![[VG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Briti Neitsisaared |
BVI Postal Service |
0 |
10.01.2023 |
![[BN]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Brunei |
Brunei Darussalam Postal Service |
0 |
09.10.2024 |
![[BG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Bulgaaria |
Bulgarian Posts |
0 |
07.03.2025 |
![[BF]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Burkina Faso |
0 |
20.09.2019 |
![[BI]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Burundi |
Régie Nationale des Postes |
0 |
15.07.2021 |
![[CK]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Cooki saared |
Cook Islands Philatelic Bureau |
0 |
10.10.2023 |
![[CR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Costa Rica |
Correos de Costa Rica |
0 |
01.09.2024 |
![[CY]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Cyprus (Greek) |
Cyprus Postal Services |
0 |
27.02.2025 |
![[XB]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Cyprus (Turkish) |
0 |
20.03.2025 |
![[DJ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Djibouti |
La Poste de Djibouti |
0 |
30.03.2022 |
![[DM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Dominica |
General Post Office |
0 |
19.07.2024 |
![[DO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Dominikaani Vabariik |
Instituto Postal Dominicano |
0 |
06.07.2023 |
![[EC]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Ecuador |
Unidad Postal |
0 |
01.12.2022 |
![[EE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Eesti |
Eesti Post |
0 |
10.03.2025 |
![[EG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Egiptus |
Egypt Post |
0 |
21.02.2025 |
![[GQ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Ekvatoriaal-Guinea |
Equatorial Guinean P&T |
0 |
01.01.2018 |
![[CI]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Elevandiluurannik |
La Poste de Côte d'Ivoire |
0 |
09.10.2024 |
![[ER]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Eritrea |
Eritrean Post |
0 |
01.01.2016 |
![[ET]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Etioopia |
Ethiopian Postal Service Enterprise |
0 |
01.10.2021 |
![[FK]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Falklandi saared |
Falkland Island Philatelic Bureau |
0 |
05.12.2024 |
![[FJ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Fidži |
Post Fiji |
0 |
29.01.2025 |
![[PH]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Filipiinid |
Philpost |
0 |
10.02.2025 |
![[FO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Fääri saared |
Posta |
0 |
24.02.2025 |
![[GA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Gabon |
La Poste Gabonaise |
0 |
24.01.2019 |
![[GM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Gambia |
Gambia Postal Services Corporation |
0 |
01.01.2022 |
![[GH]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Ghana |
Ghana Post |
0 |
01.12.2022 |
![[GI]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Gibraltar |
Gibraltar Philatelic Bureau |
0 |
20.03.2025 |
![[GD]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Grenada |
Grenada Postal Corporation |
0 |
01.08.2024 |
![[G2]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Grenada Grenadiinid |
Grenada Grenadines Postal Corporation |
0 |
01.10.2021 |
![[GE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Gruusia |
Georgian Post |
0 |
11.02.2025 |
![[GL]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Gröönimaa |
Post Greenland |
0 |
31.01.2025 |
![[GT]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Guatemala |
El Correo |
0 |
12.12.2024 |
![[GG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Guernsey |
Guernsey Post |
0 |
19.02.2025 |
![[GN]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Guinea |
0 |
15.09.2013 |
![[GW]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Guinea-Bissau |
0 |
17.12.2018 |
![[GY]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Guyana |
Guyana Post Office |
0 |
26.02.2024 |
![[HT]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Haiiti |
Office des postes d'Haïti |
0 |
01.03.2010 |
![[CN]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Hiina Rahvavabariik |
China Post |
0 |
14.03.2025 |
![[ES]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Hispaania |
Correos |
0 |
26.03.2025 |
![[NL]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Holland |
TPG Post |
0 |
17.02.2025 |
![[HN]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Honduras |
Honducor |
0 |
19.11.2024 |
![[HK]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Hong Kong |
Hongkong Post |
0 |
18.03.2025 |
