- Aaland
- Aberdeen
- Abingdon
- Abkhazia
- Abu Dhabi
- Achtyrka
- Aden
- Aegean Islands
- Afars and Issas
- Afghanistan
- Agion Oras Athos
- Aguera, La
- Aitutaki
- Ajman
- Alabama
- Alaouites
- Albania
- Albany
- Alderney
- Alexandretta
- Alexandria
- Algeria
- Allenstein
- Allied Military Government Italy
- Allied Occupation
- Alwar
- American Samoa
- AMG Naples
- AMG Sicily
- Amoy
- Amur Province
- Anderson Court House
- Andorra ES
- Andorra FR
- Angola
- Angra
- Anguilla
- Anjouan
- Annam and Tonkin
- Annapolis
- Antequera
- Antigua
- Antigua And Barbuda
- Antioquia
- Aosta
- Apolda
- Arad
- Aragon
- Arbe/Rab
- Argentina
- Argyrokastron/Gjirokaster
- Arkansas
- Armavir
- Armenia
- Aruba
- Ascension
- Ashgabat
- Athens
- Atlanta
- Aunus
- Austin, Miss
- Austin, Tex
- Australia
- Australian Antarctic
- Austria
- Austrian Post Crete
- Austrian Post Turkish Empire
- Austro Hungary Military Post
- Autaugaville
- Avila
- Azad Hind
- Azerbaijan
- Azores
- B.C.O.F.
- Bad Gottleuba
- Baden
- Bahamas
- Bahawalpur
- Bahrain
- Balcony Falls
- Baltimore
- Baltimore, Md
- Bamra
- Banat Bacska
- Bangladesh
- Banja Luka
- Baranya
- Barbados
- Barbuda
- Barnaul
- Barnwell Court House
- Barwani
- Base Atlantica
- Basel
- Basutoland
- Baton Rouge
- Batraki
- Batum
- Bavaria
- Beaumont
- Bechuanaland Protectorate
- Bejuma
- Belarus
- Belgian Congo
- Belgian Occ. of German East Africa
- Belgium
- Belize
- Benin
- Bequia
- Berat
- Bergedorf
- Berlin
- Bermuda
- Bhopal
- Bhor
- Bhutan
- Biafra
- Bijawar
- Bluffton
- Bohemia and Moravia
- Bolivar
- Bolivia
- Bonaire
- Bophuthatswana
- Boscawen
- Bosnia Herzegovina
- Boston
- Boston, Mass
- Botswana
- Boyaca
- Brattleboro
- Braunschweig
- Brazil
- Brazil Zeppelin Flights
- Bremen
- Bridgeville
- British American Zone
- British Antarctic
- British Army Post Egypt
- British Bechuanaland
- British Canada
- British Central Africa
- British Colonies
- British Columbia/Vancouver Island
- British East Africa
- British East Africa Forces
- British Guiana
- British Honduras
- British Indian Ocean
- British Middle East Forces
- British Military Adm. Eritrea
- British Military Adm. Malaya
- British Military Adm. Somalia
- British Military Adm. Tripolitania
- British Military Administration
- British Nevis
- British New Guinea
- British Occ. Baghdad
- British Occ. Bushire
- British Occ. Mosul
- British Palestine
- British Post China
- British Post French Morocco
- British Post Madagascar
- British Post Morocco
- British Post Offices Abroad
- British Post Spanish Morocco
- British Post Turkish Empire
- British South Africa Company
- British Tangier
- British Togo
- British Virgin Islands
- Brunei
- Buenos Aires
- Bulgaria
- Bulgarian Occ. in Romania
- Bundi
- Burdukova
- Burkina Faso
- Burma
- Burundi
- Bussahir
- Caicos Island
- Calimno
- Cambodia
- Camden
- Cameroon
- Cameroon Expeditionary Force
- Campione
- Canada
- Canal Zone
- Canouan
- Canton
- Cape Juby
- Cape of Good Hope
- Cape Verde
- Carlist Government
- Carnaro Islands
- Carolina City
- Cartersville
- Carupano
- Caso
- Castellorizo
- Castelrosso
- Cayes of Belize
- Cayman Islands
- Central African Republic
- Central Albania
- Central China
- Central Lithuania
- Ceylon
- Chad
- Chamba
- Chapel Hill
- Charkhari
- Charleston
- CHarleston
- Charleston, S.C.
