New Brunswick

Viser nu New Brunswick - Post frimærker (1851 - 1860) - 12 frimærker.

1851 Coat of Arms

6. september VM: Ingen Perforeringer: Imperforated

[Coat of Arms, type A] [Coat of Arms, type A1]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
1 A 3P - 2.726 436 - USD  Info
2 A1 6P - 6.542 872 - USD  Info
3 A2 1Sh - 16.356 5.452 - USD  Info
1‑3 - 25.624 6.760 - USD 
1860 -1863 Value in Cents

VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 12

[Value in Cents, type B] [Value in Cents, type C] [Value in Cents, type D] [Value in Cents, type D1] [Value in Cents, type D2] [Value in Cents, type E] [Value in Cents, type F] [Value in Cents, type G]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
4 B 1C - 54,52 54,52 - USD  Info
5 C 2C - 27,26 27,26 - USD  Info
6 D 5C - 21,81 16,36 - USD  Info
6a* D1 5C - 21,81 16,36 - USD  Info
6b* D2 5C - 436 54,52 - USD  Info
7 E 10C - 43,62 54,52 - USD  Info
8 F 12½C - 65,42 54,52 - USD  Info
9 G 17C - 54,52 65,42 - USD  Info
4‑9 - 267 272 - USD 
[Postmaster Charles Connell - Not Issued, type H]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
10 H 5C - 5.452 - - USD  Info


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