![[HR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Horvaatia |
Hrvatska Pošta |
0 |
20.03.2025 |
![[B2]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Horvaatia Post Mostar |
Croatian Post Ltd. Mostar |
0 |
15.03.2025 |
![[TL]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Ida-Timor |
Timor Post |
0 |
31.10.2016 |
![[IE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Iirimaa |
An Post |
0 |
06.03.2025 |
![[IL]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Iisrael |
Israel Post |
0 |
11.02.2025 |
![[IN]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
India |
India Post |
0 |
22.03.2025 |
![[ID]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Indoneesia |
Pos Indonesia |
0 |
22.01.2025 |
![[IQ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Iraak |
Iraqi Post |
0 |
23.02.2025 |
![[IR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Iraan |
I.R.Iran Post Company |
0 |
22.08.2024 |
![[IS]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Island |
Postphil |
0 |
23.08.2023 |
![[IT]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Itaalia |
Poste Italiane |
0 |
24.03.2025 |
![[JP]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Jaapan |
Japan Post |
0 |
28.11.2019 |
![[JM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Jamaika |
Jamaica Post ltd. |
0 |
24.07.2024 |
![[YE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Jeemen |
Yemen Post |
0 |
22.01.2013 |
![[JE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Jersey |
Jersey Post Office |
0 |
27.03.2025 |
![[JO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Jordan |
Jordan Post |
0 |
19.01.2025 |
![[CX]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Jõulusaar |
Australia Post - Christmas Island |
0 |
18.03.2025 |
![[KY]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kaimanisaared |
Cayman Islands Postal Service |
0 |
01.01.2024 |
![[KH]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kambodža |
Cambodia Post |
0 |
19.12.2023 |
![[CM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kamerun |
Campost |
0 |
01.01.2015 |
![[CA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kanada |
Canada Post |
0 |
21.03.2025 |
![[KZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kasahstan |
Kazpost |
0 |
01.12.2024 |
![[QA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Katar |
Q-Post |
0 |
29.01.2025 |
![[KE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Keenia |
Posta Kenya |
0 |
07.10.2022 |
![[CF]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kesk-Aafrika vabariik |
PTT - C.A.R. |
0 |
29.06.2021 |
![[KI]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kiribati |
Kiribati Philatelic Bureau |
0 |
01.09.2024 |
![[CO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kolumbia |
Portal Oficial de 4-72 |
0 |
30.01.2025 |
![[KM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Komoorid |
0 |
01.10.2019 |
![[CD]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kongo Demokraatlik Vabariik |
0 |
30.06.2021 |
![[CG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kongo Vabariik |
0 |
10.09.2015 |
![[CC]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kookossaared |
Australia Post - Cocos Islands |
0 |
08.10.2024 |
![[KV]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kosovo |
Posta Kosovo |
0 |
08.03.2025 |
![[GR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kreeka |
Hellenic Post |
0 |
10.03.2025 |
![[CU]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kuuba |
Correos de Cuba |
0 |
01.01.2022 |
![[KW]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kuveit |
Kuwait Post Office |
0 |
01.11.2024 |
![[KG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kõrgõsztan |
Kyrgyz Express Post |
0 |
01.12.2024 |
![[KG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Kõrgõsztan |
Kyrgyz Post |
0 |
01.12.2024 |
![[LA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Laos |
Lao Postal Service |
0 |
01.10.2024 |
![[LT]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Leedu |
Lietuvos Pastas |
0 |
21.03.2025 |
![[LS]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Lesoto |
Lesotho Postal Services |
0 |
31.01.2023 |
![[LR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Libeeria |
Ministry of P&T |
0 |
28.06.2020 |
![[LI]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Lichtenstein |
Philately Liechtenstein |
0 |
03.03.2025 |
![[LB]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Liibanon |
Liban Post |
0 |
02.08.2024 |
![[LY]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Liibüa |
Libya Post |
0 |
30.10.2024 |
