Mange af os vil være enige i, at det faktisk er en naturlig del af menneskets natur at "samle" ting. Ikke længe efter den første introduktion af frimærker, begyndte de første frimærkesamlere at komme frem. Penny Black frimærket var det første frimærke i verden, da det blev udstedt i maj 1840 i England. Allerede i år 1960 var der flere tusinde frimærkesamlere og langsomt begyndte der at komme frimærkesælgere. Klik her for at se Penny Black frimærket
John Edward Gray en britisk zoolog blev ofte beskrevet som den første frimærkesamler i verden. Det var hans hensigt at redde dem, og han købte derfor en masse Penny Black frimærker på den dag, de blev udstedt til befolkningen. Hvad han gjorde, gjorde ham til verdens første frimærkesamler.
Selvom verdenen bliver mere og mere afhængig af moderne teknologi og enheder, som kan sende email og SMS'er ved blot at trykke på en knap, så oplevede man en reinkarnation af frimærkeinteressen tilbage i 2005.
Der er mange mulige grunde for genopstandelsen af frimærkesamling som hobby:
Ligesom den forestilling at tekonologien er "meget interessant" så begynder det ikke-teknologiske pludselig at vinde frem igen. Det er ikke kun den ældre generation, der samler på frimærker, især yngre synes det er sjovt at samle på frimærker, da det er en helt anden "teknologi" end den de kender i dag. Det er en anderledes og sjov måde at stimulere nysgerrigheden, hvis man er blevet træt af at SMS, spille videospil eller andet.
Nu til dags vil lidt ældre mennesker typisk have en "nostalgisk" eller "retro" følelse omkring frimærker i stedet for følelsen af "uddateret" "Primitivt" eller "gammeldags"
Many stamp collecting individuals belonging from the Baby Boomer generation (a person born between 1946 and 1964) who in the past have considered and even called their stamp collections as "something I have in a box in the attic" during the late 1960s, 1970s, and the early 1980s, have now turned into "empty nesters" and they are scouring through their collection of stamps with renewed interest in getting back and continuing the hobby.
Even if technology continues to evolve, the world is seeing a rebirth in the popularity of actual and real letter writing -- one that is done by hand. In spite of what many people thought, the Internet has "helped" instead of "obliterated" this trend, especially when "pen pal" websites have popped up and are growing in substantial numbers today, and postcard exchange websites have made it easily possible for people all over the world to connect and send to each other several handwritten mail.
Advancements in technology have tremendously helped in bringing the world much closer together. There has been an explosive rise in the popularity of stamp collecting in countries like the Republic of China and India. The increasing demand for stamps and stamp collecting-related supplies from these "new developing economies" is also helping to spark an interest in people from other parts of the world to try out stamp collecting.
Frimærkesamling i moderne tid er meget anderledes i forhold til frimærkesamling i fortiden, men begge har stadig de samme fundamentale regler. Selvfølgelig ser nutidens frimærker anderledes ud end i de gamle dage.
Selvfølgelig er der stadig mange mennesker der er mere komfortable med at samle frimærker på den "traditionelle" måde: Vælg et land og samle et frimærke af alle der er udstedt i det land.
I fortiden når der blev udstedt et "nyt" frimærke, betød det typisk, at man kunne forvente endnu en udgave af den reagerende Konge, Dronning eller leder. Det er ikke, sådan det fungerer i dag.
These days, modern-age printing techniques make it possible to print a wide variety of designs. Many of them are very colorful, especially those that feature flowers, butterflies, fishes, etc. This has largely led to a growing interest in TOPICAL or THEMATIC stamp collecting in the twenty first century. Instead of the traditional way of choosing a country, you can choose a specific TOPIC or THEME that would become the main focal point of your stamp collection, such as "space exploration on stamps", "birds on stamps", or "cartoon characters on stamps". Because a majority of stamps with colorful designs have been issued since the 1950s, building up stamp collections with a main theme or topic can be fairly inexpensive, and one can still continue on thematic stamp collecting because newly-printed stamps issued each year are still relatively affordable.
Thanks to the help of the Internet, getting access to stamps has become easier than ever. Of course, most stamp collections start out by collecting stamps from private and office letters; however, thanks to websites like StampWorld, people can now buy and/or sell stamps at the comfort of their own home, and they can get just about any new stamps from anywhere in the world! How cool is that?
Stamp collecting today is absolutely a hobby that everyone can do. While in the early times it was a pastime that was mostly dominated by men, stamp collecting today and beyond can be done and enjoyed by women as well. Not only that, stamp collecting is not limited to adults in their 30s or the elderly. With adult supervision, stamp collecting can start as early as 5 years old in children!