Ukraine Post: 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations with the United States  On the 8th of May, the Ukrainian postal service issued a stamp celebrating the 25 anniversary of diplomatic relation between Ukraine and the Unites States. The US recognized Ukraine as an independent country in 1991, and in 1992, the consulate was changed to an embassy. Although the relationship between the two countries have been under pressure at times, the general relationship is cordial. The celebratory stamp depicts the flag of both countries at the top, and have the coat of arms from both countries shown below as well. The left side depicts the flag and Coat of Arms of Ukraine, with the American flag and Coat of Arms on the right. Below these, the official date of the 25th anniversary is written. The stamp is denominated at RPH 4.40, and is produced in sheets of 9 stamps. You can find it in our catalogue. Correios Spain: Gallego & Rey - History of Spain This issue from the 3rd of May consists of two blocks. The two blocks depict the history of Spain in the 19th and 20th century respectively. The blocks are composed of one actual stamp, and 12 vignettes, each showing a person, place, or occurrence from Spanish history in the particular century. The block shown here is the one depicting the 20th century, and include such events as the Franco dictatorship regime, the Civil War, and the reign of King Juan Carlos I. The stamp depicts King Juan Carlos I holding an olive branch and making a peace dove in shadow play. The stamp is denominated at 3.00, and can be found in our catalogue, where the second part of the issue is also available here. Posta Magyar: Postal History On May 4th Magyar Posta issued a set of 6 stamps, which feature different items related to postal history. The stamps are definitives, and are issued as individual stamps and FDC's only. The stamps show different postal items, such as hand stamps, mail boxes, post horns, and much more. The stamps carry different denominations and range from 5 Forint, to 300 Forint. The stamp shown here, depicts a post office sign, carrying the Coat of Arms and a post horn. The full set can be found in our catalogue. |