![[LU]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Luksemburg |
P&T Luxembourg |
0 |
11.03.2025 |
![[ZA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Lõuna-Aafrika |
South African Post Office |
0 |
16.11.2024 |
![[KR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Lõuna-Korea |
Korea Post |
0 |
07.03.2025 |
![[LV]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Läti |
Latvijas Pasts |
0 |
07.03.2025 |
![[MO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Macao |
Macau Post |
0 |
12.03.2025 |
![[MG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Madagaskar |
Paositra Malagasy |
0 |
08.08.2019 |
![[XM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Madeira |
CTT Madeira |
0 |
23.08.2024 |
![[MK]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Makedoonia |
Macedonian Post |
0 |
26.03.2025 |
![[MW]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Malaavi |
Malawi Posts Corporation |
0 |
01.06.2022 |
![[MY]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Malaisia |
Pos Malaysia |
0 |
08.03.2025 |
![[MV]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Maldiivid |
Maldives Post |
0 |
23.07.2020 |
![[ML]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Mali |
Postes du Mali |
0 |
31.01.2024 |
![[MT]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Malta |
Malta Post PLC |
0 |
14.03.2025 |
![[IM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Mani saar |
Isle of Man Post Office |
0 |
27.02.2025 |
![[MA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Maroko |
Poste Maroc |
0 |
29.01.2025 |
![[MH]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Marshalli saared |
Marshall Islands Post Office |
0 |
29.10.2021 |
![[MU]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Mauriitius |
Mauritius Post |
0 |
30.12.2024 |
![[MR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Mauritaania |
Mauritian Post Company |
0 |
01.01.2018 |
![[YT]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Mayotte |
La Poste de Mayotte |
0 |
31.12.2011 |
![[MX]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Mehhiko |
Servicio Postal Mexicano |
0 |
13.12.2024 |
![[FM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Mikroneesia |
Micronesia Postal Service |
0 |
12.12.2017 |
![[MD]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Moldova |
Posta Moldovei |
0 |
12.03.2025 |
![[MC]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Monaco |
0 |
21.03.2025 |
![[MN]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Mongoolia |
Mongol Post |
0 |
10.02.2025 |
![[ME]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Montenegro |
Montenegro Post |
0 |
18.03.2025 |
![[MS]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Montserrat |
General Post Offica |
0 |
10.10.2019 |
![[MZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Mosambiik |
Correios de Moçambique |
0 |
10.02.2019 |
![[MM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Myanmar |
Myanma Posts & Telecommunications |
0 |
19.03.2025 |
![[NA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Namiibia |
NamPost |
0 |
14.06.2024 |
![[NR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Nauru |
Nauru Post Office |
0 |
26.10.2022 |
![[NP]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Nepaal |
Nepal Postal Service |
0 |
01.06.2022 |
![[K2]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Nevis |
Nevis Postal Services |
0 |
04.06.2024 |
![[NG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Nigeeria |
0 |
09.10.2024 |
![[NE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Niger |
Poste Niger |
0 |
20.04.2023 |
![[NI]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Nikaraagua |
Correos de Nicaragua-TELCOR |
0 |
30.09.2021 |
![[MP]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Niuafoou |
Niuafoou Post Office |
0 |
01.01.2022 |
![[NU]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Niue |
0 |
07.04.2021 |
![[NF]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Norfolki saared |
Norfolk Island Philatelic Bureau |
0 |
04.02.2025 |
![[NO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Norra |
Norway Post |
0 |
26.02.2025 |
![[OM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Omaan |
PTT Oman |
0 |
21.02.2025 |
![[PG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Paapua Uus-Guinea |
Post PNG Ltd |
0 |
01.11.2022 |
![[PK]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Pakistan |
Pakistan Post |
0 |
10.03.2025 |
![[PW]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Palau |
Palau Postal Service |
0 |
07.08.2020 |
