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Harry Potter on Stamps
Harry Potter on Stamps - Promoting the collecting of Harry Potter Stamps and other philatelic material - personalized sheets, covers, meters, and cancels.
I Love Philately
This group is open to all stamp lovers. Oh, and also the stamp buffs that study them, philatelists.
UPDATE: 'I Love Philately' also has a community on Google+ at goo.gl/ViQEG
Iraqi Stamps الطوابع العراقية
.أصدقائنا الأعزاء, هذه الصفحة متخصصة في الطوابع العراقية. نرحب بمساهماتكم للحفاظ على تاريخ الطوابع والبريد العراقي خصوصا والتراث العراقي عموما
Dear friends, This page specializes in Iraqi stamps. We welcome your contributions to preserve the history of stamps and the Iraqi postal/philatelic in ...
Maximaphily, traditional and non-traditional
A Facebook group of maxicard collectors. Maximaphily is a branch of philately, or stamp collecting, that means collecting maximum cards.
A maximum card is a postcard, with a stamp and a postmark on the picture side.