- Charlottesville
- Chattanooga
- Chefoo
- Cheljabinsk
- Chile
- Chilean Occupation of Peru
- Chimarra
- China Expeditionary Forces
- China, Empire
- China, Foreign Post
- China, Local Issues
- China, Peoples Rep.
- China, Provinces
- Chinese Offices in Tibet
- Chinkiang
- Chios
- Christiansburg
- Christmas Island
- Chungking
- Cilicia
- Cincinnati, Ohio
- Ciskei
- City Carrier Stamps
- Civil War Municipal Issues
- Cleveland, Ohio
- Coamo
- Cochin
- Cochin China
- Cocos Islands
- Colaparchee
- Colombia
- Colombian States
- Columbia, SC
- Columbia, TENN
- Columbus
- Comoro Islands
- Confederate States
- Congo, Dr
- Congo, Rep.
- Conseil de LEurope
- Cook Islands
- Cordoba
- Corrientes
- Cos
- Costa Rica
- Cottbus
- Courtland
- Crete
- Croatia
- Croatian Post East Mostar
- Croatian Post Mostar
- Cuba
- Cucuta
- Cundinamarca
- Curacao
- Cyprus Greek
- Cyprus Turkish
- Cyrenaica
- Czech Republic
- Czechoslovak Legion Post
- Czechoslovakia
- Dahomey
- Dalmatia/Sibenik
- Dalton
- Danilov
- Danish West Indies
- Danville
- Danzig
- Debrecen
- Dedeagatch
- Demopolis
- Denikin Army
- Denmark
- Dhar
- Diber
- Diego Suarez
- Djibouti
- Dobeln
- Dobrudja
- Dodecanese Islands
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Don Cossack Government
- Dorpat
- Dubai
- Duttia
- East Africa and Uganda Protectorates
- East China
- East Karjala
- Eastern Front
- Eastern Rumelia
- Eastern Silesia
- Eatonton
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- Egyptian Expeditionary Force
- Egyptian Occ. Palestine
- El Salvador
- Elobey, Annobon and Corisco
- Emory
- Emperor Bao Dai Period
- Epirus
- Equatorial Guinea
- Eritrea
- Estonia
- Ethiopia
- Falkland Islands
- Falkland Islands Dependencies
- Far Eastern Republic
- Faridkot
- Faroe Islands
- Federated Malay States
- Federation of South Arabia
- Fernando Po
- Fezzan
- Fiji
- Fincastle
- Finland
- Finsterwalde
- Fiume
- Florida
- Foochow
- Formosa
- Forsyth
- France
- Franklin
- Fraziersville
- Fredericksburg
- French Baden
- French Benin
- French Cochin China
- French Colonies
- French Colonies, General Issues
- French Committee of National Liberation
- French Congo
- French Equatorial Africa
- French Guinea
- French Guyane
- French India
- French Niger
- French Oceania
- French Polynesia
- French Post Alexandria
- French Post Cavalla
- French Post China
- French Post Crete
- French Post Dedeagatch
- French Post Ethiopia
- French Post Morocco
- French Post Offices Abroad
- French Post Port Lagos
- French Post Port Said
- French Post Turkish Empire
- French Post Vathy
- French Post Zanzibar
- French Rheinland Pfalz
- French Somali Coast
- French South and Antarctic Terr.