![[PS]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Palestiina |
Palestine Post |
0 |
02.10.2019 |
![[PA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Panama |
Dirección General De C y T |
0 |
03.04.2024 |
![[PY]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Paraguai |
Correo Paraguayo |
0 |
30.10.2024 |
![[QI]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Penrhyni saar |
Penrhyn Islands Post Office |
0 |
01.01.2022 |
![[PE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Peruu |
Serpost SA |
0 |
30.01.2025 |
![[PN]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Pitcairni saared |
Pitcairn Islands Philatelic Bureau |
0 |
09.09.2024 |
![[PL]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Poola |
Poczta Polska |
0 |
24.03.2025 |
![[PT]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Portugal |
CTT Correios |
0 |
16.03.2025 |
![[PF]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Prantsuse Polüneesia |
0 |
07.03.2025 |
![[TF]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Prantsuse Põhja ja Antarktika territoorium |
French South and Antarctic Terr. |
0 |
02.01.2025 |
![[FR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Prantsusmaa |
La Poste |
0 |
24.03.2025 |
![[KP]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Põhja-Korea |
Korea Stamp Corporation |
0 |
10.03.2025 |
![[CV]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Roheneemesaared e. Cabo Verde |
Correios de Cabo Verde |
0 |
12.09.2024 |
![[SE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Rootsi |
Sweden Post |
0 |
09.01.2025 |
![[A3]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Rossi sektor Antarktikas |
Ross Dependency |
0 |
01.01.2025 |
![[RW]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Ruanda |
Office National Des Postes |
0 |
15.11.2010 |
![[RO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Rumeenia |
Posta Romana S.A. |
0 |
19.03.2025 |
![[SB]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Saalomoni saared |
Solomon Islands Philatelic Bureau |
0 |
07.12.2017 |
![[DE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Saksamaa |
Deutsche Post AG |
0 |
01.03.2025 |
![[SV]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Salvador |
Direccion General de Correos |
0 |
01.01.2024 |
![[ZM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Sambia |
Zampost |
0 |
01.01.2024 |
![[WS]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Samoa |
Samoa Post |
0 |
31.03.2017 |
![[SM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
San Marino |
0 |
11.02.2025 |
![[ST]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Sao Tome ja Principe |
Correios de São Tomé e Príncipe |
0 |
30.09.2021 |
![[SA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Saudi Araabia |
Saudi Post |
0 |
14.01.2025 |
![[SC]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Seišellid |
Seychelles Postal Service |
0 |
10.10.2024 |
![[SN]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Senegal |
La Poste du Senegal |
0 |
05.09.2023 |
![[RS]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Serbia |
Posta Srbije |
0 |
24.03.2025 |
![[B3]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Serbia Vabariigi B ja H |
Serbian Rep. B and H |
0 |
20.03.2025 |
![[SL]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Sierra Leone |
Sierral Leone Postal Service |
0 |
27.07.2018 |
![[SG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Singapur |
Singapore Post |
0 |
21.02.2025 |
![[SK]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Slovakkia |
Slovenska Posta |
0 |
21.03.2025 |
![[SI]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Sloveenia |
Pošta Slovenije |
0 |
06.02.2025 |
![[SO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Somaalia |
Somalia Ministry of Post |
0 |
16.12.2002 |
![[FI]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Soome |
Finland Post |
0 |
15.01.2025 |
![[LK]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Sri Lanka |
Sri Lanka Post |
0 |
15.02.2025 |
![[KN]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
St Kitts |
Nevis Postal Services - St. kitts |
0 |
19.07.2024 |
![[LC]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
St Lucia |
0 |
19.07.2024 |
![[PM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
St Pierre et Miquelon |
La Poste - St. Pierre et Miquelon |
0 |
18.03.2025 |
![[SH]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
St. Helen |
Saint Helena Post Office |
0 |
30.09.2024 |
![[VC]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
St. Vincent ja Grenadiinid |
SVG Post |
0 |
19.07.2024 |
