Egypt (page 30/49)

Now showing: Egypt - Postage stamps (1866 - 2025) - 2448 stamps.

[Day of the Stamp - The 75th Anniversary of Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb, type ALC]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1412 ALC 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
[Day of the Stamp - The 75th Anniversary of Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb, type XLC]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1413 XLC 1.08 - 1.08 - USD  Info
1997 Police Day

25. leden WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 13½

[Police Day, type ALD]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1414 ALD 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 Festivals

1. únor WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 13¼

[Festivals, type ALE] [Festivals, type ALF]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1415 ALE 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1416 ALF 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1415‑1416 0.54 - 0.54 - USD 
1997 Pharaohs

1. únor WM: 8 Perforation: 11¼

[Pharaohs, type ALG]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1417 ALG 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 -1999 Pharaohs

21. únor WM: 8 Perforation: 11¼

[Pharaohs, type ALO]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1418 ALO 5P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 World Civil Defence Day

10. březen WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 13¼

[World Civil Defence Day, type ALH]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1419 ALH 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 The 30th Cairo International Fair

19. březen WM: Žádný Perforation: 13½ x 12¾

[The 30th Cairo International Fair, type ALI]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1420 ALI 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 Airmail - World Meteorological Day

23. březen WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 12½

[Airmail - World Meteorological Day, type ALJ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1421 ALJ 1.62 - 0.81 - USD  Info
1997 Pharaohs

25. březen WM: Žádný Perforation: 11¼

[Pharaohs, type ALK] [Pharaohs, type ALL]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1422 ALK 75P 0.81 - 0.54 - USD  Info
1423 ALL 75P 0.81 - 0.54 - USD  Info
1422‑1423 1.62 - 1.08 - USD 
[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Mahmoud Said (Artist), 1897-1984, type ALM]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1424 ALM 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Mahmoud Said (Artist), 1987-1984

12. duben WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 1 Perforation: Imperforated

[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Mahmoud Said (Artist), 1987-1984, type XLM]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1425 XLM 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Heinrich von Stephan (Founder of Universal Postal Union), 1831-1897, type ALN]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1426 ALN 1.08 - 0.81 - USD  Info
1997 The 50th Anniversary of Institute of African Research and Studies

27. květen WM: Žádný Perforation: 13¼ x 12¾

[The 50th Anniversary of Institute of African Research and Studies, type ALP]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1427 ALP 75P 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
1997 Inauguration of State Information Service's New Headquarters

16. srpen WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¼ x 12¾

[Inauguration of State Information Service's New Headquarters, type ALQ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1428 ALQ 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 -1999 Airmail - Pharaohs

23. srpen WM: 8 Perforation: 11 x 11½

[Airmail - Pharaohs, type ALR]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1429 ALR 0.81 - 0.54 - USD  Info
1997 Under-17 Football World Championship, Egypt

4. září WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 12¼

[Under-17 Football World Championship, Egypt, type ALS] [Under-17 Football World Championship, Egypt, type ALT]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1430 ALS 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1431 ALT 75P 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
1430‑1431 0.81 - 0.81 - USD 
1430‑1431 0.81 - 0.81 - USD 
1997 Under-17 Football World Championship, Egypt

4. září WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 1 Perforation: Imperforated

[Under-17 Football World Championship, Egypt, type XLT]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1432 XLT 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
[Airmail - Egypt's Winning Medal Tally at Eighth Pan-Arab Games, Beirut, type ALU]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1433 ALU 75P 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
1997 Airmail - The 98th Interparliamentary Union Conference, Cairo

11. září WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 12¼

[Airmail - The 98th Interparliamentary Union Conference, Cairo, type ALV]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1434 ALV 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
[The 10th Anniversary of Montreal Protocol (on Reduction of Use of Chlorofluorocarbons), type ALW] [The 10th Anniversary of Montreal Protocol (on Reduction of Use of Chlorofluorocarbons), type ALW1]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1435 ALW 20P 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1436 ALW1 1.62 - 0.81 - USD  Info
1435‑1436 2.16 - 1.08 - USD 
1997 Inauguration of Second Stage of Underground Railway