- French Sudan
- French Tangier
- French Togo
- French West Africa
- French Wurttemberg
- French Zone
- Fujeira
- Fukien
- Funafuti
- Funchal
- Gabon
- Gainesville
- Galapagos Islands
- Galatin
- Galveston
- Gambia
- Gaston
- General Government
- Geneva
- Georgetown
- Georgia
- Georgia Usa
- German Cameroon
- German Caroline Islands
- German China
- German Colonies
- German East Africa
- German Eastern Front
- German Empire
- German Kiauchau
- German Mariana Islands
- German Marshall Islands
- German New Guinea
- German Plebiscite Territories
- German Post Abroad
- German Post China
- German Post Morocco
- German Post Turkish Empire
- German Samoa
- German South West Africa
- German Togo
- German Western Front
- German WWI Occ. in Belgium
- German WWI Occ. in Poland
- German WWI Occ. in Romania
- German WWII Occ. in Albania
- German WWII Occ. in Alsace
- German WWII Occ. in Estonia
- German WWII Occ. in France
- German WWII Occ. in Guernsey
- German WWII Occ. in Jersey
- German WWII Occ. in Kotor
- German WWII Occ. in Kurland
- German WWII Occ. in Laibach
- German WWII Occ. in Latvia
- German WWII Occ. in Lithuania
- German WWII Occ. in Ljady
- German WWII Occ. in Lothringen
- German WWII Occ. in Luxemburg
- German WWII Occ. in Macedonia
- German WWII Occ. in Montenegro
- German WWII Occ. in Ostland
- German WWII Occ. in Russia
- German WWII Occ. in Serbia
- German WWII Occ. in Ukraine
- German WWII Occ. in Zara
- Germany
- Ghadames
- Ghana
- Gibraltar
- Gilbert and Ellice Islands
- Gilbert Islands
- Glauchau
- Gold Coast
- Goliad
- Gonzales
- Gorlitz
- Graham Land
- Grande Comore
- Great Britain
- Greece
- Greek Islands
- Greek Occ. in Turkey
- Greek Occupation
- Greek Occupation of Komotino
- Greenland
- Greensboro, Ala
- Greensboro, N.C.
- Greenville
- Greenville Court House
- Greenwood Depot
- Grenada
- Grenada Grenadines
- Grenadines Of St. Vincent
- Griffin
- Griqualand West
- Grodno
- Grossraschen
- Grove Hill
- Guadeloupe
- Guam
- Guanacaste
- Guatemala
- Guayana
- Guernsey
- Guinea
- Guinea Bissau
- Guyana
- Gwalior
- Hadhramaut, Kathiri State in
- Haiti
- Hallettsville
- Hamburg
- Hamburgh
- Hankow
- Hannover
- Harrisburgh
- Hatay
- Hawaii
- Hejaz
- Helena
- Helgoland
- Hillsboro
- Ho Chi Minh Period
- Hollandale
- Holzhausen
- Honduras
- Hong Kong
- Horta
- Houston
- Hunan
- Hungary
- Huntsville
- Hupeh
- Hyderabad
- Icaria
- Iceland
- Ichang
- Idar
- Ifni
- Independence
- India
- Indian Convention States
- Indian Expeditionary Forces
- Indian Feudatory States
- Indian Police Forces
- Indian Police Forces in Cambodia
- Indian Police Forces in Congo
- Indian Police Forces in Gaza
- Indian Police Forces in Korea
- Indian Police Forces in Laos
- Indian Police Forces in Laos And Vietnam
- Indian Police Forces in Vietnam
- Indochina
- Indochinese Post Canton
- Indochinese Post China
- Indochinese Post Hoi Hao
- Indochinese Post Kouang/Tcheou Wan
- Indochinese Post Mongtze
- Indochinese Post Packhoi
- Indochinese Post Tchongking
- Indochinese Post Yunnansen
- Indonesia
- Indonesia, Djokjakarta
- Indonesia, Republic
- Indore/Holkar
- Inhambane
- Inini
- Ionian Islands
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Isabella
- Isle of Man
- Israel
- Istria Slovene Coast
- Italian Cirenaica
- Italian Colonies
- Italian East Africa
- Italian Eritrea
- Italian Ethiopia
- Italian Libya
- Italian Occ. Cephalonia and Ithaca
- Italian Occ. Corfu 1923
- Italian Occ. Corfu 1941
- Italian Occ. Ionian Islands
- Italian Occ. Ljubljana
- Italian Occ. Montenegro
- Italian Occupations
- Italian Post Abroad, General Issues
- Italian Post Albania
- Italian Post China
- Italian Post Crete
- Italian Post Offices Abroad
- Italian Post Turkish Empire
- Italian Somaliland
- Italian States
- Italian WWI Occ. General Issues
- Italian WWI Occ. Venezia Giulia
- Italy
- Iuka
- Ivory Coast
- Jackson
- Jacksonville, Ala
- Jacksonville, Fla
- Jaipur
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Japan 2020-Present
