Britisk Honduras

Viser nu Britisk Honduras - Post frimærker (1890 - 1899) - 29 frimærker.

1891 No.23 Surcharged

februar VM: Ingen Perforeringer: 14

[No.23 Surcharged, type E] [No.23 Surcharged, type E1]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
26 E 6/10C - 1,57 2,62 - USD  Info
26A E1 6/10C - 1,57 2,10 - USD  Info
[No.5 in New Colour Surcharged, type F]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
27 F 6/3C - 4,19 20,96 - USD  Info
[No.10 in Different Coloyur Surcharged, type G]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
28 G 1/1C/P - 0,79 0,79 - USD  Info
[No.22 & 27 Surcharged, type H] [No.22 & 27 Surcharged, type I]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
29 H 5/3C - 1,57 1,57 - USD  Info
30 I 15/6C - 15,72 31,44 - USD  Info
29‑30 - 17,29 33,01 - USD 
[Definitive Issue: Queen Victoria, type J] [Definitive Issue: Queen Victoria, type J1] [Definitive Issue: Queen Victoria, type J2] [Definitive Issue: Queen Victoria, type J3] [Definitive Issue: Queen Victoria, type J4] [Definitive Issue: Queen Victoria, type K] [Definitive Issue: Queen Victoria, type K1] [Definitive Issue: Queen Victoria, type K2] [Definitive Issue: Queen Victoria, type K3]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
31 J 1C 3,14 - 1,57 - USD  Info
32 J1 2C 3,14 - 0,26 - USD  Info
33 J2 3C 10,48 - 5,24 - USD  Info
34 J3 5C 15,72 - 1,05 - USD  Info
35 J4 6C 10,48 - 2,62 - USD  Info
36 K 10C 15,72 - 10,48 - USD  Info
37 K1 12C 3,14 - 2,62 - USD  Info
38 K2 24C 8,38 - 20,96 - USD  Info
39 K3 25C 104 - 183 - USD  Info
31‑39 175 - 228 - USD 
[Stamps No. 25, 34, 36 & 39 Overprinted "REVENUE"- 12 mm & 11 mm, for Post and Fiscal Use, type L] [Stamps No. 25, 34, 36 & 39 Overprinted "REVENUE"- 12 mm & 11 mm, for Post and Fiscal Use, type L2] [Stamps No. 25, 34, 36 & 39 Overprinted "REVENUE"- 12 mm & 11 mm, for Post and Fiscal Use, type L4] [Stamps No. 25, 34, 36 & 39 Overprinted "REVENUE"- 12 mm & 11 mm, for Post and Fiscal Use, type L6]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
40 L 5C 15,72 - 3,14 - USD  Info
40A* L1 5C 31,44 - 10,48 - USD  Info
41 L2 10C 5,24 - 20,96 - USD  Info
41A* L3 10C 26,20 - 52,40 - USD  Info
42 L4 25C 3,14 - 52,40 - USD  Info
42A* L5 25C 5,24 - 62,89 - USD  Info
43 L6 50/1C/Sh 209 - 419 - USD  Info
43A* L7 50/1C/Sh 419 - 524 - USD  Info
40‑43 233 - 495 - USD 
[Queen Victoria - Inscription "POSTAGE & REVENUE", type M] [Queen Victoria - Inscription "POSTAGE & REVENUE", type N] [Queen Victoria - Inscription "POSTAGE & REVENUE", type N1] [Queen Victoria - Inscription "POSTAGE & REVENUE", type M1] [Queen Victoria - Inscription "POSTAGE & REVENUE", type M2] [Queen Victoria - Inscription "POSTAGE & REVENUE", type M3]
Nr. Type D Postfrisk Ubrugt Brugt Brev/FDC
44 M 5C 20,96 - 3,14 - USD  Info
45 N 10C 15,72 - 10,48 - USD  Info
46 N1 50C 31,44 - 62,89 - USD  Info
47 M1 1$ 104 - 183 - USD  Info
48 M2 2$ 131 - 262 - USD  Info
49 M3 5$ 419 - 524 - USD  Info
44‑49 723 - 1.046 - USD 


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