![[SD]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Sudaan |
Sudapost |
0 |
08.02.2023 |
![[SR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Surinami |
Surpost |
0 |
01.05.2022 |
![[GB]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Suurbritannia |
Royal Mail |
0 |
27.03.2025 |
![[SZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Svaasimaa |
0 |
31.08.2018 |
![[SY]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Süüria |
Syrian Post |
0 |
31.10.2024 |
![[CH]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Šveits |
Swiss Post |
0 |
06.03.2025 |
![[ZW]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Zimbabve |
Zimpost |
0 |
01.01.2022 |
![[DK]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Taani |
Post Danmark |
0 |
16.01.2025 |
![[TJ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Tadžikistan |
Tajik Post |
0 |
01.11.2022 |
![[TH]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Tai |
Thailand Post |
0 |
08.03.2025 |
![[TW]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Taivan |
Chungwa Post |
0 |
12.03.2025 |
![[TZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Tansaania |
0 |
02.09.2023 |
![[TG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Togo |
La Poste du Togo |
0 |
05.07.2019 |
![[TK]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Tokelau saared |
Tokelau Post Office |
0 |
04.11.2020 |
![[TO]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Tonga |
Tonga Post |
0 |
01.01.2022 |
![[TT]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Trinidad ja Tobago |
Trinidad & Tobago Postal Corporation |
0 |
06.12.2022 |
![[WA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Tristan da Cunha |
Tristan Post Office |
0 |
11.12.2024 |
![[TD]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Tšaad |
0 |
20.04.2023 |
![[CZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Tšehhi Vabariik |
Czech Post |
0 |
19.03.2025 |
![[CL]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Tšiili |
Correos Chile |
0 |
22.01.2025 |
![[TN]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Tuneesia |
La Poste Tunisienne |
0 |
22.03.2025 |
![[TM]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Turkmeenia |
Turkmenistan Postal Service |
0 |
12.12.2020 |
![[TC]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Turksi ja Caicose saared |
Turks and Caicos Islands Post Office |
0 |
15.08.2022 |
![[TV]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Tuvalu |
Tuvalu Philatelic Bureau |
0 |
01.12.2021 |
![[TR]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Türgi |
0 |
21.03.2025 |
![[UG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Uganda |
Posta Uganda |
0 |
29.06.2023 |
![[UA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Ukraina |
Ukraposhta |
0 |
14.03.2025 |
![[XG]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
UN Genf |
UNPA - Geneve |
0 |
08.03.2025 |
![[X2]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
UN New York |
UNPA - New York |
0 |
08.03.2025 |
![[X3]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
UN Viin |
UNPA - Vienna |
0 |
08.03.2025 |
![[HU]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Ungari |
Magyar Posta |
0 |
18.03.2025 |
![[UY]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Uruguay |
Correo Uruguayo |
0 |
18.02.2025 |
![[UZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Usbekistan |
Post of Uzbekistan |
0 |
02.02.2024 |
![[NC]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Uus-Kaledoonia |
OPT de Nouvelle-Calédonie |
0 |
07.03.2025 |
![[NZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Uus-Meremaa |
New Zealand Post |
0 |
07.03.2025 |
![[NZ]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Uus-Meremaa |
The Postmaster - Chatham Islands Postal Service |
0 |
07.03.2025 |
![[BY]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Valgevene |
Belpochta |
0 |
04.03.2025 |
![[VU]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Vanuatu |
Vanuatu Post |
0 |
15.03.2022 |
![[VA]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Vatikan |
Poste Vaticane |
0 |
27.02.2025 |
![[RU]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Venemaa |
Russian Postal Service |
0 |
26.03.2025 |
![[VE]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Venetsueela |
Ipostel |
0 |
01.09.2021 |
![[VN]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Vietnam |
Vietnam Post |
0 |
30.12.2024 |
![[WF]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Wallise ja Futuna saared |
Service Des P&T |
0 |
31.01.2025 |
![[US]](/static/layout/sprtr.gif) |
Ühendriigid |
0 |
27.03.2025 |