- Japanese Administration of Taiwan
- Japanese Occ. in Central China
- Japanese Occ. In China
- Japanese Occ. in Honan
- Japanese Occ. in Hopei
- Japanese Occ. in South China
- Japanese Post China
- Japanese Post Korea
- Japanese World War 2 Occupations
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Brunei
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Burma
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Hong Kong
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Java
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Johore
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Kedah
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Kelatan
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Malacca
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Negri Sembilan
- Japanese WWII Occ. in North Borneo
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Pahang
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Penang
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Perak
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Philippines
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Sarawak
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Selangor
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Straits Settlements
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Sumatra
- Japanese WWII Occ. in Trengganu
- Japanese WWII Occ. Malayan Postal Union
- Jasdan
- Jersey
- Jetersville
- Jhalawar
- Jind
- Johore
- Joint allied occupation zone
- Jonesboro
- Jordan
- Jordanian Occ. Palestine
- Karjala
- Karki
- Katanga
- Kazakhstan
- Kedah
- Kelantan
- Kenya
- Kenya and Uganda
- Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika
- Kewkiang
- Khor Fakkan
- Kiangsi
- Kingston
- Kionga
- Kiribati
- Kirin Heilungkiang
- Kishangarh
- Knoxville
- Koltshak Army
- Korce
- Korea
- Koritsa
- Kosovo
- Kuban Cossack Government
- Kuwait
- Kwangsi
- Kyrgyzstan
- La Grange
- Labuan
- Lagos
- Lake City
- Laos
- Latakia
- Latvia
- Laurens Court House
- Lebanon
- Leeward Islands
- Lemnos
- Lenoir
- Leros
- Lesotho
- Lexington, Miss
- Lexington, Va
- Liberia
- Liberty
- Libya
- Liechtenstein
- Limestone Springs
- Lipso
- Lithuania
- Livingston
- Lobau
- Local Issues 1945
- Local Issues 1st Republic
- Local Issues 2nd Republic
- Lockport
- Lombardy Venetia
- Louisiana
- Louisville, Ky
- Lourenco Marques
- Lubbenau
- Lubeck
- Luxembourg
- Lynchburg
- Macau
- Macedonia
- Macon
- Madagascar
- Madeira
- Madison
- Madison Court House
- Mafeking
- Mafia
- Mahra
- Majunga
- Malacca/Melaka
- Malawi
- Malaya, Federation
- Malayan States
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malta
- Manama
- Manchukuo
- Mariana Islands
- Maribor Local Issue
- Marienwerder
- Marietta
- Marino
- Marion
- Mariupol
- Marshall Islands
- Martinique
- Maturin
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mayotte
- Mayreau
- Mecklenburg Schwerin
- Mecklenburg Strelitz
- Meissen
- Melilla
- Memel
- Memphis
- Mexico
- Mexico, Local Issues
- Mexico, Revolutionary Issues
- Micanopy
- Micronesia
- Middle Congo
- Millbury
- Milledgeville
- Milton
- Mississippi
- Mobile
- Modena
- Moheli
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Montenegro
- Montgomery
- Montserrat
- Morocco
- Morvi
- Mount Athos
- Mozambique
- Mozambique Company
- Mt. Lebanon
- Murska Sobota Local Issue
- Muscat
- Muscat and Oman
- Mustique
- Myanmar
- Mytilene
- N. W. Pacific Islands
- N.German Postal Dist.
- Nabha
- Nagorno Karabakh
- Namibia
- Nandgaon
- Nanking
- Nanumaga
- Nanumea
- Naples
- Nashville
- Natal
- Nauru
- Negeri Sembilan
- Nejd
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- Netherlands Antilles
- Netherlands Caribbean
- Netherlands Indies
- Netherlands New Guinea
- Netzschkau Reichenbach
- Nevis
- New Britain
- New Brunswick
- New Caledonia
- New Guinea
- New Haven
- New Hebrides
- New Orleans
- New Republic
- New Smyrna
- New South Wales
- New York
- New York, N.Y.
