
Jetzt zeigen: Ägypten - Briefmarken (1866 - 2025) - 77 Briefmarken.

[Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ EP] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ EP1] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ EP2] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ EP3] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ EQ] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ EQ1] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ EQ2] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ EQ3] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ EQ4] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ ER] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ ER1] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ ER2] [Agriculture, Soldier & Sultan Hussein Mosque, Typ ER3]
Nummer Typ D Postfrisch ungebraucht mit Falz Gestempelt Brief/FCC
402 EP 1M 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
403 EP1 2M 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
404 EP2 3M 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
405 EP3 4M 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
406 EQ 10M 0,27 - 0,54 - USD  Info
407 EQ1 10M 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
408 EQ2 15M 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
409 EQ3 17M 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
410 EQ4 20M 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
411 ER 30M 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
412 ER1 32M 0,81 - 0,27 - USD  Info
413 ER2 40M 0,81 - 0,27 - USD  Info
414 ER3 50M 1,63 - 0,27 - USD  Info
402‑414 7,30 - 4,05 - USD 
[Queen Nefertiti, Typ ES] [Queen Nefertiti, Typ ES1] [Queen Nefertiti, Typ ES2] [Queen Nefertiti, Typ ES3]
Nummer Typ D Postfrisch ungebraucht mit Falz Gestempelt Brief/FCC
415 ES 100M 1,08 - 0,27 - USD  Info
416 ES1 200M 3,25 - 0,54 - USD  Info
417 ES2 500M 8,67 - 1,08 - USD  Info
418 ES3 16,25 - 2,71 - USD  Info
415‑418 29,25 - 4,60 - USD 
[Airmail - Airplane over Delta Dam, Typ ET] [Airmail - Airplane over Delta Dam, Typ ET1]
Nummer Typ D Postfrisch ungebraucht mit Falz Gestempelt Brief/FCC
419 ET 5M 0,54 - 0,81 - USD  Info
420 ET1 15M 1,08 - 0,81 - USD  Info
419‑420 1,62 - 1,62 - USD 
[Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ BV13] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ BV14] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ BV15]
Nummer Typ D Postfrisch ungebraucht mit Falz Gestempelt Brief/FCC
421 BV13 1M 16,25 - 32,50 - USD  Info
422 BV14 3M 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
423 BV15 6M 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
421‑423 17,06 - 33,31 - USD 
[Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM20] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM21] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM22] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM23] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM24] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM25] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM26] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM27] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM28] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ DK2] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ DL2] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ DM2] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ DN2] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ DO2] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ DX2] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ EG2] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM30] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM31]
Nummer Typ D Postfrisch ungebraucht mit Falz Gestempelt Brief/FCC
424 CM20 1M 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
425 CM21 2M 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
426 CM22 3M 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
427 CM23 4M 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
428 CM24 10M 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
429 CM25 15M 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
430 CM26 17M 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
431 CM27 20M 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
432 CM28 22M 0,81 - 0,27 - USD  Info
433 DK2 30M 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
434 DL2 40M 43,34 - 65,00 - USD  Info
435 DM2 50M 1,08 - 0,27 - USD  Info
436 DN2 100M 1,63 - 0,54 - USD  Info
437 DO2 200M 6,50 - 1,08 - USD  Info
438 DX2 13,00 - 4,33 - USD  Info
439 CM29 13M 0,81 - 1,08 - USD  Info
440 EG2 50P 16,25 - 6,50 - USD  Info
441 CM30 1M 6,50 - 10,83 - USD  Info
442 CM31 2M 0,81 - 2,17 - USD  Info
424‑442 94,51 - 94,77 - USD 
[Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars  - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ BV16] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars  - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM32] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars  - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ BV17] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars  - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM33] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars  - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM34] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars  - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM35] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars  - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM36] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars  - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM37] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars  - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ CM38] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars  - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ DL3] [Various Issues of King Farouk with Portrait obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars  - Exist with Double Overprint, Typ DO3]
Nummer Typ D Postfrisch ungebraucht mit Falz Gestempelt Brief/FCC
443 BV16 3M 8,67 - 10,83 - USD  Info
444 CM32 4M 8,67 - 10,83 - USD  Info
445 BV17 6M 10,83 - 10,83 - USD  Info
446 CM33 10M 4,33 - 5,42 - USD  Info
447 CM34 13M 0,81 - 1,63 - USD  Info
448 CM35 15M 16,25 - 21,67 - USD  Info
449 CM36 17M 16,25 - 21,67 - USD  Info
450 CM37 20M 16,25 - 21,67 - USD  Info
451 CM38 22M 54,17 - 54,17 - USD  Info
452 DL3 40M 0,81 - 1,63 - USD  Info
453 DO3 200M 5,42 - 4,33 - USD  Info
443‑453 142 - 164 - USD 
[Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1947 - King Farouk  obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH24] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1947 - King Farouk  obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH25] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1947 - King Farouk  obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH26] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1947 - King Farouk  obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH27] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1947 - King Farouk  obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH28] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1947 - King Farouk  obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH29] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1947 - King Farouk  obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH30] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1947 - King Farouk  obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH31] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1947 - King Farouk  obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH32] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1947 - King Farouk  obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH33] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1947 - King Farouk  obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH34]
Nummer Typ D Postfrisch ungebraucht mit Falz Gestempelt Brief/FCC
454 DH24 2M 2,17 - 2,17 - USD  Info
455 DH25 3M 1,63 - 3,25 - USD  Info
456 DH26 5M 0,81 - 1,63 - USD  Info
457 DH27 7M 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
458 DH28 8M 1,08 - 2,17 - USD  Info
459 DH29 10M 43,34 - 43,34 - USD  Info
460 DH30 20M 1,63 - 0,27 - USD  Info
461 DH31 30M 2,17 - 1,08 - USD  Info
462 DH32 40M 2,17 - 1,08 - USD  Info
463 DH33 50M 4,33 - 1,08 - USD  Info
464 DH34 100M 6,50 - 3,25 - USD  Info
465 DH35 200M 65,00 - 65,00 - USD  Info
454‑465 131 - 124 - USD 
[Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH36] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH37] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH38] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH39] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH40] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH41] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH42] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH43] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH44] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH45] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH46] [Airmail - Nile Dam and King Farouk Stamps of 1952 - King Farouk obliterated by Three Horizontal Bars, Typ DH47]
Nummer Typ D Postfrisch ungebraucht mit Falz Gestempelt Brief/FCC
466 DH36 2M 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
467 DH37 3M 1,08 - 1,08 - USD  Info
468 DH38 5M 0,27 - 0,27 - USD  Info
469 DH39 7M 16,25 - 16,25 - USD  Info
470 DH40 8M 0,81 - 1,63 - USD  Info
471 DH41 10M 0,54 - 1,63 - USD  Info
472 DH42 20M 54,17 - 65,00 - USD  Info
473 DH43 30M 1,08 - 1,08 - USD  Info
474 DH44 40M 54,17 - 65,00 - USD  Info
475 DH45 50M 1,63 - 0,81 - USD  Info
476 DH46 100M 3,25 - 3,25 - USD  Info
477 DH47 200M 6,50 - 10,83 - USD  Info
466‑477 140 - 167 - USD 
[Electronics Exhibition, Cairo, Typ EU]
Nummer Typ D Postfrisch ungebraucht mit Falz Gestempelt Brief/FCC
478 EU 10M 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info


von Jahr

zu Jahr