21. září WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¼ x 12¾

[Inauguration of Second Stage of Underground Railway, type ALX]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1437 ALX 20P 0.54 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 Airmail - "Fayoum's Portraits" Exhibition

27. září WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 12¼

[Airmail - "Fayoum's Portraits" Exhibition, type ALY]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1438 ALY 1.08 - 0.54 - USD  Info
[The 125th Anniversary of First Performance of "Aida" (Opera by Verdi), at Old Opera House, Cairo, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1439 ALZ 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1439 4.33 - 4.33 - USD 
[The 125th Anniversary of First Performance of "Aida" (Opera by Verdi), at Old Opera House, Cairo, type XLZ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1440 XLZ 4.33 - 4.33 - USD  Info
1997 Airmail - World Book and Copyright Day

24. říjen WM: Žádný Perforation: 12½ x 12¾

[Airmail - World Book and Copyright Day, type AMA]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1441 AMA 1.08 - 0.81 - USD  Info
1997 Airmail - Pharaohs

25. říjen WM: Žádný Perforation: 13½ x 12¾

[Airmail - Pharaohs, type AMB]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1442 AMB 0.81 - 0.81 - USD  Info
1997 International Orthopaedics Congress, Cairo

17. listopad WM: Žádný Perforation: 13¼ x 12¾

[International Orthopaedics Congress, Cairo, type AMC]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1443 AMC 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
[Airmail - The 11th African Transport and Communications Ministers' Conference, Cairo, type AMD]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1444 AMD 75P 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
1997 The 75th Anniversary of Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb

22. listopad WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 12¼

[The 75th Anniversary of Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb, type AME]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1445 AME 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 The 75th Anniversary of Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb

22. listopad WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 1 Perforation: Imperforated

[The 75th Anniversary of Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb, type XME]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1446 XME 1.08 - 1.08 - USD  Info
1997 Inauguration of Nubia Monuments Museum

23. listopad WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 13¼

[Inauguration of Nubia Monuments Museum, type AMF]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1447 AMF 20P 0.81 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 Airmail - The 85th Anniversary of Arab Scout Movement

24. listopad WM: Žádný Perforation: 12½ x 12¾

[Airmail - The 85th Anniversary of Arab Scout Movement, type AMG]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1448 AMG 75P 0.54 - 0.54 - USD  Info
1997 The 5th Pan-Arab Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Congress

9. prosinec WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 13¼

[The 5th Pan-Arab Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Congress, type AMH]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1449 AMH 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 The 50th Anniversary of Arab Land Bank

10. prosinec WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 12¼

[The 50th Anniversary of Arab Land Bank, type AMI]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1450 AMI 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1997 Dramatic Arts

23. prosinec WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 12½

[Dramatic Arts, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1451 AMJ 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1452 AMK 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1453 AML 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1454 AMM 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1455 AMN 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1451‑1455 1.35 - 1.35 - USD 
1451‑1455 1.35 - 1.35 - USD 
[The 15th Anniversary of Restoration of Sinai - Inauguration of El Salaam ("Peace") Canal, type AMO]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1456 AMO 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1998 Day of the Stamp - Pharaohs

2. leden WM: Žádný Perforation: 13¼ x 12¾

[Day of the Stamp - Pharaohs, type AMP] [Day of the Stamp - Pharaohs, type AMQ] [Day of the Stamp - Pharaohs, type AMR]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1457 AMP 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1458 AMQ 75P 0.81 - 0.54 - USD  Info
1459 AMR 1.08 - 0.54 - USD  Info
1457‑1459 2.16 - 1.35 - USD 
1998 Festivals

27. leden WM: Žádný Perforation: 12¾ x 13¼

[Festivals, type AMS] [Festivals, type AMT]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1460 AMS 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1461 AMT 20P 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
1460‑1461 0.54 - 0.54 - USD 


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