- New Zealand
- Newfoundland
- Newnan
- Nicaragua
- Niesky
- Niger
- Niger Coast Protectorate
- Nigeria
- Nikolajevsk
- Nisiros
- Niuafoou
- Niue
- Niutao
- Norfolk
- Norfolk Island
- North Borneo
- North Carolina
- North China
- North Epirus
- North Ingermanland
- North Korea
- North Korean Occ. South Korea
- North Laos
- North Morocco
- North Vietnam
- North Yemen
- Northeast
- Northeast China
- Northern Epirus
- Northern Ireland
- Northern Marianas Islands
- Northern Nigeria
- Northern Rhodesia
- Northwest China
- Norway
- Nossi Be
- Nova Scotia
- Nui
- Nukufetau
- Nukulaelae
- Nyasaland
- Nyassa
- Oakway
- Obock
- Oil Rivers Protectorate
- Old Germany
- Oldenburg
- Oltre Giuba
- Oman
- OPD Berlin
- OPD Dresden
- OPD Erfurt
- OPD Halle
- OPD Leipzig
- OPD Schwerin
- Orange Free State
- Orange River Colony
- Orchha
- Outer Seychelles
- Pahang
- Pakistan
- Palau
- Palestine
- Palm Island
- Panama
- Papal State
- Papua
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Parma
- Patiala
- Patmos
- Penang/Pulau Pinang
- Penrhyn Island
- Pensacola
- Perak
- Perlis
- Peru
- Petersburg
- Peterspost Private Post
- Petit St. Vincent
- Philadelphia, Pa
- Philippines
- Piscopi
- Pitcairn Islands
- Pittsylvania Court House
- Plains of Dura
- Plauen
- Pleasant Shade
- Plum Creek
- Poland
- Poland Local Issues 1918-1919
- Poland Local Issues 1944-1945
- Poland Town Post 1914-1918
- Ponco
- Ponta Delgada
- Poonch
- Port Arthur and Dairen
- Port Gdansk
- Port Gibson
- Port Lavaca
- Portugal
- Portuguese Africa
- Portuguese Congo
- Portuguese Guinea
- Portuguese India
- Postmasters Issues
- Preussen
- Prince Edward Island
- Providence
- Prune Island
- Puerto Rico
- Qatar
- Queensland
- Quelimane
- Rajasthan
- Rajpipla
- Raleigh
- Rarotonga
- Ras al Khaima
- Redonda
- Regional Definitives
- Regional Definitives England
- Regional Definitives Guernsey
- Regional Definitives Isle of Man
- Regional Definitives Jersey
- Regional Definitives N. Ireland
- Regional Definitives Scotland
- Regional Definitives Wales
- Reunion
- Rheatown
- Rhodesia
- Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- Richmond
- Ringgold
- Rio de Oro
- Rio Muni
- Riouw Archipelago
- Rodi
- Romagna
- Romania
- Romanian Post Konstantinopel
- Romanian Post Turkish Empire
- Ross Dependency
- Rouad, Ile
- Ruanda Urundi
- Russia
- Russia Local Issues
- Russian Army of the North
- Russian Army of the Northwest
- Russian Army of the West
- Russian Civil War
- Russian Post China
- Russian Post Turkish Empire
- Russian Zone
- Rutherfordton
- Rwanda
- Ryukyu Islands
- Saar
- Saargebiet
- Saarland
- Saba
- Sabah
- Sachsen
- Salem
- Salisbury
- Samoa
- Samos
- San Antonio
- San Marino
- Santander
- Sao Tome And Principe
- Sarawak
- Sardinia
- Saudi Arabia
- Savannah
- Saxony
- Scarpanto
- Schleswig Holstein
- Schwarzenberg
- Seiyun, Kathiri State of
- Selangor
- Selma
- Senegal
- Senegambia And Niger
- Serbia
- Serbian Krajina
- Serbian Rep. B and H
- Sevastopol
- Seychelles
- Shanghai
- Sharjah
- Shensi
- Shkodra
- Sicily
- Sierra Leone
- Sierra Leone 2018-Present
- Simi
- Singapore
- Sinkiang
- Sint Maartin
- Sirmoor
- Slesvig
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomon Islands
- Somali Coast
- Somalia
- Somaliland Protectorate
- Sopron
- Soruth
- South Africa
- South African Republic
- South Australia
- South Bulgaria
- South Carolina
- South China
- South Georgia
- South Georgia and S. Sandwich Isl
- South Kasai
- South Korea
- South Moluccas
- South Orkneys
- South Shetlands
- South Sudan
- South Vietnam
- South West Africa
- South Yemen
- Southern Nigeria
- Southern Rhodesia
- Southwest China
- Sovereign Order of Malta
- Spain
- Spanish Colonies
- Spanish Cuba
- Spanish Guinea
- Spanish Morocco
- Spanish Sahara
- Spanish Tangier
- Spanish West Africa
- Spanish West Indies
- Sparta
- Spartanburg
- Spremberg
- Sri Lanka
- St. Christopher
- St. Christopher Nevis Anguilla
- St. Eustatius
- St. Helena
- St. Kitts
- St. Kitts Nevis
- St. Louis
- St. Louis, Mo
- St. Lucia
- St. Pierre et Miquelon
- St. Thomas and Prince Islands
- St. Vincent
- St. Vincent And The Grenadines
- Stampalia
- Statesville
- Ste. Marie de Madagascar
- Stellaland
- Straits Settlements
- Sudan
- Suez Canal
- Sumter
- Sungei Ujong
- Suriname
- Swaziland
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Szechwan
- Szeged
- Tahiti
- Taiwan
- Tajikistan
- Talbotton
- Talca
- Talladega
- Tammerfors
- Tanganyika
- Tannu Touva
- Tanzania
- Tasmania
- Tellico Plains
- Temesvar
- Tennessee
- Test
- Tete
- Tetuan
- Texas
- Thailand
- Thomasville
- Thrace
- Thuringen
- Thurn and Taxis
- Tibet
- Tibet, Chinese Post
- Tiflis
- Timor
- Timor Leste
- Tobago
- Tobago Cays
- Togo
- Tokelau Islands
- Tolima
- Tonga
- Transbaikal Province
- Transcaucasian Federated Republics
- Transkei
- Transnistria
- Transvaal
- Travancore
- Travancore/Cochin
- Trengganu
- Trieste A.M.G.V.G.
- Trieste Zone A
- Trieste Zone B
- Trinidad
- Trinidad And Tobago
- Tripolitania
- Tristan da Cunha
- Trucial States
- Tsing Hai
- Tsingtau
- Tullahoma
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Turks And Caicos Islands
- Turks Islands
- Tuscaloosa
- Tuscany
- Tuscumbia
- Tuvalu
- U.K.T.T.
- U.S. Cuba
- U.S. Post China
- UAR Occ. Palestine
- Ubangi Shari
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Umm al Qiwain
- UN Geneva
- UN New York
- UN Vienna
- Union Island
- Uniontown
- Unionville
- United Arab Emirates
- United Arab Republic Syria
- United States
- Upper Senegal And Niger
- Upper Silesia
- Upper Volta
- Upper Yafa
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Vaitupu
- Valdosta
- Vanuatu
- Vatican City
- Veglia/Krk
- Venda
- Venezuela
- Victoria
- Victoria, Tex
- Vietcong
- Vietnam
- Virginia
- Vlora
- Vryburg
- Wadwan
- Wallis and Futuna Islands
- Walterborough
- Warrenton
- Washington
- Watlam
- Weatherford
- Wenden
- West Irian
- West New Guinea
- West Thrace
- Western Australia
- Western Hungary/Lajtabanat
- Western Sahara
- Western Ukraine
- Wilayah Persekutuan
- World War 1 Occupations
- World War 2 Occupations
- Wrangel Army
- Wuhu
- Wurttemberg
- Yemen
- Yemen, Kingdom
- Young Island
- Yugoslavia
- Yugoslavia, Senta
- Yunnan
- Zambezia
- Zambia
- Zanzibar
- Zelaya/Bluefields
- Zil Eloigne Sesel
- Zil Elwagne Sesel
- Zil Elwannyen Sesel
- Zimbabwe
- Zululand
- Zurich